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02, no God here nor the guy

( Wafia, Heartburn - And tell me
Why does my heart burn when I see your face? )


"I KNOW HIS family left town, around the time Theo was nine or ten, his older sister died in an accident when he was eight," Stiles said to his dad at the sheriff's station.

We were supposed to be at school but he decided to come here to find out about the kid who saved Scott's life yesterday.

"Please go to school." Sheriff Stilinski told Stiles.

"Dad, this kid's a werewolf."

"Your best friend is a werewolf. You are dating a Tri-Brid." Stiles said to him making me look at Stiles.

He didn't tell his dad that he and I are no longer dating.

"We broke up," I said to him before finishing the sentence.

"...again," I said awkwardly looking down and scratching the back of my neck.

"Oh, this is awkward, I'm sorry." Stiles's dad said making me shake my head it's okay.

"Anyways, I still don't know what Kira's supposed to be. When the flying monkeys come soaring through this station, you will have my undivided attention. Until then, just got to school." Sheriff Stilinski said making me agree with him.

"Your right, sorry to bother you. We will be heading out now." I said to him making him thank me, I grabbed Stiles but before we walked out the door he pulled away and pointed toward his dad making me roll my eyes.

"What did you do?" Stiles said to his dad. "What?" Sheriff Stilinski asked his son as he looked down at himself.

"What do you mean, 'what did I do'?" Sheriff Stilinski said very confused. "There's something different about you," Stiles said to his dad making me shake my head.

"What are you talking about?" The sheriff said before Stiles walked towards his dad and started to sniff him like a dog. "Stiles, what the hell are you even doing?" I asked Stiles confused.

"Oh, my god," I said to him face palming my head.

"What is it? What's different?" Stiles said to his dad trying to figure out what has he done.

"For the Love of God, Stiles, just go to school." The sheriff told his son pushing him off him.

"I will go if you promise to do a full background check of the Raekens." Stiles suggested to his dad making his dad nod his head immediately. "No." Stiles's dad said.

"Can we go to school, already?" I said letting out an annoyed groan.

"She's right, and you know what? Just because I'm the only law enforcement officer who knows anything about this, does not make it my responsibility to do something every time you have a minor suspicion." His dad said to him.

"He's right you know," I said to Stiles who glared at me. "You're not helping," Stiles told me making me roll my eyes.

"Except you're not the only one," Stiles said to his dad before moving aside slowly and looking toward Deputy Parrish.

"You are so unbelievable," I told Stiles who had the cockiest smirk on his face.

"I know, and you dated me anyways," Stiles told me making me look at him before smiling at his dad. "We'll be heading out now," I told his dad.

"Please, drag him out of here." His dad said to me making me smile. "With pleasure," I said to him before grabbing Stiles by his ear and dragging him out of the sheriff's station.

"Ow, stop. Okay, I get it." Stiles said to me making me let go of him. "Why do you want to get a background check on him?" I asked Stiles as I hopped inside the jeep.

"Because I don't trust him." Stiles told me making me laugh, "You don't trust anyone." I told him, "Hey, how come you trusted me the minute I came back." I told making me raise my eyebrows.

"That's because you were and still are the prettiest girl I've ever seen," Stiles told me making me look down probably blushing like crazy right now.

"Okay, you're going way too far," I told him laughing a little before looking up at him with a smile.

"I might but I'm just saying the truth. You are." He told me making my smile widen even more.

"Stop, or else your going to make me regret me breaking up with you and being just friends," I said to him. Stiles is making this even harder for me, with all the words he's saying it just makes me want to grab him and smack my lips together.

"I'm not giving up on you or us." He told me before he started the engine. I looked at Stiles and every time I do my heart always burns up when I see his face.

Ugh, Stiles why can't you stop? I can't with you, you are making this harder. I said to myself laying my head on the window.

And what I'm thinking on my way to school is. How am I supposed to stay just friends with this idiot who I'm madly in love with?

