Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

      “So, this is where tryouts are?” I asked Chase, as we neared the ginormous gym.

      “I guess? I haven’t really been to this part of the building in a while,” he admitted, scratching the back of his head slightly.

      “Why start now?”

      “Because I think we would make an adorable couple, and the more time I spend with you, the more I know you’ll be into me,” he smirked. In some aspects, he was right. That was how it generally worked. The more time one spent with another, the more fond they grow. Though, I had more than a sneaking suspicion that that wouldn’t be the case with Chase Ryan.

      “But, Chase, I’ve already said, I’m never going out with you. Ever,” I said firmly.

      “Jules, you’re so silly!” he laughed, slinking an arm around my waist.

      “I know, I crack myself up all the time!” I removed his arm, and then proceeded into the gym.

      Ah, yes. This was my turf. I wasn’t talking about turf as in the asphalt, because that was outside. I belonged in a gym... well, not really, but sometimes. Volleyball was something that calmed me, and allowed all of my aggression to be released. Occasionally, it was just what I needed. Today, apparently, were tryouts for the team, and I was ready to take down any senior bitch that got in the way of my rightful spot on the team.

      “Where are the locker rooms?” I asked, my eyes scanning about the glossy floor and elongated ceilings of the space.

      “Straight ahead. If you need me to go in with you, I’m sure I can help,” Chase winked.

      “No, that’s fine,” I immediately shot down.

      “Okay. Well, I’m just putting you on notice, Aiden and I will both be watching you, and cheering you on,” he informed me as if it was something that would make my stomach flip. 

      “Why would I care?” I sighed.

      “Oh, I just wanted to let you know so that you weren’t too overwhelmed by my hotness and his ego,” he smirked.

      “I think it’s the other way around,” I mumbled, shaking my head.

      “No, it’s not. Go change,” he instructed, pushing me forward in the direction of the specific category of rooms I had requested.

      After stepping in, I found a locker to hold my stuff. I changed into a pair of shorts, a T-shirt, and my shoes. Then, I put my hair up in a high ponytail, and positioned an orange headband in my head just in case my hair tie decided to randomly snap. I was ready. There were other girls in the locker room, but they were completely ignoring me …or so I had originally thought.

      “Hey, are you Julia Tylers?” a tall girl asked, coming up to me as I shoved the rest of my clothes in my locker. I glanced over to her more carefully, and instantly knew that she was a senior. She had to be.

      To say that she was pretty would’ve been an understatement. She was gorgeous. Her hair was dark chocolate—kind of like Chase’s—and wasn’t quite curly, but couldn’t be classified as straight, either. It was wavy. She had mocha-colored eyes that had makeup applied to them, but not too much so that it looked unnatural or bad. Despite the fact that she was dressed to play volleyball, I had a hunch that this girl would look nice in anything she wore.

      “Jules, and yeah,” I looked up to her.

      “Oh, cool! I’m Talia!” she introduced herself, waving energetically.

      “Hi,” I said, slightly intimidated by her appearance. Any girl would be.

      “Your brother is Adam Tylers, right?” And there it was. Yet another one. My brother was, well, my brother, and for some odd, irrational reason, certain, deranged, psychotic individuals of the female gender found him “attractive.” I didn’t get it. Anyways, it had happened on more than one occasion that a girl would come up to me, and then start talking about my brother. Not really the most enjoyable of topics in the world to discuss.

      “Unfortunately,” I shuddered.

      “We’re dating,” she shared with a large smile that exposed her perfect teeth, most likely from years of good dental hygiene and orthodontics.

      “Oh.” Adam had a new girlfriend. She liked volleyball—I liked her …so far. The thing about Adam’s girlfriends was that they always looked pretty on the outside, and seemed nice enough at first, but they never ceased to somehow disappoint eventually.

      “He mentioned that you played volleyball. Are you any good?” she inquired, bending down to tighten a shoelace.

      “I guess,” I shrugged, not knowing her standards.

      “Good! So, when you make the team, maybe we’ll get to know each other a little better! He said you were a pretty cool kid!” she grinned again.

      “Thanks,” I said, refraining from making a comment about how she and my brother’s “relationship” would probably be over within the next week.

      “I just have to ask you a question,” she bit the edge of her lip, contemplating whether or not to go on. I knew what was coming next.

      “No, I’m not a slut. Yes, I am a virgin. Yes, I was friends with Emily Robert and Taylor Kennings. No, I’m not anymore,” I looked down as I said the words, answering her unasked query.

      “How’d you—” she began.

      I shook my head, ashamed of the repuatation that I had left behind. “What else would you be thinking about with a rep like mine?”

      “So, all the rumors?” she scrunched her eyebrows together.

      “Half and half. Some true, some not,” I shrugged it off.

      “Did you ever… hook up with freshman when you were, like, in seveth grade?” she questioned.

      “My brother was a freshman, then, so that would mean his friends. His male friends, who came over to my house all the time. That one’s unfortunately true,” I shuddered at the memories.

