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13, the school pep rally

( war of hearts - Ruelle, Come to me
In the night hours I will wait for you And I can't sleep 'Cause thoughts devour, Thoughts of you consume )



IT'S THE DAY. THE DAY OF THE pep rally, the full moon and lastly the birthday of Katherine. They have everything planned out.

Xavier found out it's under a tunnel that is at the school where Theo and Spencer have her held.

Stiles still doesn't trust Xavier since he lied to all of them including him as Xavier was an only child.

Freya was ready to go save her niece she tried everything to save her and she found a spell and it will work but for this she needs someone to help her and they are on their way.

Scott and Kira are working on something to distract Theo's Pack while the others try to save Katherine. And Malia, Liam, and Lydia are trying to stop the pep rally before anyone else gets killed by this.

Since they found out that it's not just Theo, Spencer and the others who are dangerous but something old and something that the Dread Doctors resurrected.

"Thank god you're here." Freya told her making her smile.

"Hey, aunt freya." Hope told her making her smile.

"Happy birthday." Freya told her as they pulled away from each other.

"Thanks." Hope said sadly knowing that this wasn't a good birthday if her sister is kidnapped.

"I know this isn't a happy birthday, but at least you're here." Freya said to her.

"All I wanna do is find her get her back and get rid of that red oak inside her." Hope said to her aunt.

"So what do we have?" Hope asked her aunt.

"Hey, freya we having everything settle-," stiles said before he stopped in his tracks and saw the redhead girl standing in front with a smile.

"Katherine?" He said making Hope laugh softly as she turned to her aunt.

"Uh, no. I-I'm hope." Hope said making Stiles laugh awkwardly.

"Oh, I-uh- I thought you were her." Stiles said softly.

"Yeah, me too." Hope said.

"Um- happy birthday." Stiles said to her as he walked up to and hug her.

"Thank you, Stiles." Hope said as they both pulled away.

"What did you came for?" Freya asked him making him look up at her.

"We have everything settle and we're ready to head out." Stiles said making Freya nod.

"Okay, good. Let's get going."

"Aunt freya- I think you shouldn't go." Hope said making her sigh.

"Because I'm pregnant, right?" Making both teen to go silent.

"Look, I'm may be pregnant but I'm taking care of both of you so it's my responsibility to keep you two safe. So you are not going to stop me." Freya said making both of them just nod.

"Yeah, okay. Let's go." Stiles said as both of them walked first a stiles.


"GET IT OFF ME!" Katherine yelled as Theo was Tying her up and sticking needle through her arm.

"Don't you have enough blood!" Katherine said as she tried to break through the chains.

"No not enough, quit it or else I'll give you something else!" Theo said through gritted teeth.

"Just let me out! You've done everything! J-just let me go, please." Katherine pleaded Theo but he just ignored her.

"What do want?" Katherine said.

"What I want it to create more of you. I want more power than a TriBrid. And something else." Theo said as he walked away making her sigh.

"What? What else?" Katherine said impatiently.

"I want you to turn it off, and join me." Theo said making Katherine laugh.

"Fuck you. I'm never going to join your fucking pack. I would rather end all of you than being with you. I'm against you. Stiles was right about you. You're dangerous and a fucking killer." Katherine spatted in his face making him bite his inside cheek.

"That's where you're wrong. We are just the same. Katherine mikaelson. The daughter of the first hybrid. The werewolf, vampire. Hayley Marshall, the unsired hybrid created by you. Do you really think i didn't know you when you went into the car with me?" Theo told her with a smirk.

"I know everything about you." He said to her.

"You don't know shit." Katherine said angrily to him.

"Your sister is the second TriBrid, hope mikaelson, your family are the originals, the first ever vampires created by your dead grandmother, your grandfather who's was a vampire hunter but also a vampire. Freya the long- dead witch sister of your dad. Your mother was killed by your ex's mother both burned alive as your father watched them. Your father, taking the hollow from you and the night you turned to a werewolf.

Your dad and uncle who drove a white oak right through each other's chest to die leaving you without no mother or father. Then, Stiles was possessed by an evil spirit the dark kitsune, the oni killed Allison your best friend, then you got killed by one trying to save Aiden and died in Derek's arm and waking up just to turn it all off. Did I leave anything else?" Theo told her as she was shocked that he knew everything about her and what happened the last few years.

"Oh, and now that your sister is here I get the chance to finish this once in for all before you die." Theo told her making her frown.

"What? Hope is in mystic fall." Katherine told him feeling weaker by the second.

"Nope, look at this." Theo said as he showed her the screen revealing hope with Stiles talking out of the school.

She saw them talking wishing it was her there. She wanted to be with her sister, she wanted to be with him too. Even though Stiles broke her but if this was actually her last time being alive she wants to forgive him and let him move on to be happy.

Katherine had tears in her eyes seeing them together, she was happy she had the chance to see them before she died.

"P-please, let me out," Katherine cried out making Theo smirk.

"I'm sorry, but I can't. I'm not done with you." Theo said before injecting her with something.

"What the hell!" Katherine asked him.

