Shaken Past

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BoBoiBoy's POV

It's our break time, as I walked alone while holding a tray of food.  I picked up a plate of chicken nuggets, half rice with sauteed veggies.  A box of milk chocolate,  a bottle of water and a vanilla flavor ice cream with chocolate syrup. As I saw Knight calling me and I saw my new friends; Crowies, Maria K, Velvet, Shy, Puncher, Hack and Tornado are sitting on a long stainless steel canteen bench with table as I sat oppositely sat besides at Tornado, I noticed her that she's isn't smiling at me,  she has problems. 

"Tornado,  don't play with your food..  Hey bebe.. " Hack said as he cuddles her. 

As she looked at him,  he put his arm around her shoulder and they both smiled.

"I wanna tell you about this.. " she said

"What is it Tornado?" Maria questioned herself

"My shaken past...  They're scaring me off... Oh Wind...  Oh stars...  Why are you so very cruel to me??" she answered while hugging Hack. 


Village Of The Wind Deity
(Modern Day Philippines)
11: 09 PM
November 20th 

?? POV

I was laying down on the soft grassy field and the sky was blue with white cottony clouds that I want to touch it. Then, I sat up and observe my surroundings.  I gladly thank the wind that they bring us some rain to our planted wheats and rices are planted at the terraces.  And some windmills are functionally and very blessed.


As I looked back that it was my grandma Kalana. She was standing in front of me and she was wearing a long light blue dress with motifs of moon and sun and even butterflies and vines as her long white hair are blowing softly by the wind. 

"May gumugulo ba sa isip mo?  Apo ko?" she walked towards to me and she sat besides me while she's fiddling my long wavy raven hair. 

"Wala po Lola..  Wala po.. " I answered in a polite way.

After our dinner,  I helped my grandma to the chores.  As I sweep  the dusts off on the ground and throw it in the land.  As evening falls, I heard something. 




As my parents and my grandma suddenly woke up as they quickly stood up and getting our clothes out of our wooden chest.  They left me sleeping and when I woke up, I sat up and looked around the room that it was messy and suddenly I heard something.. 

"Open this door! Indios!"

I stood up and I slowly open the chest and I went inside of the chest and I closed it.  Then I saw Alun, a peregine hawk who was sitting beside me and he climbed in my shoulder as he calms me down. 

As I peek at the keyhole then I saw Fernando Torres who was holding a gun and very mad. 

"That shit damn Talim..  I want to see her and killed her insides!"

I cover my mouth using my left free hand with shock and he was looking at me and why.

I spend 5 hours inside of the chest with Alun. As I wonder if Kima,  my childhood friend and he has a crush on me who will open up this chest and rescue me.  Then I lay down with my bird as he guarding me off I was sleeping while hugging at the blanket and a pillow there.

Then suddenly.. 

*chest open creaks*

Then I whispered.. 

"Kima is that you?"

"In your dreams..  Whore!!!"

"Damnit it was Fernardo.." my inner self said. 

As he throws me off the floor and I saw Alun was inside of the bird cage while Alun was forcing the gate open by pushing it off and he looked mad at Fernando while I looked up and some three Spaniards are looking at me very maniacally. 

"Please..  Don't hurt me.. " I said

"let's play Talim..  Let's play .. Tear up the clothes off and we're on a brothel.." he replied as he laughed evilly. 

They took the blanket on me as they try me to stood up as they tied my both hand separately.

"please.. Don't..  Stop.. Stop..  Fernando.. "

"Any last words whore?" he asked me as my spine chilled down to my feet. 

"Won't you guys give up?" I said

As Fernando Torres went in me as he tores off my dress and he caressing my breast, then his friend named "Amando" who pulled off my tied up hair into a wavy one as I closed my eyes and cry. 

After they took off my clothes off as they saw me naked.  They laughed at me very loudly as they took off their clothes and shoes as Fernando kissed my neck and bit me, then he ran down to my left breast while my right bossom were foddling by his hand. 

