Chapter One

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The wind threatened to pull back my hoodie as I shoved my hands into my pockets. I trudged along, keeping my head down, making sure that no one could see my face. When I closed my eyes, I could still see the fire. In the silence of the city around me, I could still hear the screams. Shuddering, I pulled my hoodie's strings until my face was completely hidden by the hood. 

It's all my fault. It's all my fault, I told myself over and over again.

I sighed again as I took out my pilot's license. I was so young. So naive. I frowned at my smiling face before crumpling the license in my hand, and shoving it back into my pocket.

Not paying attention to where I was going, I accidentally bumped into a young man about my age.

"Oh, s-sorry about that," I stuttered, keeping my head down and trying to move away as fast as I could from the man.

"Nonsense, sir," the man stopped me, placing a hand on my shoulder. "It's alright. Say, are you new in town?"

"Y-Yes, I am," I replied quietly, wanting to get as far away from the man as possible.

"That's why you're hiding your face, isn't it?" the man continued, walking forward, his hand still on my shoulder. "You're shy."

No, that's not the reason, I thought to myself before replying with a small, "Yes."

"You don't need to be. I can show you around town," the man smiled warmly. "My name is Flint. What's yours?"

"Fl-Lance," I replied, deciding it would be better to not give him my real name. "My name is Lance."

"Nice to meet you Lance," Flint stuck out his hand.

I grasped it with my bandaged hand, and quickly shook it before placing my hand back into my pocket, hoping that he didn't see the bandages.

Flint smiled at me again, and began to show me around the town. I payed attention, only breaking my silence to ask a few questions. One building in particular caught my interest. It was built in the shape of a giant hat, and an airplane had crashed into it.

"Whose house is that?" I asked, pointing to the building.

"Black Hat's." Flint's voice sounded like venom as he said the name. "One of this town's most evil resident."

A villain? I thought to myself, shuddering a little. I never want to hear that word again. Those people should know that I'm not a villain.

"Come on, Lance," Flint said, pulling me away from the building. "Let's get out of here before he comes out."

Just as we were about to leave, the door to the building swung open, and an angry looking scientist stormed out. A man clad in entirely in black followed him. Panicking, Flint took my arm and dragged me behind a tree, making sure that we were hidden from sight.

"How dare you quit on me, Dr. Filip!" the black cladded man screamed at the scientist. "If it wasn't for me, you would be dead!"

"I'd rather be dead than to work for a villain all my life!" Filip replied, taking off his gloves, goggles, and lab coat, and throwing them to the ground. "You will get what you deserve, Black Hat!"

Filip stormed away, Black Hat watching in anger, before sighing, picking up the discarded items, and venturing back inside. 

Sighing in relief, Flint and I came out from behind the tree.

"Man, that was close," Flint said, wiping sweat off of his forehead.

I looked at him, and noticed that he was hugging himself and shaking in fear. I tried to remain calm, but my heart felt like it would burst out of my chest and run away from fright.

"That man was Black Hat?" I asked, pointing to where the man went inside.

"There is no way I would confuse that demon with anyone else," Flint replied, trying desperately to calm down.

I nodded silently, and we continued walking. Just as we made it halfway past the building, the door once again slammed open.

"YOU!" Black Hat yelled, pointing at us.

"Run!" Flint cried, grabbing my arm and trying to get away from Black Hat.

Confused and scared, I let Flint drag me away from Black Hat, and we ran towards the city. Suddenly, I felt myself being lifted into the air, and I cried out in alarm. Flint stopped, and pulled at my arm, desperately trying to keep me from floating away.

"What's happening?!?" I asked, trying to land back on the ground.

"It's Black Hat!" Flint cried out. "He's trying to take you!"

"But why?!?" I yelled back. "What did I do?!?"

"I...don't...know!" Flint yelled back, losing his grip on my arm.

I watched as Flint fell to the ground, and watched in horror as I floated to where a smiling Black Hat was waiting for me.

"Hello, sir," he grinned. "It's very nice to meet you."

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