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December 24th, 2022

"So, uh, do you wanna watch another movie?" Wyatt asks. His tone is hesitant. It was well past midnight now and the credits for Elf played on the screen, a jazzy Christmas song accompanying the names that rolled by. So far, the night had gone better than I'd expected. Harper, Wyatt and I cracked jokes the entire movie, each trying to see who could mimic the character's voices best. Silence only fell over us towards the end of the film. Harper laid her head on my shoulder, mumbling along to Santa Clause is Coming to Town. Soon after, she dozed off, soft snores escaping her lips.

Without Harper cracking jokes and betting who was the best at impressions, Wyatt and I fell silent, all too aware of the fact that it was just us two now. Even if Harper was right beside me. We're alone.

I turn to look at him. He was looking back, waiting for my answer. Say no. My head is practically screaming at me. Don't fall for his tricks. He left you, and after Christmas, he is going to leave again. My heart thudding my chest stopped me. Wyatt looks at me as if he's preparing himself for rejection. His eyes were full of hope, his brows furrowing together slightly.

Say no.

Say no.

Say no.

"Sure," I shrug. It slips out so effortlessly as if there wasn't a war going on in my mind about it all. Wyatt has given me many opportunities to get out of spending time with him tonight, and I haven't said no to any of them. I know what is going to happen when Wyatt left after the holidays. I'm smart and will never let him hurt me again. Still, a part of me wondered if maybe I'm being too harsh... I'm not saying that I want to be best friends or even friends with Wyatt again, but it'd be nice for things to not be so awkward, and it'd make Nikki so happy. Wyatt looks shocked by my answer but happy nonetheless. He presses his lips into a half-smile, not allowing his signature grin to spread across his face, "but if we're going to watch another movie, we need snacks."

"Of course," Wyatt nods, pushing himself off the couch cushions before walking towards the kitchen. I gently remove Harper's head off my shoulder before following. Just like Skye, when Wyatt picked her up, Harper doesn't stir awake. Instead, she lays flat on the cushions, hugging one of the pillows in her arms as she curls up into a ball.

I find Wyatt rummaging through the walk-in pantry upon entering the kitchen. He searches for another minute before grabbing a small red box off one of the shelves, "is that what I think it is?" I ask him, taking a seat on one of the barstools by the island.

"Extra butter," He confirms, holding up the box of microwavable popcorn, "your favourite..." He hesitates, shaking his head, "Or, uh, I mean, it used to be your favourite."

"I still like it," I reassure him, nodding my head.

"Like feels like an understatement," Wyatt places the bag of popcorn into the microwave, pressing the popcorn button, "if I remember correctly, you were obsessed with it."

"Obsessed is a little dramatic," I scoff, holding my fingers up a few inches apart to get my point across. He was right, though. I might have had a slight addiction to the snack during high school, whether we were watching movies, studying, or just hanging out. There used to always be a bowl of popcorn between the two of us, "I liked popcorn a normal amount."

Wyatt quirks his brow at me, unconvinced, "Marely, you cried when the orthodontist said you couldn't eat popcorn with your braces..." He reminds me, leaning against the counter diagonal from me. The kitchen was dark, the only light coming from the faint light of the microwave behind Wyatt. Somehow his features looked even sharper in front of the dim light, "and then you ate it anyway, by taking really tiny bites."

I groan, laying my head on the cool marble table in front of me, "I try blocking my awkward teen years from my memory."

"Some might say rebellious," Wyatt chuckles, the microwave beeped behind him signalling that our popcorn was done, "I mean, breaking the Orthodontists rules? Crazy."

"Oh yeah, I was wild," I lift my head enough, so I'm looking at him, rolling my eyes sarcastically, "you know, one time... I ate gummy worms."

Wyatt gasps, mocking shock, "you were a monster."

"I wasn't the only monster," I reply defensively, sitting up straight. Wyatt turns to open the microwave. The smell of popcorn floats through the air, causing my stomach to flutter with hunger. "Remember your first date with Sarah Gilbert?" Wyatt rolls his eyes, opening his mouth to defend himself. I continue before he can say anything, "you might not, considering you spent the entire night with me."

In sophomore year, Wyatt got asked to the Sadie Hawkins dance by a girl named Sarah. Dances had never been my thing, but Wyatt dragged me along for "moral support." He spent less than ten minutes with his date before asking me to ditch with him.

"She was weird, though," He reminds me, reaching down to grab a bowl from below the island, "within the first two minutes of dancing with me, she asked to have a picture of me so she could edit what our kids would look like... And I wasn't the only one who left in the middle of a date, remember Zach Fanning?"

"I did not bail on him in the middle of our date," I gape. Wyatt quirks his brow at me, "I would have had to show up in the first place to do that."

I got asked on one date during high school, it was in junior year, by my lab partner. I remember Lizzie helped me get ready that night. She did my hair, and makeup lent me an outfit of hers to wear. I got so nervous before my date, though. I bailed before I could even see Zach, calling Wyatt to pick me up instead.

"Classic Marley," Wyatt laughs, shaking his head amused as he pours popcorn into a bowl, "do you still do that? I'm sure you've broken the hearts of half the guys in New York City."

My smile falters at the mention of the city I live in. I hated when it got brought up because it only meant more lying. Still, I can't tell the truth. I live in the busiest city in the world, and yet, I'm so alone. I'm sure Wyatt has never felt that way, "Oh yeah," I recover my smirk before Wyatt can even notice it's gone, rolling my eyes playfully, "so many. It gets tiring, honestly."

"You like it, though?" Wyatt asks, dropping the snarky tone he'd been speaking with, "Living in the city, I mean. Is it everything we always hoped it'd be?"

Not in the slightest. Wyatt and I had some pretty crazy dreams for our lives in the city; we were going to live in an apartment with a view of the empire state building and make rich friends that invited us to fancy parties every weekend. "It's a little different," I chuckle, picturing the view from my apartment, the dumpsters, and a brick wall, "but I love it there."

Wyatt nods, smiling. He looked so genuine like he was happy that I was... Maybe I'm a better actress than I thought, "That's amazing. I'm happy for you, Marley."

I smiled back, ignoring the pit in my stomach. "Thanks," I nod, reaching for a piece of popcorn. Instead of popping the piece into my mouth, I throw it at Wyatt, hitting his cheek.

Wyatt reached up, touching where the popcorn hit, "I wouldn't have done that if I were you," He informs me, smirking, "We both know I don't back down from a battle."

I snatch the bowl away from the table, holding it in my arms, "we are not doing that. I would very much like to eat this."

Wyatt holds his hands up defensively. Walking past me and into the dining room that led to the living room. I shake my head, amused, before falling behind him. I place the bowl of popcorn in between us as we settle into our spots on the floor again.

Silently, Wyatt picks the remote up, not having to communicate which Christmas movie to put on next. Home Alone was always my pick during movie nights, and it seemed he remembered that because he pressed play on that before setting the remote back down.

Unlike when Harper was awake, having impression contests or crack jokes the entire movie. We're pretty silent, quietly quoting along when our favourite scenes come on. I expected it to be awkward or weird without Harper, but things feel natural with Wyatt. Peaceful even.

What the hell is happening? And why am I so okay with it?

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