eighteen: our plans

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Reece and Ace stood in front of me with their arms crossed over their chest. Ace held a balaclava in his hand and Reece already had his on. Mine was somewhere on my bed, lying around. Two weeks after Heather --Ace's mother-- had passed away, we were planning our little trip to Holly's house. Heather's funeral was at the week after and we already had everything planned for the big day.

"Is my balaclava really necessary?" I asked with a look of doubt written on my face as I dangled it from my fingers.

Ace and Reece nodded. I made a face.

"I wanna egg the house," Reece said, rubbing his hands together. I blinked.

Reece and I have learned to get along somehow, but we still had hatred for each other deep down inside. Ace and I have gotten much, much closer than before ever since his mother's death. I was glad that he was comfortable around me and that I was comfortable around him too.

"So, do you know like where he keeps his keys and his wallet and shit like that?" Reece asked, biting his fingernail. "There's no way in hell I'm getting inside her house and trashing stuff without taking things to steal. I mean, what's the point, then?"

I nodded with a sigh. "Holly's father, Steven, has an office at the back of the house, the door to the left of the kitchen. He has a lock but it's obviously under the mat outside the kitchen. That's where he keeps his laptop, phone, money and all his important shit. Just take all of that," I said, circling the room beside the kitchen of Holly's house.

Ace uncrossed his arms and bit down onto his lip. "How much do you think he has?" he asked, sitting down on my roller chair.

I shrugged. "Probably a few thousand pounds."

Reece raised his eyebrows and bobbed his head up and down. "Sick," he muttered, reaching into his pocket for something. He groaned, taking out a pack of cigarettes and pulling off his balaclava. "It's fucking hot in there."

When Reece took out his lighter to light his fag, I stuck my hand out to him. "Give me one," I instructed, holding my hand out still. Reece looked taken back.

"You smoke?" Reece and Ace asked in unison. I shook my head.

"No." I walked over to my bin and chucked the cigarette inside. I clapped my hands. "Good riddance."

Ace raised his eyebrows and walked over to me. I was wondering what he was going to do but he kissed me on the lips. I jumped in surprise, wrapping my arms around him.

"Guys get a fucking room," Reece muttered, flicking on the lighter and lighting his fag. I let out a groan and pushed myself onto Ace.

"How about we get a bed?" Ace smirked and I pulled back, blushing slightly. Reece gagged.

"What was that for?" I asked, panting slightly. Ace grinned at me.

"Well," Ace began, pecking me on the lips once again. "I wanted to kiss you."

I looked away embarrassed. "Shut up Ace. I hate you."

"Nah, you love me, I know you do," Ace said, snatching the lighter off of Reece and lighting another cig. My heart sank. Reece frowned and shouted a long line of curse words at him. "Shut the fuck up Reece."

Reece stopped shouting and grinned. I took the lighter off Ace and chucked it inside the bin too just as the door to my bedroom flew open, whilst Ace, Reece were smoking, passive smoke. At the door, stood my mother, with her eyes widened in shock.

"Are you smoking?!" she cried, rushing over to us. She grabbed the cigarettes off Ace and Reece. She ran to the window and chucked the cigarette out of the window. Ace and Reece sniggered.

My mum glared at Ace and wiped her hands on her trousers. "You," she started, pointed to Ace with a scoff, "are the one who got arrested in Victoria's bedroom, aren't you?!"

Ace shrugged. "Nah, got the wrong person, Miss," he said, walking over to me and slinging an arm around my shoulders. I looked at him like he'd grown an extra head out of his neck. "I met Victoria only a few days ago man, don't jump to conclusions too fast. We were just helping each other out with some...homework." He referred to the A3 paper on the table, with the big title of 'Holly's Home' on the top.

I snorted but badly wanted to burst out laughing at how gullible my mother was.

"Victoria doesn't go to school anymore," my mum said, frowning at Ace and I. "Don't you? You quitted ages ago, ain't it? And plus, why does it say Holly's house?"

"We had to do a model of someone's house and since Holly's house the relatively the size we wanted, we chose hers," Reece piped in, taking one last drag and staggering to the window sill, leaning over to look for his fag.

Ace just stood there with an arm around my shoulders.

"Very well then," she said, pursing her lips at me and walked to the bedroom door. I thought she was gone but she popped her head back around the door frame. "By the way Vicky, Holly's here. Be a dear and make the sweet girl comfortable."

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