fifteen: hushed voices

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The day went by extremely slowly. I sat in History class alone. Nobody interfered with me at all and I sat at the back of the class, moping about. I was basically thinking of Ace, and what he'd be doing right then.

Holly didn't bother me at all. She hung out with Jessica Bren, the girl who went home with a different guy everyday and flirted with every single man in her sight. Oh, and the person who rescued Ace and I from the storeroom.

All I wanted badly was for the end of school bell to ring and I could then go and see Ace.

"Class, we have a new student today," the teacher announced, breaking me from my thoughts. I looked up from burying my head in my hands and saw a tall teenage guy. His hair was tidy and messy at the same time and he had a soft smile on his face. Blonde curls of his fringe fell over his face and he had both his hands tucked neatly inside his Jean pockets.

He scanned the classroom and my eyes locked with his for a moment, and just as fast as we made eye contact, he looked away.

"Would you like to introduce yourself?"

The guy nodded and cleared his throat, staring at the class, quite casually. Holly had stopped giggling with Jessica and she stared at him, basically drooling. He wasn't very good looking like Ace, but I have to admit, he was a little cute.

"My name is Reece Stone. I'm from New York," he said, licking his lips after. "I know I'm really lame but thanks for listening."

That was short.

The teacher smiled and nodded to him, gesturing her hand out to pick a seat in the class. I silently prayed that he wouldn't come to the back of the classroom and pick to sit next to me. And I wished I hadn't said that because he did walk to the back of the classroom and sit right next to me-- I figured he took a liking towards me.

"Hi." I smiled at him once he'd sat down. "My name's Victoria Leigh. Nice to meet you, Reece."

"I don't care," he muttered, causing me to frown with confusion. Take back what I just said. This guy had problems.

"Now class, please take out your homework from last week," the teacher said, walking around the classroom with her hands behind her back, strictly. Everybody took out their homework and I froze. I didn't do my bloody homework!

Oh my god. With all the drama going on, it just slipped my mind.

"Victoria? Where's your homework?" the teacher asked me, widening her eyes in disbelief.

The class suddenly turned quiet and everyone stared at me, not believing that I hadn't done my homework. If it were someone else, they would've been like 'so?' but it was me and they were probably thinking, 'holy shit Victoria forgot her homework!'

Reece smirked at me from beside me and I glared at him. The teacher shook her head at me. "Victoria, I thought better of you. What happened?"

I sat there next to Reece in silence.

"But seeing as this is your very first time you've forgotten your homework, Victoria, I'll not be giving you detention. Don't do it again, I have high expectations for you."

The class was shocked.

"What the heck miss?"


"That's so not fair."

"Shit, she's lucky."

"Silence!" the teacher screamed. She gave one last look of disapproval at me and walked off the the front of the classroom. "Everybody turn to page 636 of your text book please."

The class groaned. Reece snickered at me and I scoffed.

I didn't bother him for the rest of the lesson and when the end of school bell rang, I couldn't help but breathe a big, deep sigh of relief.


The rain was pouring down hard today to match my mood.

I drove in silence, without the radio playing, to Ace. I hoped my dad wouldn't be informed that I had visited, like my mum. Mum didn't know too. I was glad my mum had gone out of town to visit Aunty Sophie. She was a doctor and she basically owned a hospital in Luton.

I drove into the car park outside of the court after driving past metals gates with scary men and parked in an empty spot next to a red, beaten up car. I stepped out of the car and slammed the door shut, feeling anxious.

I couldn't help but peer inside the red car. A few empty McDonald cups lay scattered around. I saw a red bra, hanging off the side of the seat and oh man, it was dirty in there.

"Hey!" I heard a croaky shout from just behind me. I jumped and turned around immediately, seeing an old man, angry. "What you doing looking in my car? You ain't getting in there, shoo off!"

I widened my eyes and backed away from his car slowly. "I'm sorry, I'll never do that again," I stuttered, trying to think of words to say to him. I was a little afraid. While I was walking off, I heard the old man unlock his rusty, old car and mutter something under his smelly breath.

"Bloody teens," he muttered, throwing himself into his rubbish car.

