Chapter Eight

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I awoke to Demencia wildly shaking me. I grumbled in reply, and rolled over on my other side.

"Five more minutes..." I mumbled.

Demencia rolled her eyes, and shoved me off the couch. 

"Demencia!" I yelled at her, sitting up and rubbing my head. "What the heck?!?"

"We have visitors, Flug," Demencia replied, throwing my bag at me. "They're already at the door, so hurry up! And I know that you don't want them to see your face, so put that bag on."

I caught the bag in surprise, and Demencia slithered out the door. Yawning, I stretched and looked around me. Black Hat and 5.0.5 were already gone, and probably at the door. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, before carefully placing the bag over my head. I stood up, fixed my clothes, and soon left to get to the front door.

Man, I thought, trying to crack my back. That couch was not comfortable at all.

As I came closer to the door, I was greeted by multiple voices.

"...our son!"

"Listen lady," Black Hat's voice sounded down the hallway. "I have no idea who your son is, but I probably let him go by now. I don't exactly kidnap people, unless I have a purpose."

"But Flint and Ferd said that you have him!"

I stopped at this. Whoever these people were, they knew Flint and Ferd. That was not good. Worried, I sprinted to where Black Hat and the others were. I skidded to a halt right behind Black Hat when I recognized those two people. That man. That woman. Those faces. Those voices. No. It couldn't be. How did they find out? The woman noticed me, and pointed her finger at me.

"I bet that your scientist over there did some terrible experiment to him!" the woman accused me.

"I-" I began, but Black Hat cut me off.

"I can assure you that he has not harmed your son," Black Hat said, nodding. "He just began working here a few days ago. Ask Flint and Ferd again if you have the right place. Their heroic minds are small and confused."

The woman and the man looked at each other, before deciding to leave. As they turned away, I gulped down my fear, and spoke up. 


All three of them turned as I, with shakey hands, took off my bag. Black hat looked at me in surprise, while the man visibly backed up and the woman's hand flew to her mouth. 

"Mother," I greeted, cautiously stepping towards them. "Father."

Black Hat gave me a look, before leaving me alone with my parents, in order to search for Demencia and 5.0.5. I stepped closer to my parents, and they both crushed me in a hug.

"Mother," I gasped, feeling crushed by their hug. "I told you that I was fine. You didn't really have to come and visit."

"I-I just needed proof that you were alive," my mother stated, releasing me and smiling. "I-I can't believe how lucky I was to hear that you survived that crash." She placed her hand on my scarred face. 

I placed my hand over hers, and sighed. I smiled back at her, and smiled to my father as well.

"We were so worried when Flint and Ferd told us that you had been kidnapped by Black Hat," my father stated, smiling back at me. "We feared the worst, so we just had to come here to make sure that you were alright."

At this, I moved away from them, and stared at them with wide eyes. 

"Y-you know them?" I asked in fear.

My parents looked at each other, before they turned again towards me, and my mother carefully took a step towards me.  

"Son, we have been keeping this a secret from you for a long time now," my mother began. "We-we are heroes. Flint is your father's younger brother; your uncle. Once you left, we asked him to watch over you, but I guess that that was a little difficult, since, well, look at you now! Working for a villain! What have we done wrong?"

"But," my father cut in. "We have come to make everything better, and turn you into a hero like us." He held out his hand. "Come with us, son."

I looked down at his hand, before swatting it away in anger.

"Are you kidding me?!?" I asked, anger boiling up inside me. "Why did you keep this from me?!? I deserved to know! And after everything I've been through, now you decide to come and 'rescue' me?!?" I scoffed, but it sounded more like a laugh. "Now that I think about it, even though Black Hat did kidnap me, I'm kind of glad he did! Because if he didn't, I would still be naive and oblivious to the liars around me! And heck, he and his helpers are the only ones who seem to care about me! THEY said that they were impressed with my inventions! THEY rescued me when Ferd and Flint kidnapped me! Yeah, that's right! Your 'heroic' brother and his friend kidnapped YOUR SON! Oh, yeah, and remember yesterday when I called you, mother, and told you that I was sick?!? Guess who healed me back to health?!? That's right, BLACK HAT AND HIS HELPERS! And you know what?!? I am a villain! I wasn't so sure about being one until now! I'd rather be an evil scientist who works for Black Hat than be your 'heroic son who's perfect in every way'!" I crushed my bag in my hand, and threw it at my parents. "Take this bag and never come back! You will never see me ever again! I am no longer your son!"

My father caught my bag, and my mother reached out to me.


"I SAID LEAVE!" I screamed, pointing at the door.

I turned my back to them, and folded my arms. I heard the door close and lock behind me, and I broke down into tears. I fell to my hands and knees as tears fell to the floor. All of the emotion I held inside poured out of me, and I felt a weight rising out of my chest. After a few minutes, three pairs of feet appeared before me. One pair blue, one pair with mismatched sneakers, and one pair with plain grey shoes. I looked up to see Black Hat, Demencia, and 5.0.5 looking down at me. Black Hat held his hand out, I took it, and he helped me stand up. They surrounded me in a group hug as I continued to cry.

"It's always better to be a villain, Flug," Black Hat tried to calm me down. "We don't have to deal with little things like emotion. Here, 5.0.5, can you bring him back to the theater room? How about we have another movie night tonight? Your choice."

I took a shakey breath, and nodded in reply. Soon, I was being carried away by 5.0.5, Black Hat and Demencia following behind me.


Soon, we were all squished onto the couch, using 5.0.5's sleeping body as a ottoman, watching Kingsmen. Dementia had made more popcorn, and had eaten almost all of it, while I ate a little bit of it. I was still pretty shaken by what I had told my parents earlier, and I slumped down in shame. 

It was their fault you turned out this way. My thoughts swirled around in my head. They kept a secret from you for far too long.

But they're my parents. I love them.

Do you really?


I was shaken out of my thoughts, and I noticed that the end credits were rolling. Demencia had fallen asleep, and Black Hat was trying to get my attention. 

"Yes sir?" I asked, standing up and turning off the tv.

"Get some rest," he replied, standing up. "I'm going to need you to invent something tomorrow."

"Yes, sir," I nodded, before leaving the room.

As I walked to my room, I shoved my hands into my pockets and thought about my parents.

I love them. 

I love the...

I lo...

I hate them.

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