Going to find another secert underground when we split up

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Nina pov

I get the key as it began to jingle as if it knows where we are to be exact.

"Does it always does that?" Jackie asked
"No, not really. I wander it might show us wh-" I got cut off when it pulled me as the door open and everyone went wide eyes tying to catch up to me and I was in the traffic as car's honked their horns and drove over yelling.
"Sorry!I'm not used to flying a little from my portal key!" I said as the others followed me

Marlon pov

As we ran across the street followed by the honking to tell us to get out of the road, we kept trying to catch up with Nina.

"Wow, she is fast Ben it comes to that key? How are able to catch up?" Jackie asks while running
"You know if my will come to a stop when its-Ahh!" Ja'Quan screams
"HEY WE'RE WALKING HERE!" Delexus yells
"That's my girl." I said smirking
"C'mon! We have t follow Nina." Jackson said

Nina pov

As I made my way to a stepping point I waited for the others to come as I looked at the key to figure our this mystery.

"I wander why it brought me here?"I asked myself
"Nina!" Jermaine calls out
"Hey!" I said
"You got us scare for leaving us like that." He says
"Sorry, but that's why the key did it." I said

"Well I guess it was bringing us to a tree?" Marlon said with a eyebrow up looking at the tree
"It probably doesn't seemed to have-" I cut Jackson off
"A key hole." I said putting the key in the whole

Once I put the key in the hole, the tree glitters as it began to open up as we looked inside it and saw 3 tunnels.

"I think we'll have to go in one of them guys." I said
"How abortion groups?" Jackie asks am so nodded


Michael, Nina, and. Lil Michael
Jermaine, Kyree,Vashuan, Tito,and Marlon
Jackie, Charlie, Delexus,Jackie, Jada,and Randy

Michael pov

As we got to discovering I held both of their hands cause it was dark.

"I wish we had some light in here." I said as Nina's key began to glow for us to see as she began to float but we held onto her
"No problem."
"So let me get this straight. This key glow and shine also float whenever Nina controls it?" My little self asked
"Yep and she can also control time." I said

"Wow! Just hope you don't make any changes to this time and the future." He said as we laughed then we stopped at a dead end
"No why in the world this key make us to a de-" I git cut off as we all of us fell down a whole with a slide as we scream and then began to laugh of how fun it was

As we slide down I came to a stop and sighed in relief.

"At least it's over." I said
"Michael!" They both said as I went wide eyes as they were right behind me as Michael came behind me and Nina grabbed the key as she flew upwards instead of Michael who landed on...me.
"Ouch!" We said in pain

"You two ok?" Nina asked floating down
"Yeah we're fine." I said sustaining ourselves off

We came down we'll, underground as if we saw hole New world down here. It was filled with different keys.

"What's is this place?" Michael asks
"I bet know. But it's beautiful! I wander why we came here?" Nina thought
"This is a lot of keys to have someone to choose." I said

We stopped to where it had another key whole to go through. We were getting anxious.

Jackie pov

As we looked around we saw that everything was amazing inside cause when we fell through the hole we founded lots of keys.

"Jackie!" Michael said well my younger one did
"Hey!" But I got cut of when the rest fell on me as we groan in pain
"Sorry jackie !" They said as the other three were about to help up till Jermaines group came and fell onto of me...again.
"Sorry Jackie." They said
"Y'all good!" As Charlie and Jada helped me up to my feet

"So did you find anything?" I ask Nina
"Yeah, a key hole." She said
"Well what are you waiting for? Put it in!" Vashuan says

As Nina placed th key in the hole and then it glowed out magic in the air as we saw little fairies coming out with smiles on their faces as they made a rainbow everywhere as a green time portal showed as it showed a man in an hospital bed drowning in pain as we all got quiet and listened.

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