Prolouge: Teleportation Miscalculation

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A/N: I want to point out one thing, I translated Lopez's lines with Google Translate.


In the Red and Blues home base, the team's mechanic and technician Lopez the Heavy is seen moseying around the grassy terrain around. Before stopping and gazing on the sunny sky.

If Lopez has any sorts of lungs, he would be sighing with relief. The Spanish Robot then says, "Finalmente, finalmente puedo relajarme..."

[Translation: Finally, I can finally relax..."

With everything that has happened and the things Lopez that has to endure, there are so many things that made this robot have a pessimistic and apathetic outlook view in life.

First it started at Blood Gultch, then a bunch of stuff happened that got him to have an apathetic view on life. Then the freelancer stuff happened,  next the events with Chrovos, then getting sucked inside the Black Hole which didn't kill him instead sends him back to the beginning of time thus making him Billions years old before he finally reunites with his team.

In many degrees he does hate the Reds and Blues with a burning passion because of the misery and disrespect he has endured especially how his relationship is strained due to the fact that they don't understand him, but at some degree with all the things he has gone through with these band of idiots, he grew to care for them but he doesn't show it.

So finally after everything he can finally relax.

That's until.

"Hey Lopez!" Sarge comes in behind, "I see your enjoying the view of the sunlight! Such a wonderful sight to behold, like that one time we pushed you into the pool at the water park! I wonder why you can't swim!"

"Porque soy un robot, algo que tu ignorante mente orgánica inferior no podría entender contra la maquinaria superior." Lopez said brutally honest.

[Translation: Because I am a robot, something your ignorant lower organic mind could not understand against the higher machinery.]

"Hehehe, I agree Lopez with you, perhaps we should teach you how to swim if we ever find ourselves in Naval Combat! Or better yet, underwater combat!"

"Por favor, no lo hagas, ya tengo malas experiencias con el océano." Lopez pleads at the mention of the ocean.

[Translation: Please don't, I already have bad experiences with the ocean.]

"Good idea! We should set up an underwater combat drill! So we can prepare ourselves! Like that one time by using a dummy bomb before I switched it out for the sake of realism!"

"Entonces, ¿cuál es el punto de usar una bomba falsa cuando literalmente estás usando una bomba real, idiota!" Lopez exclaims angrily.

[Translation: So what's the point of using a dummy bomb when you're literally using a real bomb, you idiot!]

"Of course! We should build a teleporter so we could have our team can easily transport ourselves much faster! What a wonderful idea Lopez! Come on! We have shit to do!"

Sarge runs off, leaving Lopez to himself.

"...Hijo de puta..." He mutters to himself.

[Translation: ...son of a bitch...]

Lopez follows him from behind, looks like his relaxation is cut short for now.


Through Lopez's mechanical engineering and with Simmon's help, they were able to build a teleporter in matter of hours. (#RedvsBlueLogic) I mean it should be no surprise coming from Lopez of all people... or droid.

He did build and repair objects, such as Sheila, the EMP Warthog, the motorcycle, the Hologram Chamber and two Mongooses. It's shown that without his body.

Even was able to create an entire army of robots for O'Malley/Doc. He has also learned to make two of every vehicle for Red team, as one will undoubtedly be broken as exemplified with Simmons' near-instant destruction of a Mongoose.

How he was able to do this despite lacking a body is beyond everyone's expectations, now the author and also the rest of the readers of this book wonders how the Bad Batch will react to the absurdity and impossibility that Lopez posses that it would give Tech or Echo a painful headache.

Anyways, back to the story at hand!

Lopez, Sarge and Simmons take a step back as they gaze at the Teleporter in pride. The base of the teleporter has a platform with two pillars and half rings on the back.

"This is not what I have in mind of what a teleporter should be..." Simmons said.

"Okay, now all we have got do is test it! Unfortunately I cannot find Grif! Where the Sam's Hill did he run off to?!" Sarge then runs off to find him.

When he ran off both Lopez and Simmons zones out a bit, remembering a few minutes ago before they finish the teleporter.


"So when you finish building this... teleporter, just like we did before but this time it's different. What happens now?" Grif asks standing on with door way of the base.

"After we put the finishing touches, all have to do is power it up with this energy crystal!" Sarge points it at the table, revealing an energy crystal suspended inside a capsule.

"Huh? Since when did we get that?" Grif asks the rest of his teammates.

"Ever since we defeated that bastard Chrovos! I found it during our time travels and also during his... or her defeat!" Sarge explained.

"And you just took it without knowing what kind of properties that thing will do if left untested." The Orange Sim Trooper said.

Sarge then says "...well, I already have in mind who will test it!"

