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04, dream catcher

( Archer- Taylor Swift, I jump from the train, I ride off alone I never grew up, it's getting so old Help me hold onto you )


"I MAY BE A TRI-BRID but that doesn't mean I want my life to end on me having a accident." I told Malia, while I was sitting in the back of the car with Kira.

"Your not going to die, besides she hasn't even began to drive." Malia said who was sitting in the front making me let out a 'oh' sound.

"Okay, wheel, at 10:00 and 2:00. Okay. Hands on the..." Kira said before Lydia interrupted her talking.

"Actually, the recommended position is now 9:00 and 3:00. At 10:00 and 2:00 a deployed airbag could break your thumbs." Lydia said making me cross my arms.

"Does it matter?" I asked her. "Yes, it does if you don't want to die." She said referring the last part to me. "Ugh," I said in a sassy tone.

"Mine would heal."

"Save your strength." Lydia said making me roll my eyes.

Why am I in this car? Malia and I don't get along at all and I'm stuck in this small car with her. I'm going die.

"Try not to destroy your beautiful new car. Even though it's the last time I'll be in it." I said whispering the last part but she would've listen to it anyways.

"What are you doing here anyways?" Malia asked me making me shrug my shoulder.

"I don't know? Lydia dragged me so blame her." I said pointing to Lydia who roll her eyes at me.

"9:00 and 3:00." Lydia told Malia making me let out a sighs and grabbed my phone from my back pocket and I began to text Xavier.

Im going to die. Prepare my grave. 🪦
Read 8:24

Gay bestie 💅:
Don't worry babes, I have everything planned out from bottom to top. 😝
Read 8:26

Wow, you have my funeral ALL PLANNED OUT WTF IS WRONG WIT U? 🤬
Read 8:27

Gay bestie 💅:
I've always have everyone's funeral planned out. Anyways now tell what's going on?
Read 8:29

Well, fucking Lydia made me come to a driver's lessons with Kira and her but she never told me that IT WAS FOR MALIA TO LEARN HOW TO DRIVE NOW IM STUCK HERE WITH STILES EX- GIRLFRIEND WHO HATES ME AND FOR THE RECORD I HATE HER TOO. 😠
Read 8:31

Gay bestie 💅:
Umm, okay WOW. So why don't you just beat the shit out of her if she's all on your nerves. Btw why would your friends put you in a position with Stiles ex-girlfriend if they know your his ex too. Babe THEY ARENT REAL FRIENDS .
Read 8:33

Right!! Like omg. Stiles literally had to break up wit her bc he's still had feelings for me- OMG!
Read 8:35

"MALIA what the fuck?" I said as I hit my head with the window making me let out a groan, "I'm never coming back here in this car with you." I said rubbing my forehead.

"No asked you to." Malia said making me roll my eyes. "I'm going to die." I mumble to myself. I looked out the window to see where we are going.

"Where the hell are we going?" I asked them looking that we are definitely going somewhere else. "To the school." Lydia said me making me frown. "This isn't the way to the school." I told her.

"We are actually heading downtown," Kira said to her making us all confused.

"What?" Lydia said. "If we want to go the school we should de a U-turn. Shouldn't we?" Kira asked me making me nod.

"Yep." I said to her.

"No. Keep going." Lydia said facing straight forward making Kira and I look at each other.

"You sure?" Malia asked her. "Yes. We're almost there." Lydia said giving chills down my spine.

"Dude, don't talk like that." I said shaking my head in disgust.

"While we are heading to where ever we are heading. I wanted ask, do y'all like the new girl?" I asked them. I'm curious-I mean she came her like out of no where and she has not friends at all. And she looks like a bitch not gonna lie.

"She's alright, I guess." Kira said shrugging her shoulders.

"What's her name?" I asked making Malia speak up.

"I heard it was like Spencer." Malia said.

"Oh, she gives me some weird vibe." I told them crossing my arms before anyone could say anything Malia parked her car before noticing that we were under some tunnel and I saw a van making all of us get out.

Lydia was in front of us but I moved up and now I was standing in front having a whole view of the situation and everything was covered in blood making me back away feeling like I was going to throw up and when I pushed passed the girl I immediately did. I don't know what's happening to me recently but this happens often.

"Are you okay?" Malia asked me making me nod before wiping my mouth.

"Yeah, I'm fine probably it was just seeing that made me wanted to throw up or maybe it was probably a bad hatch." I said to her as she gave me a nod.

"Call sheriff Stilinski." I told her. "Lydia is already on it," she told me making me nod as I noticed she was still here.

"You can go, I'm fine." I told her but she gave me a concern look making me feel scared, she never looked concern for me.

"You look pale." Was all she said making me nod.

"It's probably because I just threw up." I said nodding nicely.

"You should go I'm fine." I told her.