      “You’ve hooked up with guys from my grade?” she asked skeptically, confirming my initial thoughts of her being a senior.

      “Yeah,” gulped evenly.


      “What?” If I had been drinking water I would’ve choked. I couldn’t have heard her correctly. Impossible.

      “I mean, the fact that have hooked up with guys two years older than you is pretty impressive,” she remarked with a serious expression.

      “Or slutty.”

      “Yeah, that too,” she agreed. “Let’s go! Tryouts start in, like, ten minutes!”

      We exited the locker room, and went back into the gym. There were girls practicing their serves, texting, and talking. I glimpsed at the bleacher quickly, and, sure enough, Chase and Aiden were there. Chase winked at me once he realized I was looking at him, and they then started to advance towards me.

      “Making friends with Aiden and Chase, I see?” Talia asked, as a smile crept up her face.

      “Kinda,” I admitted.

      “I love how they think they’re ‘the shit’ it cracks me up! Once Aiden asked me out, and I was like, ‘You’re a freshman. I’m a junior. Get away from me.’ It was so funny!” Yup. It was official. I definitely liked Talia. Such a shame my brother would eventually do something to screw things up between them...

      “Jules!” Chase said with a huge grin. “I think that volleyball is my new favorite sport!”

      “And why would that be?” I asked hesitantly, noticing that Talia had taken leave to go talk to a blonde girl in the distance.

      “Because you look hot!” Aiden snorted as if it was obvious.

      “I always look hot,” I rolled my eyes, aware of how conceited I sounded. 

      “Agreed,” Chase said, putting his hands around my waist.

      “I’ve already told you, please don’t touch me!” I said.

      “But that’s the only thing I want to do right now,” he smirked, not removing his hands.

      “Uh huh. Well, you know what,” I whispered into his ear.


      “I think you should really let go of me!” I yelled loudly into his eardrum.

      “Where’s the fun in that?” he laughed.

      “Well, there’s none in it for you, but for me it would be a freaking blast!” He only tightened his grip around my waist at that.

      “Don’t worry Jules, I’m not going to try to kiss you or anything; I’m saving that for when we’re alone,” the arrogant boy promised with another dumb wink. He was starting to get on my nerves. Big time.

      “Jules!” Izzy piped, grabbing my arm, and pulling me over to her from Chase’s grasp.

      “Hey Izzy!” I greeted, happy to be away from that boy.

      “I didn’t know you played volleyball!”

      “Well, I do.”

      “I can see that! Come on!” she pulled me over to a large mass of other girls, all most likely there for the same reason that we were: volleyball.

      Volleyball tryouts started, and I remembered how much I truly loved the games. From the jumping and the diving, to the serves and the digs. Everyone was divided into four groups, and then we played mini scrimmages against each other, as the coach watched. By the time we were done, I was pretty darn confident that I had gotten a spot on that team. 

      I didn’t feel like changing, so I merely grabbed my stuff from the locker room and left, still clad in shorts and a T-shirt.

      “See ya later!” Talia said, as I withdrew from the gym.

      “Yeah, you too!” I called back, watching her walk towards the parking lot.

      “You were pretty great!” Chase said, coming out of nowhere and slinging his arm around my shoulders.

      “I know,” I said, lifting his ligament off quickly.

      “See, I’ve been told that I tend to be a bit ‘cocky’, and ‘full of myself’, but, compared to you, I actually sound modest!” he laughed.

      “It’s called self confidence, as I’m sure you know,” I sighed, biting down on the edge of my lip.

      “Jules, you were really great!” Izzy said as I watched her head for a black car.

      “So were you!” I yelled back. Izzy was okay. Not as good as me, but she was still pretty good. Talia, on the other hand, may have been better than me. Crazy, but it was the hard truth. 


Logan’s POV 

I saw Jules walk out of the school talking to Chase. She looked great. She was nothing but a pair of shorts and a T-shirt that fit body pretty damn well. I think she had mentioned that she was going to volleyball tryouts this afternoon, so most likely that was where she was coming from.

      “Jules!” I called. I caught a sign of relief wash over her face as she spotted me.

      “Logan!” she returned.

      “How were tryouts?” I asked casually, catching up to her.

      “Good,” she nodded. “So, Logan, where are you headed?”

      “Skate park. You’re coming,” I said.

      “Am I?”

      “Yes,” I determined firmly.

      “And who says I would want to?” she challenged.

      “You said in California you surfed, which also means you can skateboard,” I reasoned. 

      “I have to admit, I am pretty epic when it comes to skateboarding... and most things,” she mused with a smug grin.

      “I bet,” I mumbled, discreetly looking over her once more. 

      “Can I come?” Chase asked. I shook my head. He was trying way too hard. From what she told me the other night, at the party, about her ‘Prince Charming’, I had a hunch that she was pretty off limits to both of us, which sucked.