"So what's your big plan, to figure out what's going on with Theo and why he is here?" I asked Stiles trying to change the subject. "Um- I don't know yet," Stiles said letting out a sigh.

"If you say he isn't who you thought he was then I believe you and I'll help you," I said to Stiles with a smile. "I know you will." He told me.

"So, Theo he was in your Fourth -grade class right before I left from beacon hills?" I asked him making him shake his head. "Yep, he came right after you left actually," Stiles told me making me bite my inside cheek.

"You, Scott became friends with him or what?" I asked him. "Um-, I guess," Stiles said to me making me gasp.

"You guys tried to replace me. Oh, My God, I thought we were friends." I said to him wiping away my fake tears and making him laugh a little.

"We could never replace you if we tried," Stiles told me making me smile. "I wonder how it would feel living without and going through supernatural every day," I said to him. This has always been in my head and I guess I had to say it.

"I don't know," Stiles told me making me sigh. "But if we never had the supernatural then I would have graduated, gone to college, get married, and have kids but that obviously won't happen," I said to Stiles, I always wanted my future to be, but I don't think it will happen.

"Oh yeah, how many kids are you planning to have?" Stiles asked me making me smile. "I would want to have like two kids to keep each other company," I said to Stiles while turning to face him.

I want to have a future with him but I know damn well that won't happen. He's my high school Boyfriend and I don't think we will last together or even spent our lives together.

But I want to even if we aren't together again but I want to be with him forever he's the only one I ever want and no one else. He's light through my darkness.

He brings me back from the darkness I have inside me and I love him so much. And that's never going to stop me from loving him the way I love him.

"We have arrived at school," Stiles said snapping me out of my thoughts. "Oh, um, thank you I owe you one," I told Stiles grabbing my bag from the back seat.

"No, it's fine, I rather drive you than having Scott or Liam in my jeep," Stiles said to me making an annoyed face and making me laugh.

"Well, then. Thank you." I said with a smile on my face as I watch Stiles's face soften with a smile. Whenever I see his face it's like I could stare at him forever feeling every inch of my body wanting him more and more when I know I can't.

Stiles makes me feel everything I've never felt before with the other guys I've dated. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked down, "I should get going." I told Stiles.

"Yeah." He told me softly making me bite down my lip. "Um, I'll see you in class then?" I asked him making him shake his head. "Yeah for sure." He told me making me nod.

I did something because I was dying to do it. I kiss Stiles on the cheek, not on the lip I wanted to so bad but I didn't. "Bye," I said to him whispering before turning my heels away from him and I began to walk away and I had this huge smile on my face that I could take off.

As I open my locker to take my books for my class keep thinking back on the notes I've been getting. I still haven't found out who they are coming from but it's someone who knows me well.

"Who has Katherine smiling this morning?" I hear Xavier's voice from behind me making me laugh. "I guess you'll never know," I told him closing my locker behind me.

"How's your morning?" I asked him as we began to walk together heading to class. "My morning is good, would ask you but your face says it all," Xavier said with a cocky smirk making me roll my eyes. "So, what's got you all smiley today?" Xavier asked me making me face down in embarrassment.

"Are you embarrassed about it?" He told me with a confused tone.

"Well, it sounds dumb-like dumb," I told him shyly.

"Oh, come on tell me," Xavier said to me in a pleading voice making me roll my eyes annoyed.

"You know you can be a real pain in the ass sometimes, you know that right?" I asked him raising my eyebrows at him.

"Ugh, me?" Xavier said to me with a fake gasp.

"No, the guy next to you," I said to him, watching Xavier turning to his side making me roll my eyes.

"What are you looking at?" I asked him.

"Looking for the guy your talking about," Xavier said looking to his side again making me squint my eyes and raising my eyebrows at him in disbelief.

"Oh, my God," I said throwing my head back.

"There's no God here nor the guy you're talking about," Xavier said to me before I burst into laughter with him.

"We should hang out more often, I like your company," I told Xavier patting him on the shoulder and making him roll his eyes at me.

"Dude, stop," Xavier said to me making me frown.