Both Lopez and Simmons stop their work on the teleporter and they trained their gaze on Grif, who stood there awkwardly but understands what Sarge is referring to. They all know who Sarge is referring to and Grif doesn't like the sound of it.

"Um yeah, if you don't mind me I'll be running off somewhere... where you guys won't find me." Grif said nervously and quickly before running out of the base.

Sarge stops working and ask, "Huh? What did he say?"

Lopez and Simmons watch Grif run out of the base before they resume their work.

~Flashback ends~

"Wonder where that slacker ran off too!" Sarge grumbled, as returns back to the base, breaking Lopez and Simmons' thoughts, "I searched everywhere, and I asked Wash, Carolina, Tucker, Caboose, even Doc! But they don't don't know where the hell he is!"

"Debe haber una solución simple a este problema." Lopez suggests to group, even though they really don't understand him.

[Translation: There must be a simple solution to this problem.]

"Wow Lopez! That's a great initiative of you!" Sarge praises, much to Lopez's confusion.


[Translation: What?]

"Precisely, Lopez! Scientifically, there's only one way to make sure this teleporter is finally working properly! And that's for Lopez to jump into it!"

Sarge mistaken Lopez's suggestion. The Spanish Speaking Robot is take aback and horrified by this no doubt, first they decided to make teleporter that wasted his time now he'll have to be the test dummy!

"¡¿Qué carajo?!  ¡Eso no es lo que quise decir!" Lopes cries out.

[Translation: What the fuck?! That's not what I meant!]

"Sir, that doesn't make any sense." Simmons said, unintentionally agreeing with Lopez's statement.

"Now Come on, Lopez! Get in the teleporter!" Sarge drags him to the teleporter.

Lopez stares dumbfounded by this before sighing in displeasure then stepping into the chamber of the Teleporter while stating.

"Si muero por ustedes idiotas, solo quiero que sepan que todos son idiotas y que los odio a todos..." Lopez said to them.

[Translation: If I die for you idiots, I just want you to know that you are all idiots and that I hate you all...]

When he steps on the platform of the teleporter, Sarge then instructs Simmons to place the crystal inside the teleporter's main power chamber. Simmons walks over and he grabs the capsule containing the power crystal before he walks over to the teleporter and places its power source inside and with that said and done, the teleporter hums and lit up to life.

"Esto nunca va a funcionar." Lopez says as he stood on the platform.

[Translation: This is never going to work.]

"Alrighty, now that's a sound of good news!" Sarge said, before he then turns to the Maroon Soldier, "Simmons, execute they hypoters initiative! Activate the teleporter!"

Simmons complies to the request and turns on the teleporter. As it did, the crystal's power then electrical surges across the teleporter, as the lights on the room begins to flicker on and off.

"Um... is that is suppose to happen?" Simmons asks nervously while he looks at room around him

"I'm sure it would be fine." Sarge dismisses it.

"Dudo que." Lopez disagrees.

[Translation: I doubt that.]

Then the teleporter goes haywire as Lopez starts getting an uneasy feeling about this.

"¡Creo que deberíamos apagarlo!" Lopez exclaims to the two who are operating the teleporter.

[Translation: I think we should turn it off!]

"What's that Lopez? You want us to increase the power of the teleporter?" Sarge guesses his words.

"¡Eso no es lo que quise decir!" Lopez shouts at him for his misinterpretation.

[Translation: That's not what I meant!]

"Very well! You heard him Simmons! Increase the intensity of the teleporter!"

"Are you sure that is what he said?" Simmons questioned, " doesn't sound like it."

"Of course he is sure, look at him encouraging us!" The Red Soldier misinterpreted Lopez's exclaimatiom.

"¡ESO NO ES LO QUE YO QUIERO QUE USTEDES MORONS!" Lopez yells angrily at them.


"Punch it to full power!" Sarge ordered as Simmons puts the power of the teleporter to full power.

More sparking Sounds is heard from the Teleporter, making everyone unsettled.

"Uh oh... Um Lopez I don't think it's a good idea to intensify the power of the teleporter!" Simmons pointed out.

If Lopez has a face, he could be deadpanning, "¿Ah, de verdad?  Bueno, ¿qué te hace pensar eso, Einstein?

[Translation: Oh really?  Well, what makes you think that, Einstein!]

"Oh God! It's drawing too much power!" Simmons screams out, as the teleporter continues to malfunction.

Everyone starts screaming as the teleporter continues to surge in with a huge amount of electricity. The teleporter continues to emit heat, and light as well as kinetic and electrical energy surges across the room.

Sarge and Simmons hit the deck while Lopez was about to get out of the base of the teleporter but the teleporter then exploded as it releases a powerful shockwave that knocks Sarge and Simmons away as well as other form of furniture and tools getting around the place.