"Look, i don't know why I hate you but, let's just put it past us and start trying to get along. We are in the same friend group and we argue all the time and are friends are probably tired of so let's just move on," she said to me making me understand where she's coming from I mean we do argue a lot and maybe we just start to get along.

"You are so right and I agree with you. So yes I think we should move on," I told her giving her smile and she returned it back to me.

"Did you call Stiles." I asked Lydia as she looked at me in concern.

"Lyds I'm fine. Did you call him-," I said and with that I saw a blue jeep speeding up making me roll my eyes.

"Yep, she did." I mumbled and I saw Stile hop out the car and came running to me.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked me making me roll my eyes.

"Yes I'm fine." I told him with a soft smile.

"Lydia told me you were throwing up." He said making me glare at her.

"Yes, but it was probably a bad batch so nothing to worried about." I told him.

"Are you sure your okay!" He asked me reaching for my cheek making me close my eyes feeling his hand in my face making me remember everything between me and him.

"Stiles, im fine okay! Let's just get this over with." I said to him before moving away from him and walking towards the others.

"They transferring Donavan when they were attack." Stiles's dad said.

"We don't know who attack them, " he said again before Lydia spoke up.

"Tracy's dad was in there two. And they killed him along with the other deputies."

"Who wanted them dead?" I asked.

"Not sure." Sheriff Stilinski said to us.

"Who do you think did it?" Scott asked as I heard Stiles whisper.

"Theo." He said making me turn to him.

"You don't even know it was him." I said but he just shrug his shoulder that's all.

"If Donavan isn't dead, so he's the one who attack them and took off." He said to us.

"So you want us to help you track him down."

"I need all the help I can get. If he killed them, he has to be charge." Sheriff Stilinski said to us.

"Okay, Scott and Malia can track him down by scent and I can try to locate him through magic." I said to them as they agreed with me.

"If we find him we bring him in and let stiles's dad do his job." I said to as we all separate our ways.

"Can I take you home?" Stiles asked me making me shake my head.

"Actually Lydia is taking me-," I said but I was cut off by her. 

"I'm staying with the sheriff." She said making me roll my eyes. I know I said I wanted to be friends with him but it's still hard for me.

"Um, yeah sure why not." I said to him as he led me to his car.

"Before we go to my house can we pass by the groceries since I need to buy some stuff?" I asked him as he hopped on the driver seat.

"Yeah, sure no problem." He said as I put me seat belt and gave him a smile.

"So what's going on between you and Theo, huh?" Stiles asked me out of no where making me frown before realizing what he meant by that, I let out a sighs scoff biting my inside cheek.

"Let me guess, you were watching him?" I said making him let out a scoff.

"Pff, no. Why would I do that?" He said nervously making me laugh.

"Stiles, I'm a were-witch with super hearing. Do you really think I didn't hear you, Liam, and not to mention Xavier were watching him." I said to him making him roll his eyes.

"I don't trust him." Stiles said to me.

"Do you trust me?" I asked him as he turned to look at me before looking back at the road.

"Of course, I trust."

"Then trust me that nothing is going on." I said with a smile. Even though we aren't together it doesn't mean I'm moving on from him. He may be my ex but a part of me will always stay loyal to him no matter what.

"Um, so do you think Donavan kill them?" I asked stiles trying to change the conversation.

"I'm not sure, but if he did then he had a long way to jail." Stiles said to me making me nod.

"Why would he do that? I mean, they didn't do anything to him." I said not knowing Donavan's motive to why he killed them including Tracy's dad.

"Who knows, he did threaten to kill me and my dad." He said to me making me snap my head towards.

"I'm sorry what? He did what? Son of a bitch. Now he's dead." I said harshly as I saw stiles look at me with soft eyes and a smile.

"This isn't funny. He threatened to kill you and your dad." I said crossing my arms.

"I know, but- your just cute when your mad." He said to me making me shift feeling my cheeks turning red as a potato.

"Shut up." I mumbled to him making him laugh.

"But I'm serious, if Donavan is out there he will come back for you guys, so pleaser be safe." I said to Stiles with a serious look, we may not be together but he's my friend and I'll always look after him.

"Yes, I will. Don't worry about me," he told me making me roll my eyes.

"Stiles your my friend. I'm always going to worry." I told him making him sigh.

Deep down I know he hates me calling him my friend but he is I can't say anything else then 'just my friend'.

After that the ride has been quiet and I feel bad but I shouldn't be.

This is how it's supposed to be and it will stay the same.

"Tracy wasn't just having trouble sleeping. It was a real disorder, it was night terrors." Lydia said to us as we all was gathered in Stiles's jeep.

Yesterday when Stiles took me home Scott found Donavan and he kept repeating Tracy's name and Lydia found out it was Tracy from our school, so she basically killed her dad.

