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I lazily stir the cup of coffee in front of me, a yawn escaping my lips as I lean my head in the palm of my hand, struggling to keep my eyes open. Unfortunately, I did not get enough sleep before I woken up, by Skye running up and down the halls, and dad leaving the house to grab breakfast. The rest of the family was spread around the house, none of them aware that I'd slept for a total of 3 hours last night.

"Rough night?" Harper chuckles, taking the seat beside me at the kitchen island. Unlike me, she was ready for the morning, already dressed in a pair of leggings and a knit sweater. I'm still wearing my PJs. My hair thrown into a frizzy, messy bun that did not want to stay put. Strands of my hair stood up every which way. The bags accessorizing my brown eyes are massive, displaying just how sleep deprived I am.

"I didn't sleep very well last night," I shrug. It's not a complete lie. I just don't mention the reason for my lack of sleep. Harper would get the wrong idea, and I didn't want her spreading the fact that I was up all night with Wyatt to my other siblings, "I finally fell asleep a few hours ago."

Harper hums, nodding her head in understanding, "Lucky for you, we've finished Skye's list. So, you're free to spend the day doing absolutely nothing."

I let out a sigh of relief. As much as I love Skye and the fact that she organized an entire week full of Christmas activities, I'm looking forward to doing nothing for the day. Finally able to relax, "do you have any plans for the day?" I ask Harper, taking a sip of my coffee. I was going to need many more of these to wake myself up.

"Charlie got home last night," She smiles, a faint blush growing on her cheeks. I met Harper's boyfriend a few times in the past. He's sweet, winning over us siblings pretty quickly. He's quieter than Harper and a little shy. I like to think that he's the calmness she needs in her life. "So, I'm going over to his place today."

"That sounds fun," I nod, blinking to keep my eyes from fluttering closed completely. All I want is to go to bed and sleep for a few more hours. Maybe when I wake up, I'll feel like an actual human being again.

"Ah, there he is," Nikki sings. She and mom are sitting at the breakfast table, both sipping cups of coffee, with Skye colouring beside them. I look over my shoulder, my eyes connecting with Wyatt's. He looks like I feel. His brown hair flies up in all sorts of directions. His eyes are lined with bags that somehow make his green eyes even more vibrant.

"Morning," He mumbles, his voice was low and raspy, much like the other night when I woke him up. He staggers over to the coffee machine, placing a cup under it. He leans against the counter as it poured, his eyes half-open.

"You look tired," His mom observes as Wyatt sits at the island, directly across from Harper and I. Like me, he leans his head in his hand, running his fingers through his hair, making it even messier.

"Yeah, I didn't really sleep well last night," He nods, chuckling tiredly. He spares me a glance so quick I almost miss it, a knowing look in his eye. He also doesn't say the reason why, knowing our family will overreact about it, "I finally fell asleep like an hour ago."

I can see the wheels turning in Harpers head, before she looks over at me, her eyes wide. She glances between Wyatt and I, a look of realization washing over her face. I wait for her to say something, but she doesn't. She merely eyes me suspiciously, the look in her eye letting me know that we'd talk later.

She even stays quiet during breakfast once dad, Lizzie and James show up. Finally, once we're all finished eating and gone our separate ways, she grabs my arm, dragging me up the stairs. Lizzie and James both follow, the twins in arms, "Alright," She plops herself on her bed, crisscrossing her legs, "spill."

I shrug my shoulders, leaning my back against her desk, "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Oh, don't play naive," Lizzie playfully rolls her eyes, shaking her head, "Harper filled us in on everything."

"Yeah, we're not blind," James adds, "you and Wyatt both look awful this morning."

"Ouch," I mutter, pretending to be hurt. James isn't wrong, though, "I really don't get what you guys are trying to say right now."

"Are you and Wyatt together?" Lizzie asks, "I mean, it's obvious you were up together, were you-"

"No." I cut her off before I could hear her idea of what Wyatt and I were up to last night, "me and Wyatt are definitely not together."

The thought doesn't disgust me as much as I act like it does. It's weird, don't get me wrong, but when we used to get accusations like this as teens, the thought of people thinking there was something between the two of us, I'd find it comical. The thought of Wyatt being anything, but my best friends was strange to me.

"Okay, okay," Lizzie holds her hands up defensively, "Sorry."

"But you were up together last night?" James asks, not giving up the topic so quickly.

I sigh. They're relentless. No matter how many times I deny it, the three of them will keep questioning me, they'd go all afternoon like this, "We hung out for a little bit when neither of us could sleep," I don't mention the fact that I woke Wyatt up, "we went on a walk, and watched a movie. That's all."

"And then you fell asleep together again?"

"No," I shake my head at James, scrunching my face up in disgust, "he went back to his room."

"Oh," James mumbles, sharing a disappointed look with Lizzie.

The three of them fall silent, but I can tell there's more. It's been a while since we've had a talk, just us three. Clearly, they'd had a few things they wanted to ask me, "Anything else you wanna ask?"

"I thought you hated him?" Harper questions, quiring her brow, "I mean, I don't know about you guys, but I don't go on late night walks and watch movies in my bed with guys I hate..."

"Hm," Lizzie hums, nodding her head, "good point."

"Wyatt apologized last night," I inform them, fidgeting with the rings on my fingers, "he made a really dumb mistake, but he was genuine. We're friends again, but there's nothing more to it. We're just catching up, that's all."

I hope that sounded convincing cause it sure didn't feel it. I was telling the truth, but a part of me felt like it wasn't. A part of me wondered if maybe their accusations were something I didn't notice yet. Wyatt and I keep having these moments, where for a split second, it feels like we're on the edge of something more. Something that would change everything again.

Those moments have been private, though. And they never happened because they weren't supposed to. Wyatt and I are friends again, and hopefully, it stays that way this time.

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