The Deal

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“LEX!” Victor yelled outside of the bedroom I was staying in. I had of course beat him to safety and proceeded to lock the door and shove the empty dresser against the door. I sat on top of it leaning my back against the door, “Look, yelling at me does not make me want to open this door. So maybe try a different tactic.” I suggest back through the door which is followed by a loud pound of what I assume is his fist hitting the door. I smile to myself knowing that I’ve gotten under his skin. 

He really should have been nicer to me. My wolf is whining inside of me over my behavior she won’t shut up about how she wants to be with her mate but like come on. There is no way I can accept this mate stuff especially if that person is supposed to be Victor. Sure he was hot, like mouth watering hot, but he was as cold as ice. He might smell so good that I wanted to roll around in his sheets but that didn’t make up for the way he had treated me. So I decided to give everyone the mental finger right now. 

As I sat inspecting my nails I noticed that it had grown extremely quiet. I turned my body a bit and pressed my ear to the door to listen for any sounds but all I could hear was the slow and steady beat of my own heart. Had he really given up that easily? I sat waiting for a couple more minutes and then curiosity won out. I jumped off the dresser and quickly pushed it out of the way of the door. I paused with my hand on the door knob for a moment and then quickly unlocked it and opened it slowly. I peeked out the door but didn’t see much, so I opened the door all the way. 

A hand suddenly grabbed onto my arm and I find myself crushed into the wall a hard body pressed into me. I am breathing heavily from the surprise and looking directly into Victor’s ocean blue eyes. I know I should probably be concerned over the fact that he could kill me right now by simply crushing me if he wanted to but all I can feel is the heat rushing through my body from all contact. I think he is fighting hard against that feeling as well because his brows are furrowed like he’s angry but his eyes are blazing with desire. 

“Hi.” I say to him softly before his lips are crushing mine. The moment his lips come into contact with mine I feel like I forget how to breath. My body is humming with electricity like I plugged myself into a socket. He pulls back quickly breaking the kiss shaking his head like he’s trying to gain control. He quickly is standing near the wall across from me on the opposite side of the hall as if trying to create as much distance between us as possible. I can’t help but stare at him as I touch my lips, “You just—“ our eyes made contact, “You just kissed me?” I said it like a question but I had meant it more as a statement. 

“That was an accident.” He says in a calm voice. I continue to stare at him completely lost still in the feeling that had run through me when he had kissed me. I continue to gently touch my lips which his eyes seem to be watching the movement closely, “Stop doing that!” He barks and my hand instantly falls away from my mouth to my side. I continue to look at him as he averts his eyes from me pinching the bridge of his nose like he’s trying to keep himself under control. 

“So you’re saying you accidentally ran your lips into mine?” I question him. I need to understand what just happened outweighing even my instinct to survive because considering the situation I probably should have been more concerned over that at the present moment. “I—Yes, that’s exactly what I said.” He snaps clearly unwilling to talk further about what happened. He obviously was used to people doing what he said. I must be one of the first people in history to challenge him. 

“Now, about what you did to my room—“ He starts and I cross my arms over my chest defiantly, “You deserved it.” I say shutting him down. His eyes opened wider for a moment, “Excuse me?” 

“Oh You heard me just fine.” I growl. 

His eyes narrow, “Have you always be such as pain in the ass? Or am I just lucky?” He asks me. I smile at him mockingly, “I guess you’re just the lucky one.” He stares back at me and I think we’re going to stand there staring each other down for the rest of eternity but it comes to a strange end. I catch a whiff of a strange scent that makes a part of me stand on edge and I heard the sound of footsteps moving quickly. Before I can think through everything I have moved so that I am now standing in front of Victor trying to guard him. 

My eyes are glowing and my fangs are out as I stare into the face of a woman with dark brown hair. Her eyes drag down over my body and then back up to my face, “I didn’t know you were keeping company with blood suckers now…” I watched as her eyes turned completely black, as if her pupils dilated so far they swallowed up even the whites of her eyes. I felt a strange feeling bubbling up inside of me, “Stay back—“ I hiss at her. My wolf was scratching at the inside of my head telling me to protect what was ours. 

“So then it is true…” She comments as her eyes turn back to the brown color they had been before. I feel a hand brush the hair back away from my neck and lightly grab a hold of me, “Lex, you need to calm down. I know this person.” Victor comments soothingly into my ear. I feel my muscles relaxing at his words and even though a part of me isn’t over our fight it feels relaxing to have his skin on my skin. His thumb strokes the skin behind my ear gently, “That’s it Kitten. Relax for me.” I wanted to be pissed that he kept calling me kitten but his touch just felt so good. I felt like I would start purring like a kitten if he didn’t stop soon. 

The woman stood there watching with an amused expression on her face but she remained quiet. After another minute Victor removed his hand and stepped around me, “What do you want Sarafina? I just talked to Eris the other night.” He seemed annoyed by this woman's appearance. She smiled at him but I noticed that it didn’t really meet her eyes, “Yeah, well there has been a slight alteration to the plans. You know the deal Victor.”

Victor tensed up at her words, “Yeah I know the deal but I can’t just leave right now—not when—“ He stopped himself from saying whatever he was going to say, “Right now isn’t the best time.” he says simply. Sarafina inspects her nails, “Eris doesn't care about your time. You belong to her—“ A low growl erupted from my chest before I could even process what I was doing and I quickly cleared my throat, “Sorry—uh—something in my throat…” I say trying to cover up my own embarrassment at my actions. I really needed to reign in this strange possessiveness that I seemed to contract every time I was in Victor’s presence. 

“Is it really that important that she needs me?” Victor asks with attitude.

“Look, you can sort that all out with her. All I know is she sent me to get you and I’m not going back without you.” She says shrugging her shoulders a bit. Victor let out a small growl, “Damn it! Damn this all to hell!” And then he’s quickly striding away from us down the hallway at a brisk walk. I watch him go with a confusion written all over my face. I looked back to the Sarafina and she just shrugged her shoulders and smiled before she followed after him. I could tell though by the way she had looked at me that there was something going on. Something that I had a feeling I was about to get myself dragged into. 

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