"It's just something to help with what I'm doing. After that I'm down with you I'll go with Hope." Theo said making Katherine snap.

"Touch her and I swear to god I will fucking destroy you." Katherine threatened Theo making him.

"How would you? You're tied up and you can't because you'll be dead when im done." Theo said making Katherine scream trying to break out.

"Let me go! Theo let me fucking go." Katherine yelled as she began to be more weaker and breathing slowly.

"Getting tired already, we aren't even have done." Theo said.

"What? What are you talking about!" Katherine asked him as he connected her with the electroconvulsive making her move.

"No, no. Please don't." Katherine said as he stick it at the side of her forehead before putting a helmet around her.

"Enjoy the ride." Theo said before he turned it on making her scream loudly as every glass in the room broke as she was bleeding from the nose, eyes and ears.

Theo stood there as he watched the TriBrid suffer. He took out his phone and dial Spencer's number.

"She's ready, get down here." Theo said before hanging up as Spencer looked at the time and it was time. She began to walk away when she heard footsteps behind her.

"Hope mikaelson. What a pleasure to meet you." Spencer said making hope ignore her.

"Pleasure is when I squeeze your brain with my hands." She said to her angrily.

"I like to see you try." Spencer said as Hope ran towards Spencer as she used her werewolf side and attack her and tackling her to the ground.

"Where is she!?" Hope asked as Spencer just laughed in her face.

"She's suffer the pain she did to me!" Spencer's said letting out a groan as she punched hope in the face tossing her to the ground.

"She apologized. Why can't you accept that and move on with your life!" Hope yelled at her as she stood up before Spencer attacked her.

"Because, if you notice I'm not a forgiving person. I'm more like for revenge." Spencer said with a smirk.

"Yeah, well. I say the same when you hurt someone I love." Hope said before injecting her with wolfsbane.

"You see, I figured that you were a werewolf so I decided to inject you a little something to keep you out for a while." Hope said to Spencer as she pulled out the needle from her neck as she slowly closed her eyes falling on top of Hope who pushed her a side. Stiles ran a he saw Spencer on the floor.

"Is she dead?" Stiles asked her.

"No, I injected her with something strong other than wolfsbane making her pass out for a few minutes while we go and rescue my sister." Hope said as Stiles reached his hand out so he can help hope up from the ground.

"Look, I don't know if she told you what went down between us-,"

"she didn't. My aunt did. And I gotta say if I was her I would immediately punch you in the face." Hope said making Stiles laugh.

"Well, she did slap me twice, which I deserved. But I want to apologize to her for doing the craziest shit and this is my chance to do it because I love her and it drives me crazy when I'm not with her." Stiles said making hope sigh.

"I get it. I do. And if you want to you just have to do everything in your power to make her accept the apology and I think this is your first step to it." Hope said with a smile.

"So let's go and save her."   

"WE CAN'T STOP THE PEP RALLY." Scott said as he watched everyone.

"No we can, but we can stop the game." Kira told him.

"You have to get in the game. You're the captain." Liam told him as Scott walked up to coach.

"Coach, you have to stop the game! Because if you don't several people are going to die." Scott told him as he sighs.

"They going to die if I stop the game, go put on your helmet and get out there." Coach told Scott as all three teens look at one another.

"The only way stopping this is if we win the game." Scott said as they nod before heading out to the field.

"We play the game and we win and we stop it." Liam told them making them nod.

"We do this while Stiles, and hope save Katherine and stop Theo and Spencer." Scott said as they all ran to the field to win the game.



WHEN STILES WATCHED Katherine walk away in the pouring rain as they both had their conversations of their relationship.

It hurt him as he watched her walk away and tell him how she didn't want to be in a relationship with him.

He knew she was right but he didn't want that he loved her more than anything.

"Hey," someone said making Stiles turn around and saw a blonde girl with dark brown eyes.

"Oh, hey." Stiles said with a kind smile as the girl stared at him.

"What are you doing?" The blonde girl said to Stiles.

"Oh, um. It's senior scribe at the library for the seniors." Stiles told her with a smile making her nod.

"I'm Spencer." She said as she took her hand making stiles smile and shake her jeans. He felt how soft her skin was and he looked at her like she was beautiful.

"Im Stiles." He said making the girl frown before smile.

"Is that a nickname?" She asked him making Stiles laugh.

"Well-kinda. It's hard for people to say my actual name. So for short Stiles." Stiles told her making her laugh.

"Okay. I'm new here. And some kid invited me along with some friends and I don't know where the library is." She said to him as they Still haven't noticed that they still have there hands together.

"Oh, I-I mean I can show you before I go find my friends." Stiles said with a smile making her nod with a smile.

"Y-yeah, that sound great. Thank you." She said as showed her the way as they were side by side their arms touching.

Spencer felt butterflies in her stomach making her blush deeply.

"So, how long have you been here?" Stiles asked her as they made their way to the library.

"Oh, like about a week." Spencer said tucking her hair behind her ear.

"Really? How have you been liking beacon hills for this the week you've e been here?" Stiles asked her making her laugh.

