eight: drama over the line

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Was there ever a time where you mentally freaked out and panicked your butt off until you really just didn't know what to do with your life anymore? Well, if your answer happened to be a deadly, horrifying yes, then that was exactly what I was feeling right then.

And no, my mum did not punish me for skipping school. She was actually perfectly fine with it when the school called her up to snitch about my disappearance-- leaving out the boy part, thankfully. I think Mum was glad to finally have the chance to see her daughter bunking school, like a normal teenage girl.

Perhaps I was too much of a good girl for her and she wanted me to change. Well Mum, I wanted to change as well so high five. She just carried on chopping onions for tonight's dinner, with a bunch of scrunched up tissues scattered and dispersed around the kitchen-- which was disgusting-- I know.

Anyway, I was in a terrible situation. I had to think of a reasonable reason to why I had left Holly alone for the rest of that day, which partly wasn't my fault. Well, it was Holly's fault for spilling that stupid paint just to go with me to the bathroom so we could have a good gossip, which we never really had the chance to do. However it was a quarter of half my fault. If I didn't drink that much water, I wouldn't have needed to visit the loo. But then it was my mums fault for insisting I drink three big bottles of water a day.

I would have blamed it on my mum but I obviously couldn't do that, so I came up with this:

"I'm sorry," I'm stammered, watching as Ace sat on his window sill, which was opposite mine, with an amused look dancing on his lips as he watched me lie smoothly to Holly, my best friend. "When I went to that storeroom, I just couldn't stand the smell."

Holly huffed on the other side of the phone. I could just imagine her with her arms crossed, probably lying on her bed with the latest gossip magazine open and nail varnish lined up to see which colour suited her best that week-- and the nail colours would have hardly a difference.

"Why didn't you just leave it and come back to the bathroom? I actually managed to get it off after twenty more minutes of scrubbing. The freaking class had the silly idea that I held the world record of the longest dump ever! Can you believe that? And sir didn't even do anything, he didn't even ask where you were!" Holly cried.

That was a lie. She still had paint on her hands when I peeked in when shd was presenting. I imagined her flinging her arms into the air. I heard a sigh on the other line.

"I'm sorry, what did you do after you couldn't stand the smell of the dreadful storeroom then, huh?"

I took a deep breath in, aware that Ace was still watching me. His face was so darn perfect and his smirk was ticking me off by the second and the way his messy hair was so beautiful positioned from this angle.

"I felt queasy after that and had to leave school right away without informing the office. Did I mention I felt very, very sick?" I asked, trying to come up with more lies. It went like that. Lie after lie, after lie.

What a bad girl I was, lying to my own best friend.

"Whatever, the day's over now so we can talk about something other than your skip of school. Wait-- not yet. Can I mention that the office noticed that you were gone at the same time Ace was gone? He skipped school too! And something tells me you were with him! You, were with him weren't you?!" she screeched on the other side.

I cringed at the loudness of her voice and turned to Ace for help. He shrugged and shook his head, giving me the don't-you-dare look. He didn't want me to pass the phone to him. He knew who Holly was because of earlier on, when he was asking about my life and all these controversies came out.

I would give the phone to Ace, but Holly could've recognised his voice and freak out about him and I hanging out together. I felt bad.

"I was walking out of school when I saw Ace," I began, desperately trying to think of lies to tell her about why I had went off with Ace. "He said he was feeling sick too and I had no ride home. I left my car at home today because I walked remember?"

It was true, I left my car at home because I walked. Didn't I tell you something about me losing weight?

"Why did you walk anyway?" Holly asked me suspiciously.

"Because I'm fat and I need exercise."

I saw Ace's reaction and he was frowning, shaking his head at me. "You're not fat, shut up," he mumbled at me, amused.

"Who was that? Was that Ace?" Holly cried. I was so lucky I didn't put my phone on speaker but I was still a little afraid that he could hear every word.

"Um, no! It was um my father..?"

"Your dad is always at the crime investigation scene. Stop lying Vick, God, you're making me frustrated," she muttered.

"My dad came home early and happened to hear our conversation about me being fat."

I saw Ace shaking his head in amusement. I held my middle finger up to him and he rolled his eyes dramatically.

"Oh, say hi to him for me then." Sarcasm dripped from her tongue. "Anyway, I gotta go, my mum wants me to help out making the dinner. And by the way, I forgive you, I know how easily you feel queasy and sick," she mimicked, sarcastically. I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, bye then," I muttered.

She hung up and I let out a sigh of relief. I turned to Ace who had climbed from his window sill to mine. He clambered through the window and flopped onto my bed.

"So, what do you do for fun?" Ace grinned at me.

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