As the light dies down, the teleporter is gone, along with Lopez.

Sarge and Simmons stared at what remains of the teleporter before one of them, broke the silence.

"Well..." Sarge begins, "...that didn't go according to plan. Did we crossed a wire on the access panel of the teleporter or something?"

"I don't think so..."

They hear footsteps from behind and they turned to see Grif and... Donut?

"Donut? What are you doing here? I thought you went across the universe or something." Simmons said.

Donut then sheepishly said, "I was but I decided that maybe I should check in you guys and see what's up. Also what happened to the place? It looks as if a typhoon attacked the place."

"Oh, well Sarge asks me and Lopez to build a teleporter." Simmons explained.

"Like last time?" Donut remarks, "Did Lopez bend over and work those nuts? Grip that shaft! Give 'em a good screw!"

"Oh god..." Grif cringes in disgust at Donut's word.

"Unnecessary innuendos aside..." Simmons said before remarking, "I don't understand how our teleporter keeps breaking on us! Is it because of the crystal or something?"

"Well, that energy crystal was on category of Physical Location Object Transfer device! Sometimes referred to as a P.L.O.T. device, for short! It was said to be gift for Chrovos, from someone with odd and stupid name." Sarge remarks to the group.

"Oh yeah, I remember. Chrovos does have it on his stash when I used to be on his side." Donut added, "The guy who gave him that crystal goes by the name of... Battle Droid 1,106"

"Battle Droid?" Grif said with a raise eye-brow.

"1,106?" Sarge finishes.

"What kind of person would name themselves after one of the most incompetent robots in the Star Wars universe." Simmon said, "'s name is also sounds stupid."

~Meanwhile in another plane of existence~

A lone Battle Droid Commander wearing a brown hoodie with light brown pant in a different plane of existence is sitting on the couch as he typing on his IPad, writing the next chapter of the Fallen Huntsman or TLBPI or THOM or Arc of Decepticons or any story he has in mind on his processor.

He stops typing when he felt a disturbance for some reason, and if he has any eyebrows he would be twitching but anime logic eyes would do.

"Why did do I have the urge to strangle someone that is wearing Maroon..." BD1106 said to himself as he ponders.

He was silent for a few minutes.

"...Maybe it's my sister again..." He looks behind and shouted, "Hey sis! Did you say something that insulted me and my Wattpad name?!"

There was no response from the young girl who continues to type away on her Laptop.

"Are you ignoring me again!?"

His organic sister, Cluster, merely replies, "Meh..."

~back with the story~

"Other than ridiculous names or Star Wars or stuff, where did that Teleporter send him to?"

The Reds stared at the remains of the Teleporter as the atmosphere around them becomes tense by the second before.

"I'm sure he's fine. After all he did survive a blackout and lived through it!" Donut reminded everyone.

"You know... That actually makes sense. Especially how tough he is." Simmons said.

"So basically you guys wasted your time in this teleporter that never works because some random crystal you guys just stole and use to power it, and now Lopez is transported somewhere we don't know..." Grif summarized.

"Yup... seems like it." Sarge said, with the rest agreeing with him.

~Location; Star Wars Universe, Correlia, Decommissioning Plant~

In Coronet City's industrial district, inside the decommissioning facility; one of conveyor belts, containing scrap part of battle droids and also a lone Tactical Droid. A spark of energy happens, before light appears and a body similar in appearance of a Tactical Droid falls on top of the decommissioned Tactical Droid.

This new Droid that appeared out of nowhere has the same appearance of a T-seres Tactical Droid, he is colored in a mixture of light and dark brown. His optics are yellow and the mouth piece that illuminates whenever he talks, illuminates yellow.

Lopez steadily recovers as his systems start rebooting back to life, when he finally reactivates, he found himself laying down face first on a conveyer belt.

When he rises and examines himself only to be surprise that he feels and looks different like he has physically change in many regards, not only that he noticed he is laying on a conveyor belt with a multitude of machinery and droid parts, he also notices huge claws carrying a B2-series super battle droids. This unsettled him to no end seeing his kind being such state.

He looks ahead and notices the head and body of the Tactical Droid down and stands steadily stands ups nod picks up an very intact head of the Tactical Droid.

It didn't take a minute for him to realize that he is in a decommissioning facility, as bodies of battle droids are beings smelted down.

"¿Estoy en el infierno de los robots?" Lopez ask to no in particular.

[Translation: Am I in robot hell?]

Unknown to him someone from the catwalk spots him from a far, along with another accomplice. Both groups got their attention on the newly formed Tactical Droid and the head of the Tactical Droid.


Well, this prologue is done! I hope you aloe enjoy and stay tuned for "Chapter 1: Decommissioned."

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