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«The Prologue»

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The sun began to set at the horizon of Ketterdam as Sapphire set down her steaming cup of tea. She sat down next the window staring at the garden of the estate she lives in. It had been a quiet day without her brother running around. He had been out all day and had yet to return home, not even for dinner, which was the only time of the day he would spend with her in peace. The only part of the day her father would definitely not be home. Sapphire looks down at her tea before taking a silent sip enjoying the burning sensation it leaves behind on her tongue, looking back outside she shivers as the trees shake slightly in the wind. Taking in the taste of the white flower with lemon from her favorite tea from Shu Han.

She would never tell her father, not having the guts to do so, but she absolutely resented the place she has to call 'home'. But she never dared to go against her father and his wishes. Just like her brother she wanted to do things, like leave the estates grounds for example. But never wanting to be on her fathers bad side, especially not now with the arrangement. After all he was just trying to look out her and her brother. His precious jewels as he called them. Diamond and Sapphire Jongstra.

Sapphire let out a sigh after each sip she drinks. She tries to think of the last time her father let her go outside. But the last memory of it was with Mrs. Toil, her old nanny, who got fired the second she turned 16. Which was 3 years ago. Hence the last day she had seen the city. Strolling about the small market of Ketterdam as see took in all the smells and people. Oh how she missed the smell of tea leaves and freshly baked bread. She closes her eyes for a small moment before looking back at the trees. Suddenly a small orange light appeared in the back of the garden. She squints her eyes slightly to get a better look. It moves from side to side slowly as the glow got brighter, nearing the Jongstra mansion. Saphire slides over to sit at the edge of her seat in alarm. Her first thought is that her brother arrived home, but he only uses the front arriving by carriage. It could not be her father either as he is in Novi Sem on a business trip. The only logical thought left:


Her breath hitched as the glow nears, now almost at the entrance of the garden door that leads to the dining hall. She stands up quickly as she sees two figures approaching. With some quick thinking Sapphire hides behind the chair she was sitting on to hide her from their viewpoint. The two make it to the steps that lead to the patio in front of the doors. She sees them slowly making their way up until the one holding the orange glowing lantern suddenly falls up the stairs and she has to hold back a slight laugh.

"How did you even manage to trip?" The other asks and she can almost hear the rolling of their eyes. That's when she notice the figure holding a cane.

Could it be? The person her brother spoke about? She wasn't sure, but Diamond did tell her about the demon of Ketterdam.

The other one stood up quickly straightening the jacket they are wearing, dusting it off before picking up a hat from the steps. "Well sorry, Kaz." Sarcasm rolling of their tongue. "Next time I'll ask for your permission to plant my face on the ground."

As he spoke her fears were confirmed.

Kaz Brekker, basterd of the Barrel.

Sapphire now has two choices. One would be running to the door and locking it, though she knows they might have a way to come in either way. And being in full view in front of them doesn't sound appealing at all.

Or number two, running to her chambers, which means going past them and risk being seen. She wanted to stand her ground and defend her own but she knows she won't stand a chance. Even with the self defend lessons she got from Mrs. Toil. So running it is.

As she makes her way to her room, sprinting her way down the hall past the glass garden doors, she could hear one of them talk again. "I thought you said the place was empty?" It was the person who fell. "Unless this place is hunted after all."

"Don't be ridiculous. Ghost don't exist."

"Tell that to Inej."

She couldn't hear them until a soft clicking sound alert her they opened the door and made their way inside. Sapphire closes the door quietly trying not to make a sound that let them know where she's hiding. One of them spoke up softly "You look down here, I'll take upstairs."

Sapphire's eyes widen. One of them is going to find her either way. She looks around her room for a place to hide. But she only sees the possibility to hide under her bed. She could hear someone roaming around the house, opening drawers and doors, until she hears to footsteps getting closer to her bed chambers. She quickly makes the decision to crawl under her bed. She holds her breath as she hears the knob on the door turning before it opens. Footsteps enter the room and she can see a pair of boots entering her vision. Even though she had heard a bit about Mr. Brekker she thought she might have an advantage, but that bit of hope deflated as she noticed.

No cane.

The boots carried around the room quietly yet with a quick pass, searching around her room. She followed this person with her eyes. At least it's not a heartrender. They would of heard the hammering of her heart from a mile away. The boots stopped in front of her vanity. "Well hello there." The person spoke. Sapphire is convinced he found her small jewelry box, though she already knows nothing is inside of it. The necklace already hanging loosely from her neck, as the gold material nearly touches the cold floor underneath her. She scoots over a bit to see the person. As her eyes meet his figure and she sees that he wasn't looking at the little box at all, but instead looking at himself in the mirror. Moving and adjusting his hat on top of his head. Her eyes squint together in amusement. Then his eyes suddenly shift to her.


He swiftly turns himself around whipping out a pistol. Sapphire gasps and pushes herself to the other side of her bed on the floor. "Tsk tsk, I've already seen you love. Come out. Now." Why did she wanted to take a look. While holding up her hands, showing him the isn't armed, she stands up after gracefully crawling from underneath her bed. The man, boy, Smiles at her "Hi there love." If this was a different situation it would've caused her heart flutter and her cheeks to heat up but this isn't a different situation.