"What-why?" I asked him as I watched him look around.

"They're gonna see," Xavier said to me making me look around. "Who is gonna see, and what are you talking about?" I asked him extremely confused.

"If they see me getting all cuddly with you they will think I'm straight," Xavier said to me making my eyes go wide open.

"I'm sorry what!" I asked him in a surprised voice making him nod.

"Wait, your-your..." I said I couldn't finish the sentence to what Xavier told me.

"I'm gay," Xavier whispered to me making me gasp even more.

"What," I said in a loud voice making everyone around us look at us even Scott and Stiles who kept glancing at me which I didn't realize until now.

"Sh, keep it down." He said to me placing his index finger on my lips.

"Your gay?" I whispered to him making him nod to me- oh my lord.

"What-how, why didn't you tell me?" I asked him angrily. I've had a thing with a gay dude which I'm okay with but he never told me that.

"Wait-hold up if your gay, then why did you allow me to hook up with you?" I asked him in a very curious voice.

"Well, I mean- who wouldn't you are very attractive and hot how can I not turn straight for you," Xavier said to me making me laugh.

"Oh, my God. I can't with you." I said to him walking away. How did I never know that-like wow?

"Hey, what are you guys talking about?" Stiles said to us wrapping his arms around my shoulder and Xavier's making me roll my eyes and jealous.

"Nothing just laughing," I told him making me look at Xavier who was giving me a smirk. "About what?" Stiles said to us.

"You know, I was just talking about how Katherine and I hooked and..." Xavier said to Stiles before cutting himself off. "You know," Xavier said with a smirk as I watch Stiles tense up a little bit.

"No joking-,"

"No, let him finish I wanna hear what he's going to say after, come on," Stiles said to Xavier as I looked down at Stiles's hand which was red against his fist.

"Okay, Stiles cut it out your going to make a scene," I told him stepping in front of him.

"Xavier cut it out, please," I begged him who was laughing making me roll my eyes.

"No, I wanna hear what's he going to say," Stiles said making me push him harshly before I interrupted him.

"Relax, he's gay." I blurted out making Xavier gasp before slapping my arm softly.

"It was a secret, bitch!" He told me angrily making me rub my arm.

"What did you want me to do, Stiles was ready to beat the shit out of you," I told Xavier before turning to Stiles who had a full shock face making me roll my eyes.

"Before you say anything. No, I didn't know he was gay I just found out now," I told him turning back to Xavier.

"He told me today, thank you," I told Xavier with an annoyed voice.

"And second, stop getting mad with who I'm with Xavier is my friend, and you are my friend too, I know we-um are not together but I don't want you in my personal life please, this will be awkward because of the fact we hooked up.

But I know you don't like what I'm saying and I don't either but, what we had is over. We're friends and I intend to be friends so please move on." I told Stiles knowing that the words I just said hurt me too. I don't want to but I have to for our good and protection.

"I WAS laying in a neighbor's empty pool, trying to do a hand plant. Nobody was home. I'm not that good of a skateboarder, but I guess I was feeling pretty determined because I completely lost track of time.

I didn't even realize that it was night until the yard lights came on. Like I said, I wasn't very good.
On my last try, I went down and hit hard. Hard." Theo said while Scott and Stiles stood there.

It's been awkward between Stiles and me because me and him have been hooking up while no one knew not even Scott and I feel awkward right now about it, and because of what happen in the corridor with Xavier, him and I, I can't even look at Stiles,

"I was sitting there at the bottom of the pool and I realized something I never heard the board come back down. It came at me fast, I barely had a chance to turn around before it but me." Theo told us making me cross my arms, at this point I feel bad for him.

"Right here." He said pointing towards his bicep.

"It wasn't an accident. He wanted to turn you." Scott told Theo.

"Right. So why aren't you part of his pack, then? Why didn't he come back for you?" Stiles asked Theo.

"Because by the time of my first full moon, he was dead."

"How did you know that?" Stiles asked Theo making me roll my eyes.

"I met another one of his pack a couple of weeks later," Theo told us making a frown.

