Chapter 3: Snake and Cat Fight

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Adrien was finally able to get out since he lives by himself, he decides to try and sneak a kiss from her lips the whole day as he kept daydreaming about her. But no matter what he tried it didn't end well because he either ended up kissing the wall or floor when he finally got a chance to get her attention.

"Hey Marinette, how's your day going?" Adrien asked as Marinette noticed his change of tone in his voice.

The next thing she knew he smashed his lips to hers as she couldn't escape his grip on the wall, he wasn't giving up on her while he tickled her side and quickly got his hand on the wall before her closed and stuck his tongue in her mouth. He suddenly felt tears running down her face as he broke the kiss and hugged her from behind and she fainted.

"Looks like she's head over heels for me still," Adrien said as he put headphones on her as he ran out of the building and sat her in his car.

Adrien looked at her still unconscious and started the engine as he drove by a restaurant and parked a car. He crouched down and transformed into Cat Noir and carried her bridal style as he walked towards the restaurant and entered a secret code and walked inside his lair. 

Laying her down, he kissed her forehead and she slowly woke up but her vision were blurry for a while. Cat Noir couldn't help but smile to himself as he saw his princess was awake as she rubbed her eyes and saw Cat Noir.

"Did Adrien drag me in here to bring me to you?!" Marinette yelled but Cat Noir rubbed her face and lifted her wrists and tied them up as he pulled her chin up and kissed her lips while the kiss intensified.

Cat Noir broke the kiss and hugged her as he looked into her eyes and answers.

"Yes but he did an awful job not tying you up," Cat Noir smirked and winked at her and left to grab a basket.

The basket contained clothes, her items and her purse. Marinette started shaking at what he was doing with her stuff and extra clothes.

"Chill out! I'm not going to do anything but set these down and inspect the property you got to see if you have any weapons or pepper spray hidden," Cat Noir said as he looked inside her other bag (not her purse).

"Why are you looking in my stuff?" Marinette asked still tired glaring at him as he still searched her things.

The next day, Luka was desperate to look for Marinette since no one noticed only Alya and a few of her other friends but thought she was sick and shrugged it off. Luka just didn't give up but transformed with his lackey, Masked Goat ran behind him and went to their secret lair to find out Cat Noir's hiding something or someone in his lair.

"Goat boy, stay here I'll just be over there handling business," Viperion as Masked Goat nodded.

Viperion looked around for his secret lair entrance only to find Cat Noir behind him in a fighting stance. Knowing Cat Noir was even stronger than him and more faster he lost the fight with three punches to his face stomach and the back of his head as Cat Noir kicked him all the way to Viperion's lair entrance where Masked Goat lifted Viperion's unconscious limp body inside as Cat Noir laughed evilly and went into his lair.

And Cat Noir rubbed her hair as she was in a chair but wasn't tied up as she sat down in fear and shock of what he might do to her. He just walked up to her and looked at looked at her worried.

"Do you want anything, princess" Cat Noir asked as he purred and hugged her tightly. Marinette was startled but Cat Noir pat her head to calm her down.

The rest of the evening, nothing was wrong only they were getting closer to each other it was so distracting it made Marinette vulnerable to threats and people blackmailing her.

But everything went well only the fact no one noticed that Cat Noir was changing into a superhero day after day.

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