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Omer Pov

I was waiting for lunch to come by as I look at the clock that only one more minute to go and Kaleigh should be here so that way we could go eat lunch together. As the bell rang for lunch, I went down the hallway to wait for her to come through the doors with her lunch and she did. She came hurrying over to me as we quickly got on the roof top and sat together to eat and talk.

"Kaleigh, I meant to ask where are you from?" I asked as she let out a sigh before looking at the other direction.

"...I live in North Carolina but I wasn't born yet like at the age you are now its complicated. I don't know if I should tell you or you'll freak out apparently." She mumbled as I took her hand in mind to nonchalantly at her as she cleared her throat to speak.

"I'm from the future of 2019. I am a high school student at Hertford County High and a Junior as well. I just turned 16 years old that year and have carrying on my life as a normal and cheerful high school brat." She explained as my mouth gaped open shocked that she was from the future and we didn't even knew each other until now in the past I believe.


"I knew I shouldn't have-"

"That is super cool! Your from the future and another time period than this. How did it work for taking you here!?" I asked.

"Your gonna have to ask my dear friend Nina that question because she's the one and only who brought us here. She has a time travel key that her dear grandfather gave her that was able to take us way back in time to meet Michael in the first place. First came Jackson's time machine then came her time key. Simple." She shrugged.

"I see. That's awesome and do you know anything about me in the future?" I asked.

"I don't think so. Probably should ask Nina that." 

"Oh....If you do ever get a chance to know about me in the future could you please try to contact me the best way as possible?" I pleaded as she nodded and we shared a small quick hug.

The bell then ring as I took Kaleigh's soft hand in mine to escort her out of the building when we heard Crystal's voice dragging herself behind us,"Omer! Wait up and -Oh...I see that SHE'S back." She sneered at Kaleigh who yelped a bit before hiding her face into my arm as I glared at Crystal.

"Crystal, please leave her alone. We're just hanging out and I don't want you to ruin it." I said leading Kaleigh out of the building as I dig into my pocket to hand her a charm bracelet.

"For me?" She asked.

"It's for being the cool kid to hang out with and the most beautiful girl in the world." I smirked as she jumped into my arms to hug me before saying goodbye with a short wave. 


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