He pinched my nipple and I winched
Then he bit my left bossom as I cry louder.  Then he knelt down after he kissing my left and right breasts as he tongues my womanhood while his hands are holding my butt

"Are you a virgin?" he asked me

"Don't dare me to ask" I screamed 

As he continuing to tongue my womanhood in and out, as his saliva was dripping on my legs, I want Kima to kill them off. Kima asked me for a courtship but I didn't answer his question. Why am I so pure and mature, as he done doing it then his friends named "Amando" "Jose Maria" and "Jude" are still sucking up my breasts until my vagina.  I cried as tears ran down to my face and after that,  Fernando ran towards to me as he fucked me inside of my womanhood as he pumped it back and forth until my womb. 

"Stop..  Fernando *sobs* Please don't dare to fuck me..  I belong to Kima.. Not you..!!!"

"Don't you dare you insolent wench! PUTA!!" he slapped me on my face harder. 

Then his juices are exploding and going inside of my womb as he smiled evil.  After he fucked me off as his friends took off the rope in my both hands as they pushed me on the wall while they're looking at my naked body.  They raped me,  they broke my virginity off while they're beating me up. 

"KIMA!!" I screamed louder as Fernando put his manhood on my mouth and he angrily said

"Play with it.. !! If not I will kill all of your family..!! "

His manhood was covered with my semen and my blood as I nodded as no then I followed him by while playing with his.  As they pushed me off the floor and laying down on my tummy as they doggie me off..  "Amando" put his manhood on my asshole as he rocking me off while they looked as my breasts are moving and swaying,  then "Jose Maria" said

"Her breasts are soft as FUCK!" then he foddles my bossoms harder and playing with it. 

After this,  they sat and leaning at the bamboo made walls as they saw me naked and laying down like a corpse, and I looked at the ceiling and cries.

"Why are they're doing this?  Am I supposed to be doing with Kima?  Please wind..  Call Kima and a new friend to rescue me and kill the men who broke my virginity off..  Please I need your help..  Wind!!" My inner self said.

I was raped... At the age of 17..

Then someone opens the door and I saw Kima and Janus,  A fire shaman who also my friend of mine that Janus was holding his sword while Kima's holding a pair of tonfas just same as mines.. 

They killed off the Spaniards and also Fernando.  As Kima ran towards to me and he covers me up with a large blanket. 

"Kima.. Bakit ka lang dumating?" I asked him while my face were dried up with my tears,  the Spaniards' semens and their own saliva. 

He carries me in a bridal style as they went out off the hut and Alun was freed by Janus. 


Three Months Later...

I went traumatized and being a crazy person who went out alone at night while tears running down in my face.  My parents and my grandma are protecting me as always.. 

I was a brave wind priestess and now I am a whore, unloved and broken. 

Kima visited me everyday as I answer his question that he want to date with me..  It took 155 days as I found out that I was impregnated by Fernando Torres, so I went back being broken.. 

I cry all day and all night while laying down in my bed, then Kima laid down beside me as he cupping my cheeks and he said.. 

"Talim... I know you're broken..  Please remember honey..  Be a Fearless Tornado.. " as we both kissing our lips while hugging at the bed.

When my little wind baby was growing inside of my womb, I became more extra careful to my child,  Kima who also bought me some basket of fruits.. Every midnight; suddenly I woke up and waking him up as he prepared me for a midnight snack,  Kima knew that I was a vegetarian.. 

Then when I was carrying a eighth month wind baby in my womb,  He proposed me as we both marry. One night; I was surprised that Amy Sorel and Hilde visited me as they found out that tragedy, being pregnant and having a loving spouse.  Hilde teaches me how to read and write and learn more languages than my native language, Latin, French and European languages.  The two girls visited me every weekends then Amy bought a camera as she took a photo of me and Kima also wearing a formal rich English clothes. 

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