Three: Save him

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Leo stood up and walked over to the mouth of the cave. Kronos had gone to find something for Leo to eat and hasn't come back in a few hours. Leo looked out at the space below him. He's only known three demigods to ever make it out of here...and they had each gone through hell. Was he going to end up just like them? Or was he going to just be trapped forever thinking that monsters were going to kill him every time he turned his back? He couldn't even go back to camp even if he wanted to...he was banished. Leo sighed and walked back over to the fire. He poked it with a stick when suddenly he noticed something from the corner of his eyes. A rainbow was appearing in the light. He laughed a bit.

"I can receive messages in hell? Who knew..." he walked closer and smiled sadly when he saw who was trying to get into contact with him. He couldn't hear what was being said but by the looks of things, he knew they were coming for him.

"We are...we promise....don't give up." Leo smiled at those words as the image faded. He looked at the mouth of the cave and then back at the fire. He wouldn't give up. He stood up and walked over to the fire. His friends were coming for him! They'd save him. He felt himself drift off to sleep and he hoped he wouldn't have any dreams. Boy was that a bad decision.

~~~Leo's dream~~~

"You won't be able to bring him back to camp Percy why aren't you listening to me?" Poseidon looked at Percy annoyed.

"We don't care that we can't! We just want him out of that place! Even if we have to find somewhere for him to stay after...he can't stay there." Percy threw more things into a bag and slung it over his shoulder. "I want to know what he knows." Percy whispered.

"No!" Poseidon shook his head immediately.

"He told us some of the story, but I want to know there a way to know?" Percy looked up.

"Even if there was, we would never allow you all to see that." The God shook his head. "That boy did enough damage."

"Yet he made it seem like you were all on his side." Percy sighed. "I thought after everything, you'd all at least be able to see what he did for us? We were told about most of the situation from the other reality before he came back but I wanted to have my memories. I wanted to comfort my friend. Why can't you see that dad? I want him to know I see him."

"Percy, a lot of things that happened...we can't allow you to relive it." Percy scoffed as he walked out of his cabin. Leo followed and when he saw who was standing waiting for Percy tears filled his eyes. Frank, Hazel, Piper, Jason, Nico, and Will. He looked over and saw a blue haired girl exit the Aphrodite cabin carrying a bag.

"Oh my gosh..." Leo smiled at Lexi as she nodded to the other demigods.

"Let's go get our friend."

~~~present time~~~

Leo opened his eyes and wiped the tears that were falling. He looked around and saw that the fire had gone out and that Kronos still wasn't back. Leo walked to the edge of the cave. He looked out and froze when he saw Kana. Shit. Shit. Shit. He backed up quickly and leaned against the wall as close as he possibly could get to it. His breathing picked up as he heard footsteps approaching the cave. Shit. He backed up quickly. Suddenly tripping over a rock just as she entered the cave.

"Oh look what we have here." She walked in and the cave lit up. "You must be the demigod we sensed." Leo raised an eyebrow as he backed away from her. Does she not remember who he is??

"Uhm..." Leo backed up the best he could seeing as he was still on the floor.

"Where's the titan that supposedly has been protecting you little demigod?" She got closer and Leo immediately rushed to his feet.

"Just stay away from me! If he comes back he'll destroy you!" Tears were flowing down Leo's cheeks as flashes of her destroying his home appeared in his mind. Flashes of her killing his friends appeared and he stepped back holding his head.

"Why are you acting so strange..." she stepped closer and Leo held his arms in front of him.

"Don't come any closer to me Kana!" He gasped and held his hands to his mouth. Shit.

"You know me?" She raised an eyebrow at him. "But we've never met..." Leo tripped over a rock again and hissed in pain as he twisted his ankle on the way down.

"Uhm I didn't say a name..." Leo quickly looked away.

"You called me by name little demigod." She was suddenly towering over Leo. "How do you know it?"

"I don't!" Leo flinched as she lifted him up by his hair.

"I will get that answer out of you one way or another." She dragged him after her. Leo winced as he was dragged out into the open.

"Come on! We can talk about this! You don't have to hurt me!" She threw him down and Leo tumbled towards the edge of the cliff. He stared down in horror.

"I want answers." She got closer and Leo looked down at the edge.

"I'm afraid I don't have any for you! So if you just let me leave that would be great..." Leo went to stand but he was pushed back and he slipped. He screamed grabbing hold of the cliff. Looking down horrified.

"Fine then, goodbye demigod." She stepped on his hand and he screamed as he let go of the cliffs edge.


Percy slashed at another monster as they reached the entrance. He looked at Nico.

"Are we sure Hades won't care that we are even entering the underworld never mind using the entrance to get to you know where?"

"Trust me, he wants Leo home as much as I do." Nico walked in and they all followed. As soon as they reached the entrance to Tartarus Nico looked at the others. "Percy and I should be the ones to go...I need you all to stay put and please don't leave the door. Understand me?"

"We won't leave." AnnaBeth walked over and kissed Percy. "Just come back to us okay?" Percy nodded and smiled at Nico.

"Let's go get our friend back."


Percy stared at Kronos in shock. Kronos looked up and sighed.

"You just going to stand there Jackson?" Kronos looked at Nico. "Oh hi." He then looked back at Percy. "Get me out of the chains please? Leo's in trouble!"

"How did you end up in chains?" Nico asked. Percy stared at the titan in shock.

"Better yet, how on earth are you even in this form?" Percy asked. Kronos looked at Nico and Percy and then back at the chains.

"It would take forever to explain, and we don't have time for this..." Nico got the chains off and Kronos looked at the two as he held out his hand. "Do you trust me?"

"Uhm..." Percy looked at Nico.

"Whatever, can this help Leo?" Nico asked. Kronos nodded. They took his hand and Percy saw flashes of memories? But he didn't remember any of the scenes playing out before him ever happening. He pulled away shocked. He looked at Kronos.

"They were right..." percy looked at Nico. "Everything he told us actually did happen he just changed it..."

"Oh my gods..." Nico wiped tears from his eyes. He looked at Kronos. "Where was the last place you saw Leo?" They ran for the cave and Kronos stepped in.

"VALDEZ!?" Kronos walked through the entire cave collapsing by the fire when he didn't find leo. Percy looked at the cave floor sadly.

"He isn't here..."

"Which means he's either being stupid and coming after me, or he's been captured..."

"Right because leo wouldn't leave the cave without you." Nico pointed out. Percy shrugged.

"After what I saw, im pretty sure leo would absolutely listen to Kronos if he said to stay put." Percy looked around. "He must have been captured but by who..." they walked around the empty cave when Percy noticed a mark on the wall by the entrance. He walked over and looked closer eyes widening when he recognized the symbol. "Kana..."

"That's not possible..." Kronos walked over and then looked at the symbol in horror. "Valdez is in a lot more trouble than I thought he was..."

"Yeah but we'll be able to keep it together and save him." Nico quickly added. "I don't care what psycho bitch tries." Percy immediately agreed.

"This time, she goes down a lot sooner than last time we dealt with her." The demigods looked at the titan in front of them. "What do you say? Ready to kick some ass?"

"You bet I am."

AN wow this took forever to update I am so sorry! I low key forgot this existed for awhile haha I'm sorry! I hope you enjoyed the update and hopefully you won't have to wait for long for the next chapter!

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