      “Do you even know how to skateboard?” Jules questioned, as annoyance seeped through her voice.

      “No, but to see you fall, and then run up to you to help, and then hook up, is just too great a chance to pass up!” I rolled my eyes at his words, his presence starting to seriously bother me.

      “Well, that’s only in your dreams, because, like I said before, I’m pretty awesome at it,” Jules shot back.

      Jules was like every guy’s dream girl. She was hot, sarcastic, hot, funny, hot, independent, hot, kind of smart, hot, opinionated, hot, had an attitude, hot, was into skateboarding, hot, and, most importantly, she was really chill! How could anyone not fall for this chick?

      “Fine. Chase, are you coming?” I asked, biting my tongue to hold back the slew of words I would’ve rather said to him. 

      “Yeah,” he said, “I think I am.”

      “Okay, cool. We’ll walk,” I said.

      Since these two had probably never been to the skate park, it would certainly be a learning experience. Chase was probably going to hate it, and Jules would most likely love every inch of it. I led the way, and the three of us talked. Chase wouldn’t stop hitting on her, and Jules wouldn’t stop physically hitting him. Eventually, we reached it.

      The two of them were both silent as we got to the gates. They were probably taking in the scent of the cigarettes, or looking at the few stoners in the corner who were pushing a skateboard using their hands around the pavement. The first time I came here, I knew I belonged. All the ramps, jumps, and smooth tar to ride around on were heaven to me. I came here a lot, and knew a lot of the other people who chilled here. It was nice.

      “Evans!” Cody said, fist bumping me the second he spotted me. “Who’s the chick and the douche?”

      “Jules,” Jules introduced.

      “Like the name. Why are ya here?” he asked, giving her a once-over.

      “Why are you here?” she turned the question back on him.

      Cody blinked, thinking over his answer. “To skate.”

      “So, then that’s why I’m here too,” she said strongly.

      “I like this chick!” Cody approved. “She’s cute, too.” Yes, she most definitely was. “So, you skate, huh?”

      “Yeah,” Jules responded lightly.

      “Show me.” Cody tossed his board at her, which she surprisingly caught, and then threw to the ground. She stepped on it, and, without hesitation, we saw her go. Making her way over to a ramp, she smoothly slid down it. She did a few kick flips, but what impressed me most was that she actually knew how to skate. It wasn’t fake and looked as though she had done it in the past.

      “Sick!” Cody said once she had finished.

      “Hot!” Chase said.

      “It’s a good talent to have,” she said, giving Cody back his board.

      “You practice?” he asked.

      “Not really. My b—my friend taught me how; he’s really good,” she smiled.

      “So, Jules, do you skate, like, a lot?” I inquired.

      She shook her head. “Nah. Not really into it, I like watching, though.”

      “So, Logan, how many times have you smoked pot here before?” she asked completely unexpectedly.

      “A few,” I answered honestly. I had a hunch that she was the type of girl who could care less about stuff like that, so chose to reply truthfully.

      “Mhmm...” she mumbled as her phone beeped. I prayed that it wasn’t that guy she had been constantly talking to again. “Shit!”

      “What?” Chase asked, concerned.

      “Adam was supposed to pick me up at school. Whoops!” her fingers swiftly lingered above her phone as she responded.

Jules’ POV

I saw Adam’s car pull up in the parking lot, and he got out, looking seriously pissed. His eyes were narrowed as he spotted me, and he had that same look on imprinted on his face that he did on that one time that I accidentally poured a cup of cold water on him when he was sleeping. Okay, so, maybe it wasnt an accident, but still.

      “Seriously, Jules?” he demanded, as he saw me standing there with Logan, Chase, and some cute blonde kid named Cody.

      “Seriously,” I said as if nothing was wrong.

      “Let’s go!” he groaned.

      “Bye, guys!” I sighed, turning to face them apologetically.

      “Are you coming back another time?” Cody asked hopefully.

      “Probably. I like it here,” I said.

      “Well, I like it in the car, so, come on!” Adam said, grabbing my forearm and dragging me away. I waved to the boys as I was pulled to the vehicle.

      As we got into the car Adam said, “You better not have been hooking up with a single one of those boys, and be going back to the old you.”

      “Wouldn’t dream of being that monster again,” I muttered under my breath.


      “Besides, Josh is coming in like a week!” I added happily.

      “I like that kid,” he commented, slowly cooling down from before.

      “Me too. Oh! D you know who I met today?” I rested my head on the back of the cushioned seat in which I was situated.


      “Tal-ia,” I sung. “I like her, you better not blow it with her.”

      “No, of course not. She’s the one blowing me,” Adam smirked.

      “I’m going to barf!” I proclaimed, shivering at his disgusting remark. “She seemed normal and nice. Then again, they all start out that way, so, I’m not sure.”

      “Believe me, you’ll like her,” he promised, a content grin meeting his face as he drove away. All I wanted to do was believe him.

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