Chapter 1

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[B/n: Best Friend name]

Y/n's POV

It was a regular school day during lunch for most teens, they would be eating with their friends or be by themselves. I'm one of the teens who spend their time alone but I do have one friend.

B/n: Yo, Y/n!

Y/n: What is it?

B/n: I just got a new game and was wondering if you would like to have a marathon.

Y/n: Would it get you to leave me alone?

B/n: Don't be like that.

Y/n: ...Fine, just don't expect me to stay over.

Timeskip to the end of the school

I was walking to B/n's house with my headphones on, listening to some music. Once I arrived, I knocked on the door and he opened it.

B/n: Come on in.

I did just that and walked to the living room where B/n showed the game he told me about.

B/n: It's a new installment in The Heart of Kingdoms series!

Y/n: *Raises eyebrow* Really? Wow, Square Enix took their time.

we both laughed at my joke, I went to the kitchen to grab a few drinks and snacks.

B/n: Look, I need to go use the restroom. Go ahead and turn on the console since the data has to be copied into the system.

Y/n: Alright.

I gave him a thumbs up and he rushed to the toilet. I turned on the TV, took the controller, and sat on the L-shaped couch. I put the game disc in the console and waited for it to load. Minutes have passed, the TV is still black, and B/n hasn't returned.

Y/n: Did he really just invite me to waste my time? By now, I should be to play the game, maybe a good smack would get it to work.

Although it's never a good idea to smack another person's TV, I can make this an expectation since it's my best friend's TV. Surely he wouldn't mind...right? Doesn't matter since I gave the TV a good smack on the back like the old folks back then.

No one's POV

Y/n: That should do it.

You went back to the couch and laid back on it as you waited for the game to load but this time, the screen went white. Noticing this, you went pale and vaulted over the coffee table to get closer to the screen. By the time you got closer to it, the screen emitted a flashing light and blinded you for a moment. The next thing you knew you felt the wind blowing at your body.

Y/n: Am I in heaven?

Your eyes were still shut thanks to the sudden flash of the screen. You opened your eyes slowly and the first thing you saw was...

Y/n: Isn't that the sky? Wait...AM I FALLING?!

You panic once again as you realize that you are falling from the sky. It's a guaranteed death if you were to hit the ground or water. You looked below to see where you were going to land.

Y/n: Is that a forest? Either way, I'm done for, never thought I'd go out like this.

You closed your eyes and waited for the angel to take you to where you belong but what truly happened was you being hit by a few thin branches and landed on something soft.

Y/n: Ow ow, damn it, I'll definitely remember that in the afterlife. Wait, I'm not dead, maybe it's thanks to the leaves her-...

Before you could finish your sentence, you looked around to see what could have made you survive that fall, and what you saw was a girl. With the sight of that, you jumped on your 2 feet and put some distance between you and her. You took some self-defense classes a few times so defending yourself is a piece of cake.

Y/n: *Image below* Who are you?

She was wearing a fancy dress with a very exotic design to it. She also had black hair, worn up in long pigtails. She showed a little bit of cleavage which made you blush a bit too.

???: Urgh, why do I have to be the cushion for everyone?

You didn't know what to say to that. She woke up from that impact as if it was nothing. She tapped her dress to take off some of the dirt which was still attached. You were mesmerized by her stunning looks. Although wearing quite the revealing get-up, her cuteness was another reason why your face was red.

???: Listen here, what do you hope to accomplish by falling from the sky?

Y/n: And what do you hope to accomplish by talking to me like that? As far as I know, I just got here.

???: Who do you think you are talking to me like that?! You know, let's get to the introduction, I'm Noire, goddess of Lastation, and you are?

You remained silent, clearly not wanting to tell her your name. You look away and place your right hand on your left arm as you tell her your name.

Y/n: Y/n. Y/n L/n. Lastation? I've heard of a place like that and what you do mean you're a goddess?

Noire: Wait, what do you mean you don't know what Lastation is?

Y/n: I'll tell you.

You explained to her the best you can because not even you can understand what's going on.

Noire: I see. You might be teleported from your world to this world.

Y/n: *Image below* WOAH WHAT?!

Noire: Shush!

Noire gave you some sort of warning to you much to your annoyance. It was also the same moment you hear rustling sounds nearby, what came out of the bushes were agile wolves. They haven't done anything to the both of you yet but they were circling you two.

Noire: I told you to shut up baka.

Y/N: *Annoyed* Who are you calling baka?

Out of the three wolves, one jumped at you with its mouth wide open. You caught it by the throat and threw it at a tree.

Noire: I got no choice but to destroy you three.

Noire shined for a moment before turning into someone completely different. This time she had long white hair and she wore a black turtleneck leotard.

Black Heart: Hmph, you messed with the wrong person today.

Y/n's POV

She held a gigantic sword in one hand which made me wonder where it came from. But now is not the time for that, she's handling the wolves as if they were mere slimes until she suddenly reverted back.

Noire: Huh?

???: Hehehehe

The wolf took this chance of confusion and counter-attacked Noire. The confused Noire didn't have time to prepare herself, thus leaving her wide open. Images flash in my head of that, not again!

Y/n: Like that's going to happen!

I stretched out my right arm and let the wolf take a bite of it instead of Noire. The pain was bearable but that's not the worst case scenario. After it got a bite, it started moving its head around making the wound bigger.

Y/n: Noire! Pass me the sword!

The shocked Noire listened and passed me her sword. I didn't hesitate to stab the wolf right at the head making it disappear into crystals. The other two wolves fled into "who knows where".

Noire: Baka! You could have gotten yourself killed!

Y/n: *Low voice* ...It was either that or letting someone die because of me again.

Noire was confused while I looked at my arm which now had holes.

Noire: I'll heal your arm, just drink this.

She passed me a bottle with red liquid in it.

Y/n: What is it?

Noire: Isn't it obvious? A potion, baka.

I started to realize that she had a nickname for me and I'm not too happy about it. Better not argue about it now. I drank the potion and the wound on my arm vanished.

Noire: Now that's settled, how did I suddenly revert back?

Noire was lost in her thoughts. I looked around and saw a red stone that looked something like a plus symbol. I brought it close to Noire and she suddenly acted all limp.

Y/n: Maybe this is the cause.

Noire: That's an anti-crystal! Don't bring it near me, I'm weak against it.

I had an idea to tease whether it was a good idea or not, but I still wanted to try it out. I walked closer to Noire and she fell to the ground.

Noire: What are you doing?! Get that thing away from me Baka!

Y/n: Alright but only on one condition.

I got closer to Noire to where I could feel her breath. Noire was slightly scared by what I'm about to request.

Y/n: I want you to...

She closed her eyes as if the reaper had come to take her life.

Y/n: Call me by my name, Y/n. Not baka.

Noire: Eh?

Y/n: So, what's it going to be?

Noire: Okay, you have a deal.

I smiled before throwing the crystal far away from Noire. I turned around to see her but with a deadly aura.

Y/n: This...might be bad...

Noire: So Y/n, was that your idea of teasing me?

She had summoned her sword. The only rational idea that came to mind was...

Y/n: Run!

Noire: Come back here! I'll mince you till there's nothing left of you!

???: The proxy has arrived.

Location: Lastation Border

Noire: You're faster...than you look.

Y/n: For a girl...I have to're quite the runner.

We were panting our lives out. I'm pretty sure we ran all over the forest as I happened to see different flora and fauna. Now all I see is a city with cheerful people walking around. Some in groups, some in pairs.

Y/n: Where are we?

Noire: This is Lastation. The greatest nation you'll ever see in Gamindustri.

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