"Actually, I thought it will be boring but turns out it's just fine." She said making Stiles blush as he saw a small red tint on her cheeks.

"Anyways, we made it to the library." Stiles said with a silly smile making her laugh.

"Thanks Stiles." She said to him.

"I should get going. My friends are waiting for me outside." Stiles said to her before she placed a kiss on his cheek making him go surprise as he felt his cheeks heat up.

"Mhm, thanks."

"Y-yeah, no problem." Stiles said a he stuttered.

"Do you maybe want to go out and get some coffee someday?" Spencer said ripping the bandage off as she was to shy to ask.

"Really?" Stiles asked her making her laugh.

"Yes," she said making him nod.

"Yeah sure." Stiles said with a smile.

"Can I get your phone number?" She asked him making him nod.

"Yeah, sure why not." He said handing her his phone as she put her number on his contacts.

"Great!" She said when she heard her phone ring as she saw it's when she dial her number on Stiles.

"I'll text you when and we can go out." Spencer said with a smile.

"Is this a date?" Stiles asked her.

"Do you want it to be?" She asked him making him shrug.

"It could be anything." She said with a smile.

"Goodbye Stiles!" She said as she walked away from him as she just stated at her as she walked away into the crowd in the library.

'Get yourself together. You dick. Katherine broke it off with you and now your going after someone else.' He said to himself as he roll his eyes hitting himself with his hand on the forehead.

"Fuck." He whispered before walking and looking for the pack.


"SO YOU AND SPENCER?" Hope told Stiles making him sigh not really wanted to talk about the situation.

"I rather not talk about that." Stiles said before cm resign his throat.

"especially when your my Ex's sister." Stiles said not looking at her.

"True, and just because I was nice doesn't mean I don't feel punching you!" Hope said making Stiles freeze.

"Dead ass?" Stiles asked.

"Yes, or using my magic on you." She said making him feel scared.

"Why do I get feeling your much scarier than Katherine?" Stiles asked her making her laugh as she turned around making Stiles swallow thickly feeling scared.

"Because I am." Hope said making stiles nod as he felt his palms sweaty.

"Stop!" Hope said as she pushed him back as they heard voices.

"Let's turn the volume more up." Thoe said making hope and Stiles look at what he was going to do and what he did made them close their eyes in fear. They heard Katherine scream in pain.

"Son of a bitch." Stiles said as he was about to go out but hope stop him.

"You'll ruin the plan!" Hope said through gritted teeth.

"What do you want me to do, huh? He's fucking torturing her. I-i can't stand hearing her screams in pain." Stiles said making hope stop him.

"I get it. I can't either but we have to wait until they give us a yes and then we go in." Hope said to him griping his arm.

"Now stay behind me." She said to him.

"We're almost done and then Spencer wherever she is, is going to kill you." Theo said as hope and Stiles watched.

"Look, just do it and get it over with it. I'm done." Katherine said breathing heavily as she felt like she would immediately pass out.

"I am done." Theo said to her as she frown.

"W-what is he talking about?" Stiles asked hope.

"He finally got it. He figured how to make a fully TriBrid." Hope said before looking at Stiles.

"He's going to turn into one. He wants to change into something more dangerous." Hope said before she heard her phone ring.

"Is it them?"stiles whispered making Hope nod.

"Hello." Hope answered.

"Do it! Do it now." Scott told her before hanging up the phone.

"I'm going. Stay here." Hope said as she walked out and revealing herself. Theo looked and saw her making Katherine look as she saw her sister appear.

"H-hope." Katherine said as her voice cut out as she wasn't able to speak much.

"Corporis impetu." Hope said making Theo fly across the room as he landed by the wall hitting his head as he fell.

"Oh my god. What did he do to you?" Hope said as she reached her sisters face.

"You thought you could see the last of me." Spencer said from behind as the twins turns to look at Spencer as she held Stiles by his throat as her claws up against his throat.

"Stiles." Katherine said as she tried to get up.

"Aw, what? You scared?" Spencer said digging her claws to Stiles neck.

"Spencer, let h-him go and I'm all yours. J-just let him go p-please." Katherine pleaded making her laugh.

"After everything he has done to you, and you still want to save him?" Spencer said to Katherine with a laughter.

"I thought you hated him." Spencer said.

"Yes, I do. But deep down I love him. So let's trade. You give me Stiles and I go with you. To kill me." Katherine said making hope and Stiles shake their head.

"Katherine." They both said to them.

"Deal?" Katherine yelled.

"Yes," Spencer said making Katherine turn to hope.

"Untie me." Katherine said to her making her sister shake her head.

"Hope! Untie me."she demanded making her hesitate before she nodded and untie her from the chains and hope helped her stand up.

"This is the deal. You give Stiles over to hope and I go over to you." Katherine said to her.

"Deal." Spencer said to her making her nod. Spencer gave Stiles to hope as Katherine saw she was safe as Katherine walked to Spencer as she immediately grabbed her by the throat digging her claws into her.

"Now, they'll watch you die." Spencer as Katherine looked at the two right in front of her.


So... umm.... this was something. How do you guys like it? 🥺
Xoxo, your least fav atp 😭

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