Chapter 5 - Older and Younger

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A/N: Sorry for not updating in forever, I've had lots of things going on. Lots of moving, assessments and tests, that kind of thing. But I hope to be updating more around xmas time. Hope you enjoy this chapter! -Jay

( Third persons pov )

As the young blond boy lazily ran across the rooftops in the Village Hidden in the Leaves with a raven haired man following; the other two blonds which were from the future, were walking down the streets looking in the stall to buy some food for the empty compound or safe house that they were going to.
"Tou-chan, how could you sense those Anbu back in Old man Hiiruzen's office?" The young masked genin asked. At this Naruto sighed, he didn't want to tell his son the truth. 'I cant tell him it's because I've needed to always be on alert because of those villagers...' He thought. "Just tell him it's practice or that your a sensor type, Kit." Kurama said, he felt sorry for his Kit. "Tou-chan?" Boruto asked. "Well Boruto, it's because I'm a sensor type; plus I practiced." The blond man said. "Now, pick what dessert you want, I've already got everything we need for dinner." Naruto said as he nudged his son's shoulder, making the younger blond huff in annoyance. "Yeah, yeah" Boruto said as he placed some dorayaki in on the counter of the stall. "Ah, some dorayaki I see. That will be 200 yen please" The stall owner said, and Naruto gladly gave him the money. "Boruto, hold on to my hand." Naruto said. "But tou-chan, that's embarrassing!" Said the teenaged boy, his cheeks were starting to flush. Naruto sighed, "We are just going to shushin Boruto. Now hold my hand." The elder blond said. With a sigh, Boruto eventually held his father's hand.
The blonds appeared outside of what seems to be treehouse in a forest. "Tou-san, is this the forest that we aren't allowed in? The forest of death?" Boruto asked with a scared voice. "Yeah, I would come here when the villag... I mean this is my second house, a tree house." Naruto said. 'I nearly slipped up, got to be more careful.' Naruto thought to himself.
"Tou-san, isnt it dangerous to be here? All those big animals could kill us!" Boruto shouted. He quickly covered his mouth as the loud noise would a attract the animals. Naruto merely chuckled and shook his head. Boruto turned to his father "What's so funny?! The animals here are dangerous! It's not funny tou-san!" Boruto shouted. Naruto just patted his son's head and chuckled some more. "Boruto, the animals in this forest are my friends. They would always protect my younger self from harms way. They were like family to me..." Naruto said with a small smile. "Why are we here and not at the compound, tou-san?" Boruto asked. "Because it was easier to shushin here, plus Sasuke knows the forest better" Naruto said.
"Now lets go inside. Sasuke should be here with our guest in a little bit, lets get the food ready" The elder blond said as he entered the small treehouse. "Guest? Eh, tou-san. What guest? Tou-san?" Boruto asked as he followed his father into the treehouse. "You'll just have to wait and see" Naruto responded, causing the younger blond to pout.

~With the raven and even smaller blond~
The small blond was leading Sasuke over all the houses towards the forest of death. "Why are we going there, little Naruto?" Sasuke asked as he caught up with the blond. "You can sense them, right? We are meeting them in my safe house" The blond said as he sped off, Sasuke following close behind.
They eventually landed at the gates of the forest of death, little Naruto stretching before he whistled. "What was the point in that?" Sasuke asked. Little Naruto just smiled and pointed to the gate. Behind the gate was a ten foot wolf. "Sasuke, this is Chibi. Chibi this is Uchiha Sasuke. He isn't an enemy so you cannot eat him." Naruto said as he walked over the the wolf and patted her head. Chibi helped the blond get on her back and then stood up. "Are we going to the house, Master?" Chibi asked. "How many times Chibi? I am not your master, I am your friend; if anything, we are family!" The blond said as he hit the wolf on the head. "Now stop calling me Master. And yes, lets go home. Sasuke, you follow behind us." Little Naruto said as Chibi sped off into the forest, Sasuke following close behind as told.

~A little time skip brought to you by a big Fox~
After about five minutes of high speed running, Chibi finally stopped out side of the treehouse, Sasuke just behind her. Little Naruto thanked the wolf for the ride and then jumped down.
"So this is the safe house, huh?" Sasuke asked. Little Natuto merely nodded his head as he made his way up the stairs. "Are you coming or not?" Little Naruto asked as he walked into his house. Sasuke sighed and followed the boy inside.
"Tou-san, I think they are here. I can here Uncle's voice outside!" Boruto said. "Well let's hope that we can finish setting the table in time" Naruto said and he placed the plates down. Boruto nodded his head and helped his father finish setting the table. As they finished setting the table, a boy walked in, Sasuke just behind him. "Tou-san, is that. Is that you?" Boruto asked, he was shocked at how small his father was; he looked like a baby! "So you must be my son then, Boruto I assume?" Little Naruto asked. Causing Boruto to nod. "How do you know my name? We are from the future, you aren't supposed to know!" Boruto shouted. Little Naruto just smiled, he then sat at the table.
"So, was our inclination right? Older Naruto?" Little Naruto asked in a broken voice. Boruto was shocked as he hadn't expected his father to sound like that, so broken; especially at that age. All eyes turned to the elder Naruto.
Naruto sighed as he didn't want to admit it. "Yes..." Was all he said before he started to eat, ignoring the stares from his son and teammate.
Little Naruto nodded his head, a few tears slipped down his cheeks. "So they haven't changed one bit? Heh, why am I not surprised? How could they when we are who we are" little Naruto said as he wiped his face. "What do you mean, little tou-san?" Boruto asked.
"A demon." Answered elder Naruto, causing Boruto to jump. Boruto looked at his father, for the first time he saw that he was in pain. "But tou-san, you aren't Kurama; he is just sealed inside of you!" Boruto argued. "But Boruto, the villagers do not see us like that. Your father and I have been hated since the moment we or I was born; nothing will change. Not one single thing..." Little Naruto said in anger and sadness.
It was Sasuke who spoke next. "Why didn't you tell anyone? About the beatings and other stuff..." Sasuke asked Naruto. Boruto look at his uncle in horror, his father couldn't possibly be beaten by the villagers, right?
"Because who would believe a demon, Sasuke?" Both Naruto's said with a sigh.

(End of Chapter)

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