"And now she's the night terror. Especially since no one can find her." Stiles said,

"Okay, I know we are all tired and miserable," Scott said before turning to Mason Liam's best friend who looked really surprised and interesting,

"Except for you." Scott said to Mason who immediately turn to Scott.

"Oh, I-I'm sorry. This is just mind blowing." Mason said with excitement making me laugh at the way he is reacting.

"Your a kitsune. I don't even know what that is." He said to Kira.

"I'm still learning." She said to him.

"Liam we said you could tell him. Not to invite him in the inner circle." Stiles said annoyed,

"I'm in the inner circle?" Mason asked making Liam and Stiles speak up at the same time.

"No." They both said making me scoff. "Relax stalkers, he's just new he'll get use to this." I said smiling at Mason.

"Guys, back to Tracy she's just one lone wolf. We can find her." Scott said leaning into Stiles's jeep.

"One lone serial-killing wolf."

"She only killed one person. You know. The other two we're mauled." Stiles said interrupting Malia.

"What do we do when we catch her." I asked Scott.

"I say we put her down." Malia suggested making me look at Scott.

"Intense." Mason said making everyone look at the kid who didn't even look scared about the situation.

"Guys, let's concentrate on catching her first. And we'll figure the rest later." Scott said making me salute.

"Roger that Alpha." I said making all of them look at me annoyed.

"Sorry." I said to them before turning to my right and seeing Xavier waiting for me.

"Well, this chick has to go bounce." I said making them look at me with a disgust look making me roll my eyes,

"you guys are dirty minded." I said before leaving out.

"What's up gay friend." I said to him making him roll his eyes at me.

"I told about it because I trust you, not for you to call me names," he said making me laugh,

"Oh, my bad. If you didn't want me to tell you shit like that then why did you tell me." I said to him making him smile,

"because your my friend, duh." He said making me smile.

"Then better get used to it." I said with a wink.

"Shut up." He told me making me laugh.

"Did you guys find her yet?" Xavier asked me making me let out a sigh.

"No, we still haven't found her yet." I said and with that someone bumped into me making me fall to the ground.

"What the fuck! Watch where your going." I said angrily as I looked up and saw the new girl in front of me.

"Oops, didn't see you." She said to me making me bite my inside cheek.

"The fuck. I'm sorry. Do you need glasses to see?" I said to her as I felt to strong arms around me helping me up.

"What did you say to me?" She said angrily making me laugh.

"I said do you need glasses. Since you didn't watch where you go." I said making her scoff and walk up to me but then he stepped in front of her.

"Aww, got your boyfriend protecting you?" She said as she eyed Stiles up in down with a seductive eyes, I felt jealousy rush over me the way she looked at him like she wanted him the way I had him.

I immediately pushed Stiles behind me and looked at her.

"First, back off. And second, I don't need no one to protect me from people like you." I said to her eyeing her up in down but she kept her eyes on Stiles making me tense up a little, and I think Stiles saw.

"Why don't you protect me?" The girl Spenser said making me push Stiles away.

"I said back off." I said getting really pissed at her. I know I shouldn't feel this way but, god she's getting on my nerves.

And whatever she's doing it's working for me to get jealous of someone who looks at him the way I used to.

"He's not even yours. I see in your eyes." She said to me making me walk closer to her and leaned into her ear.

"He may not be mine anymore, but he will always be and no one can't ever take him away from me not even a blonde girl like you." I said to her.

"So, go before your pretty face gets ruined with my fist." I said to her as I pulled away and I saw her body shift making me smile before grabbing Stiles's and walking away with a smirk on my face.

That felt amazing, I just threatened a girl who made me jealous to the way she looked at Stiles who is no longer mine.

"What did you say to her?" Stiles asked me making me smile.

"Oh, nothing. Just told her that my hand would collide to her pretty face that's all." I said to him not telling the whole truth to what I actually said and stiles gave me simple nod that's all.

"I should get to class." I said to him making him nod before I heard the fire alarm go off making me confused.

"Welp, no class for us I guess." I said with a smile before turning away and going to the exit. As we both made our way to the exit I saw Scott and Kira's dad carrying someone and running out making me run.

"Is that Tracy?" I  said before I walked closer and saw her passed out.

"Holy shit- where are you taking her?"

"We are taking her to vet." Scott said making me nod,

"I'm coming with." I said and Stiles, Scott, Malia, and I ran out opening the door and heading to Stiles jeep to put her in and drive off.

"Hopefully she's okay." I said before we took off to the vet.


"He did what." I said as I felt like I was slowly drifting away hearing to what he had said to me.

"I know, and I'm sorry you had to hear it this way but he did." He told me. I felt tears streaming down my face hearing that what he did to me. What I never thought he would do just to get me back. I would never do that.

"Why?" I said as I fell to the ground feeling my knees weak, and feeling my strength slip away.

Sooooo, how do you guys this chapter?
I decided to drop a small spoiler for later on in the chapter.

Xoxo 😘.

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