Back to Narnia: Truth Exposed

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Back to Narnia: Truth Exposed

"Oh boy, not another assembly," Lucy Pevensie complained as she and her brothers and sister walked into the school gym for the fifth assembly in almost as many weeks. Susan and Peter were inclined to agree, but Edmund said, "Don't fret, Lu. This one probably won't be near as boring as the last ones." As they walked into the gym, none of them had any idea how true Edmund's statement was. They took their seats and waited for the assembly to begin. The principal opened the assembly and it turned out to be about the usual humdrum things like how to allocate school funds and what the school should do for their school's end of year dance. She droned on and on with the four Pevensies all getting bored. Edmund and Lucy were asleep and Susan and Peter were about to be, when something happened that caused Peter to nudge his brother and younger sister to wake them up. The doorway at the end of the gym was opening and people were coming out, but not students. Indeed they looked more like pirates from the time of Blackbeard or Calico Jack Rackham. The students all started laughing at them, even Peter and his siblings. But then, things changed when one of the pirates addressed them directly. "High King Peter, Queen Susan, King Edmund, and Queen Lucy, I see you in the crowd. Don't think I don't. We're going to bring back all of you old kings and queens and ransom you. The Narnians will have to do what we say if they want you back. So if you'll all just come quietly, no one will get hurt," the pirate said nastily. The students all started to murmur amongst themselves at the four Pevensie siblings being addressed as such. High King? I haven't been called that since I lived in Narnia all that time ago. And did he say the Lone Islands? These pirates are from Narnia or somewhere in that world anyway. This could be trouble. Best to pretend ignorance and maybe they'll leave. "I don't know what you're talking about," Peter said boldly, and his siblings, taking the hint, denied it as well. Their luck didn't hold, though. The pirates weren't fooled. Instead they decided to rush the crowd, hoping to be able to pick off the four one by one. When that didn't work, they finally took the whole school through into Narnia, expanding the portal so they could get everyone through it.

Once through, a murmur went through the crowd and everyone started to step back from the four Pevensies, realizing that they weren't in school anymore. Then someone went straight up to them and asked them outright what was going on. However, before Peter or any of them could answer, a whole band of pirates charged down toward them, waving broadswords. Peter and Edmund managed to make it to their weapons stash that was nearby, then noticed they were just down the hill from the ruins of Cair Paravel. So they decided to try to get to the castle ruins, get to the treasure chamber and find their armor and weapons. They did manage to get into the castle's treasure chamber by tearing down the old rotted door which led down to it, and Peter retrieved his shield and his sword, Rhindon. Susan retrieved her bow and arrows, Edmund retrieved the sword he'd last used in the battle against Rabadash at Anvard, and Lucy retrieved her dagger and cordial. All outfitted themselves in Narnian clothes. Peter and Edmund wore armor with the red lion emblem on it and charged into the battle with their swords drawn, Peter astride a fine white charger and Edmund riding his old friend Phillip. Susan and Lucy stayed back and shot arrows at any pirates not taken down by Peter and Edmund's swords. The number of pirates seemed endless, but finally an army of  Narnian creatures came to help them fight the pirates, who were soon all dead. But the battle wasn't over as they still had to face the man behind all of this--the pirate leader, Suggs. He was somewhat more muscular than Peter and Edmund both, and he definitely was very skilled with a broadsword, but eventually Peter managed to strike him down. As Peter took off his helmet, all present could see places on Peter's neck, shoulder, torso and leg where Suggs' sword had struck him, but Lucy used her cordial on Peter's wounds and he was soon fine. All the students stood in silent shock staring at them. Those boys who used to pick on Peter now backed away from him, scared after he struck down the pirate leader. The same was true for Edmund. Everyone saw how skilled a fighter he really was. Susan was regarded as very brave and the boy who hit on her at the train station (find out name later) saw that she was more regal than he'd even imagined. Lucy too was seen differently. No longer was she the little girl who needed people looking out for her. She was every bit as regal as her brothers and sister, every inch a queen. Everyone saw all of the Pevensies in a different light from then on.

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