chapter six

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"Are they flirting?" Normani asked as the two teenagers walked ahead of them.

"I think they are," Camila laughed, seeing Cindy wrap her arm over Naya's shoulders.

"Shit, I'm so sorry!" Cindy said, causing everyone to look at her.

"It's okay," the girl bit her lip as she looked at Cindy, "you can bump into me again," she flirted.

"Where are you staying?" Cindy asked, frowning to herself as Naya shrugged her arm off of her shoulders.

"The Marriot."

"Cool, me too... hopefully I'll see you around," Cindy bit her lip as she walked away.

"Did you the way that girl looked at her?" Dinah asked, looking at Camila.

"It happens all the time, my daughter's a little flirt, what can I do about it?" Camila laughed.

Lauren got this strange feeling when the girl looked at Cindy.

"You should see how the girls back home look at her," Valentina joined in as A began to approach again.

"Shit," Cindy mumbled to herself as she caught up with her mum.

"What happened back there?" Camila laughed.

"I don't know..." Cindy shrugged as she noticed everyone looking at her.

"Oh, like you didn't think she was cute."

"I guess she was pretty," Cindy shrugged it off as they began to walk back to the hotel.

"She's staying at the same hotel too," Cindy looked at her mom.

Dinah smirked to herself as she looked at her daughter, there was jealousy written all over her face.

The group finally arrived back at the hotel. They went their separate ways but Cindy and Naya continued with their plans.

"I'll see you later mom," Cindy smiled, "just this once can it be only me and Naya?"

"Okay..." Camila finally gave in as she ran to her mom and flung her arms around her.

"You're the best."

"I know," Camila laughed, hearing a faint knock on the door.

"One sec!" Camila yelled and walked over to the door and opened it. "Lauren?"


Naya saw Cindy at the place she promised to meet her. Seeing Cindy's back was turned, she decided to play a little prank on her. She ran to her and jumped on her back.


"Hey to you too," Cindy laughed as she ran with Naya still on her back.

The two teenagers continued to play around in the pool, having fun. Cindy knew that this was the beginning of a great friendship but what she didn't know was that Naya thought differently.


Camila stood there in shock.

"I think we need to talk," Lauren looked at her calmly.

"We do," she looked at her seriously, "come in."

Lauren watched in awe as she saw the beautiful woman Camila had become.

"How have you been Lauren?" Camila asked nervously.

Lauren looked at her, "that's not why I'm here, Camila."

"Then why are you here?"

"Who is Cindy?"

Camila looked her in the eye, "she's your daughter."


"Don't start with me Lauren, you know very well how!" Camila glared at her angrily.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I knew you wouldn't have wanted her."

"How can you say that, Camila?"

"Do you remember the very last conversation we had?" Camila asked.

Lauren thought for a minute.

"I was practically throwing all the clues in and you couldn't take a hint."

"You could've told me!" Lauren snapped.

"That doesn't mean that you would've wanted her!" Camila yelled back.

"How can you say that?"

"Okay, look me in the eye and tell me that if you could turn back time to sixteen years ago you would've been there to support me."

Camila looked her in the eyes again and Lauren turned away.

"I didn't tell you about her to hurt you, I knew having a child at that age would've made you resent me."

"That's why you ran..." Lauren whispered.

"I did not run, I walked away. I had to. I had to let you go, you had so many dreams and I just couldn't take that away from you."

"But you were in those dreams, Camz."

"But was Cindy in them?" She asked as tears began to fall from her eyes, "in those dreams was there ever a child?"

"No..." Lauren shook her head in shame.

"I knew you didn't want a baby but I did. The words that you spoke sixteen years ago were the same words that broke my daughters heart just last night."

Lauren looked at her sadly as the words kept flowing from her mouth.

"When I was sad, just her smile brought me back up again. And I would do anything to make her happy, anything. Even if it cost me my own happiness."


"I was in labor with her for so fucking long but when I saw her beautiful green eyes, you will never know what that's like. And no one can ever take her away from me."

Lauren looked at her, she really loved this child with all her heart and clearly the child loved her just as much.

"Did you ever think how much I needed you, Camz? I was in pain too and I had no one. You had her."

"You hurt her... she'll never forget what you said to her," she put her hand in Lauren's, "I'm sorry for all the years I've caused you pain."

"I forgave you the instant that you left."

"And now all Cindy needs is to forgive you. Talk to her, Lauren."

Lauren wrapped her arms around her, finally realizing how much pain she had caused her own daughter.

"I've missed you so much, Camz..."

"I've missed you too, but I think Cindy's missed you way more," Camila backed away from her.

"Can I take Cindy out tonight?" Lauren asked, looking at Camila.

"It's up to her, Lauren..."

"I want you to be able to trust me to be alone with her."

Camila smiled at Lauren. She did miss her, she missed her a lot.

"I'm back," Cindy said, walking into the room, "oh, you're here."

"Cindy," Lauren smiled at the girl.

"Cindy, baby, you two haven't met properly. Lauren this is your daughter, Cindy."

"We've been introduced many times," Lauren laughed.

"She doesn't have a daughter, she said so herself," Cindy replied, rolling her eyes.

"Cindy... please," Camila mumbled and the expression on Cindy's face softened. Lauren knew at that very moment that this teenager would do anything to please her mother.

"She wants to ask you something."

Lauren cleared her throat, "would you like to have dinner with me tonight?"

"You can't be serious," she turned to Camila who nodded her head, "okay, I guess."

"You get ready and I'll be back in a hour," Lauren smiled nervously. She obviously didn't know how to act around her own daughter.

Cindy nodded her head and walked to her mother. Camila put one arm around Cindy and smiled at Lauren.

"I told you," she smiled at her as Lauren walked out the door.

"You knew I was going to say yes?" Cindy looked at her mom.

"Of course," Camila said, kissing her on the cheek.


"Yes, baby?"

"What happened before I came in?" Cindy smirked.

"Go and get ready!" Camila laughed, pushing Cindy towards the bathroom.

Cindy made sure not to show exactly how happy she was, but deep down she was still hurting but she refused to let Camila know.

She knew just how fragile her mother was.

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