"He told me the Alpha that hit me was killed by two of his own Betas. They were twins." Theo said making me look at Scott and Stiles Remembering the conversation we had with Ethan.

"Scott, listen to my pulse. I'm telling the truth." Theo said trying to tell Scott that he wasn't lying about what he just told us.

"Right. Or you just know how to steady your heart rate, while you're lying your ass off." Stiles said stepping forward and confronting Theo making Scott glare at Stiles.

"Why would I lie?" Theo asked Stiles.

"Because maybe you're not, who you say you are," Stiles told him making me facepalm my face.

"Okay," Theo told Stiles unsure of his response.

"In fourth grade, you had an inhaler, I had one, too. I remember this day when I ended up in the nurse's office with an asthma attack. A bad one. I was waiting to be taken to the ER. You were waiting for the Principal. You told me what happened when you go to the ER for asthma. How they give you oxygen and an IV of prednisone." Theo said telling us how Scott and Theo use to be friends or so.

"You made it sound easy. Like everything would be okay." Theo said making Stiles roll his eyes. Sometimes I feel like punching myself in the face.

"I've been by myself this whole time. Everybody knows that line wolves, they don't make it on their own. I swear, I'm the same kid from the fourth grade."

"Don't swear, if you're not telling the truth I hate people like that," I said stopping him crossing my arms between my chest and watching Theo look at me making me frown.

"I was hoping you are, too," Theo said looking at Scott and making me look at Scott, I was going to speak up but the bell for our next-period class made me groan, I hate school. "I better not be late for class. You're not the ones. I need to make a good impression." Theo said with a smirk turning to face me and making me roll my eyes at him.

'Why does every guy look at me like that?' I thought to myself.

Theo walked away looking back at me and making Stiles step beside me watching Theo leave the locker room, I turned to Scott who turned to Stiles raising his eyebrows at him.

"Don't give me that look," Stiles said to Scott shaking his head.

"We have to give people the benefit of the doubt sometimes," Scott said trying to stay on the same page with Stiles but it's hard when it comes to Stiles.

"Not this time, all right? I'm right. There's something off about him. I Can feel it." Stiles said making me snort.

"Lydia's the psychic. Not you." Scott told Stiles making me laugh at what he's said.

"Lydia's not a psychic. She's a Banshee. Okay? There's a difference." Stiles told Scott before he looked at me then at Stiles making me stop laughing.

"Why are you guys acting so strange with each other?" Scott asked us making me frown confused.

"Wh-what are you talking about?" I asked him crossing my arms.

"Is there something going between you two I should know of?" Scott asked us making me turn fully red before turning to Stiles who had the same look.

"What-there's-there's nothing going on, nothing-nothing at all," Stiles said nervously making me squeeze my eyes shut. As I began to get flashbacks of everything between me and Stiles.


"Let's hook up," I said smashing my lips onto his.

"I want you."

"I want more!" I said making Stiles grunt into my ear making me bite down my lip.

"Fuck you are so tight and beautiful."

"This stays just between the both of us. No one needs to know what we are doing." I told Stiles.

"Do you like rough sex or normal sex?"

"Why, what do you have in mind," Stiles asked me with a smirk making me climb on top of his lap.

"I think you know," I said seductively.

"You want to do it here?" Stiles asked me unsure.

"I've never had car sex, have you?" I asked looking at him through my lashes, as I began to move my hips slowly making him throw his head back.

"Fuck, Katherine."

"Katherine, Katherine." I kept hearing him saying my name.

I snapped out of it making me shake my head looking up at Stiles who faced me with a confused look. "Are you okay?" He asked me in concern making me shake my head repeatedly.

"Oh, y-yeah I'm fine just Remembered I have to call Josie," I said to him awkwardly before Looking at Scott who gave me a smirk.

'Ah, shit I fucked he probably heard my heartbeat.'

"Um-I'll see you guys in class," I said scratching the back of my head before waving the two idiots goody before running out of the locker room.

'Well, this is a nightmare.'

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