A clicking noise could be heard from the hallway. "I can't find any kind of jewel he spoke about at the club." Another voice spoke while entering the room. "Ah! What do we have here?" Kaz Brekker asks. His eyes finding Sapphire's frame, eyes cold and glaring into her soul.

"Told you I saw some kind of shadow."

"Yes, Jesper." Kaz tells him shutting him, Jesper, up. Jesper who still holds Sapphire at gunpoint turns back to her with a smile. All the while Kaz just studies her with narrowed eyes. "Tell me," Kaz begins but is interrupted by a cough from Jesper. "Tell US, where does your father keep his so called jewels."

Sapphire looks from the gun to the bastard with the cane. Confusion in her eyes, "What?"
Kaz gives her a narrowed look, "You heard what I asked, don't make me repeat myself" His hands tightening around the crow head on his came, he wasn't here to play games. Especially not with spoiled rich girls with curly red hair.

The air is thick with tension as Sapphire eyes Kaz up and down, gaze lingering on his cane then his hands that were covered by black leather gloves. When she meets his eyes she asks "Jewels?"

"Yes." The short answer leaves his mouth, cold and stern."Just tell us where to find them, the sapphire to be specific. Tell us and Jesper here doesn't have to shoot a hole in your leg or your head."

The words hit her as she tilts her head before she starts to laugh. Kaz eyes her carefully, giving Jesper a side eye. Jesper does the same, a confused scowl on his face.

"Something funny?" Kaz brings his eyes back to her.

"Are you sure we didn't hit one of those mental places?" Jesper spoke eyeing the girl carefully with worried eyes.

"How dare you?" Sapphire stops her laughter. "And yes, something is indeed quite funny. Where did you get the information?"

"Well, you see, we have someone who heard it from your father at one of Pekka-"

"Shut up, Jesper." Kaz interrupts Jesper.

"I thought so. I'm sorry to disappoint the both of you but no real jewels here. We do have a safe with Kruger though."

Jesper 's eyes widened."Why would you tell us that?"

Kaz looks at Jesper quickly before bringing his eyes back to the girl infront of him. Her tall posture straight with her hands still raised. "Your father speaks highly of them. Especially his diamond. Though I'm more interested in the sapphire."

Sapphire scoffs, of course he would talk fondly of his precious Diamond. His golden boy. "Well the diamond isn't home and his sapphire is right in front of you."

Jesper puts his gun down while walking over to her after a nod in her direction from Kaz. His eyes roam her face before landing on her necklace. His fingers gripping it softly as he graces the gold material with his finger tips."no sapphire here."

"Stop joking around and tell me where it is." Kaz is getting tired of the game you're playing. Jesper lets go of your necklace as he takes a step back.

"As I said, your looking at the Sapphire." She puts her hand out feeling a bit more daring now that she knows she has the upperhand. "Nice to meet you."

It was a wonder Jesper's eyebrows could raise that far up. Kaz on the other hand looked unbothered at her comment yet a snarl appeared on his face. Both of them looking at her. Jesper's eyes scan her body tracing her silloutte, while Kaz keeps looking at her with hard eyes. Yet if you look close enough, you could spot the slight twinkle of interest in there. Sapphire eyes both boys intrigued wondering what their next move is going to be. The room stays quiet as the three of them think about what was said a moment ago. The heist was ruined for sure. Fell right into the murky waters of the Ketterdam harbor Kaz knew all to well.

"Okay then, we can't exactly take her now can we. How about we take the Kruge instead." Jesper broke the silence with his question. "I take it the safe is upstairs?"

Sapphire looks at him and then it clicked, her escape. "Why not?"

"What, why not?" Kaz knows what she means "We're not taking you."

Jesper looks from Kaz to the girl in front of him. Excitement filling his eyes. "Yeah Kaz, why not?"

If looks could kill, Jesper would have died for the millionth time that night. "Because we're not taking her."

"Fine, then i'll come out of my own free will."

"No." Kaz glared.

"Yes!" Jesper called at the same time as Kaz.

"It would be perfect collaboration, mr. Brekker." The redhead nodded her head to him slightly, a small grin appearing on her face. "You get to demand ransom money from my father, all the while I get the escape I've dreamed of." Sapphire spoke nearly all words truthfully. There was no way her father would pay for any type of ransom money, especially not for her. But then again, what they don't know won't hurt them. right?

Kaz gave Jesper another look before turning on his heels. "Safe upstairs?"

"I'm not telling you." She knows she's being childish but this was her chance to finally get out of here, away from this empty house and it's insane rules and promises. Away from the arrangement.

Was going with them a safe option? No. Was it probably the only chance she'll get? Yes, she thinks so. Will she regret it? Probably. Did she care? In this moment? No. Not in the slightest.

Kaz looked back at the girl. His eyes flicking to Jesper who gave him an excited nod. "Tell me where it is and you have a deal." Sapphire smirks and extends her hand. Kaz glances at it before turning his head forward. She frowns and drops her hand. No shaking on it then."Oh, and Jesper?"

"Yes boss?"

"She is your responsibility."

"Of course, boss." Jesper nodded, grinning at the girl next him. Sapphire watches him carefully, he was way too excited for this.

"So, where is it and how do I get in?" Kaz asks walking into the small hallway. Sapphire steps forward as she follows behind him. Falling in step with the clicking of his cane against the tiles.

"I'll show you."

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