Chapter 2: Kinda Cute

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Damien's P.O.V.

I don't know who that boy was but it was a dream so it doesn't matter but maybe it does. I got up and got dressed and left my room to get some breakfast. "Good morning Dami," Grayson said as I walked in the room. "Never call me that again Grayson," I replied tiredly. "What's wrong Damien?" Grayson asked. "That's none of your buisness Grayson," I replied. "Seriously what's wrong your hair's a mess your hair's never a mess," Grayson countered. "Okay fine i'll tell you. I just had a bad dream and there was a boy in it screaming at me for help and somehow he knew my secret identity," I explained. What I left out is that the boy is kinda cute. "Breakfast is served Masters," Pennyworth said walking in the room. "Thank you Pennyworth for changing the subject," I said.

I took a bite out of my salad because as you know i'm vegan. "So why was the boy in your dream screaming at you for help," Grayson asked. "I don't know why. Also in my dream he was being taken away by men dressed all in purple taking him away," I replied. "Well it was just a dream," Grayson said. "But it felt so... real," I replied.

"Wow how cliche," Drake said. "Shut up Drake," I yelled. "So do you know this boy's name brat," Todd asked me. "You weren't in this converstion Todd," I replied. Why did any of them care about my dream I mean they're not the ones who had it. But I can't blame them they're just worried which to me is weird. Then father walked in the room. "Good morning boys," Father said. "Morning Bruce," Grayson,Todd,and Drake said at the same time. "Good morning Father," I said after the three numbskulls. "So Damien what's wrong your hair's messed up your hair's never messed up," Father asked. "He had a really weird dream," Grayson said. "Oh that's new," Father said shocked. I looked the other way in embarassment. "What happened in the dream unless you don't want to say," Father said in a caring tone. Then I explained the dream to him and he listened to me every single detail.

A/N: Wow bet you didn't see the somewhat entire batfam in this fic hahahaha. Love you my demigods <3

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