Back to tomorrow

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Một đóa hoa cô độc nở rộ trên nhành cây, thật mỏng manh nhưng sao lại quá đỗi kiêu hãnh

Lặng nhìn em tràn đầy niềm đam mê của tuổi trẻ, những giọt lệ như chực trào dâng…

Cùng nhau bước đi trên con đường trải dài, một lần nữa từ điểm khởi đầu…

Ngày mai sẽ lại tỏa sáng rực rỡ…

Giờ đây xin em hãy trở về

Xin hãy trở về bên tôi…

Chắc chắn ngày mai sẽ lại tươi sáng…

Xin hãy trở về bên nhau…

Trở về bên em…

A brave flower purely bloomed, fragile but so proud

I look at you who are so sure to keep living,tears started to flood up

Once again,let's walk through this long road from the very beginning (to keep your life)

Tomorrow will surely bright BACK BACK BACK

Now BACK BACK BACK with me

Will surely bright again BACK BACK BACK

Together BACK BACK BACK with you

Make (love) You (and I ) make (love)

Forever hoping

Your face is now wounding,will it gone someday?

This arm outstreched want to help you

Once again from the beginning,I draw the dream in my chest (to give my love)

Remember the sky in that day STEP BY STEP


That sound which like a laughter STEP BY STEP

Together STEP BY STEP with you

Make (love) You (and I ) make (love)

Forever hoping

Windy day... What dark and mysterious too...

You just like a smile in front of me

Tomorrow will surely bright BACK BACK BACK

Now BACK BACK BACK with me

Will surely bright again BACK BACK BACK

Together BACK BACK BACK with you

(I will give my love)

Remember the sky in that day STEP BY STEP


That sound which like a laughter STEP BY STEP

Together STEP BY STEP with you

(I will give you my love)

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