I made a face and walked towards to entrance. The cold wind blew in my face and I shivered, wrapping my coat tighter around my chilli body. The ground was slightly slippery because of some bits and pieces of ice. A few brown leaves circled around one another on the ground and I brushed past them, marching towards the entrance. There were double doors and they were both closed. I walked right up to it and heard the loud rev of the red car zooming off. I turned around just in time to see it turning around the corner and disappearing to God knows where. Taking a deep breath, I pushed against the glass doors. It took a lot of strength, seeing as I was frightened and cold.

"Do you need help there?"

I snapped my head towards the voice and was fairly surprised when I saw the blonde, curly locks of Reece Stone.

"What are you doing here?" I exclaimed, raising my eyebrows and trying not to think about the billion possibilities to why Reece Stone, the new kid, would be at a place where criminals were doing their punishments. He didn't answer me, instead he pushed against the glass doors, opening them relatively easily.

"Nothing you need to know. Anyway, I should be asking you the same question," he murmured, pacing quickly inside. I had to admit, he was pretty rude to me. I watched as he walked inside, completely ignoring my question. Now that, made me bothered. The glass doors shut before I could even take a step inside. I sighed and pushed the doors with all my might and tumbled inside.

An unfamiliar, hospital slash new rubber shoe smell filled my nose senses. It was a quiet reception place and all was actually pretty silent and looked very pleasant for a place that held potential murderers. I scanned the whole room with my tired eyes and then they landed on Reece. I hid behind a big green plant and listened to his conversation with the receptionist.

"Reece Stone," he mumbled to the receptionist, leaning his elbow against the counter. The receptionist bit her lip at him. She tapped her pen against her chin and nodded as she looked through the computer, typing away.

"Ace Ryder Will, five-thirty," the lady stated. Reece nodded curtly.

Wait-- what? Reece knew Ace Will? Reece knew Ace was in prison? Reece was visiting Ace in prison? My brain was filled with so many questions.

"Down the hall. You are monitored. No touching-- that means no physical contact. No fighting. No phones. No intimacy. You have one hour."

Reece nodded and I watched as he disappeared off down a long corridor of dark and gloom and multiple doors. I cleared my throat and appeared in front of the big, green plant. The receptionist looked a little shocked and jumped back.

"God, you freaking scared me girl," she snapped, placing a hand on her chest and picking up a blue pen, not being interested in me at all.

Hmm, how rude, she didn't do this to Reece. Just because he was a cute tall, well-built male. And I was ugly and a girl.

"I'm visiting Ace Will," I said, standing up tall. She finally looked up at me and snorted. Looking me up and down, she made a face of amusement, slash disgust.

"You too? Your name?" she asked, raising her eyebrow at me and blowing a bubble with her gum.

"Victoria Leigh."

She gave me a look and went through something on her computer. "You're not on his list, hon."

I blinked. "I'm not?" A million thoughts swarmed in my mind.

"Oh, you are. Victoria Grey Leigh. Too bad you have to wait until next week. Ace already has a visitor today."

"What? I read somewhere that as long as the first does not take up an hour-- the second can use the rest."

She looked at me with her eyeballs that were surrounded by lashes that looked like spider legs ready to fall off.

"Nah-- Oh wait... Yeah. You have to wait until the first comes out. Take a seat."

I pursed my lips and gave her a nod, spinning on my heel. My eyes wandered around and landed on the ugly plant that was sitting next to a door.

There were no seats.

I awkwardly walked around, and looked at frames on walls and my nose felt itchy at the smell.

A few minutes passed and the lady behind the desk had gone somewhere, leaving no body in charge of the reception area. I raised my eyebrows and accidentally
wandered down the hallway Reece went down.

I pushed open a door, looking around to see everything empty. Then I stepped in and looked left and there was a glass window with muffled noises coming from inside.

Ace was in there, sitting at a white with Reece, talking. Ace was wearing orange and his hands were handcuffed. His hair wasn't styled, of course. And this was strange to me. His hair was messy and floppy and it made my insides feel weak and reminded me of the first time I met him, when he was on his window sill, smoking. His eyes were on Reece, and he looked as if he was talking about something important.

There were two guys who were bald for some reason with long guns, standing around them, but they looked as if they were uninterested. One pulled out their phone even.

I pushed open the door slightly. No one noticed.

And then I heard muffled voices coming from Reece. And it sounded like they were planning something bad. This was based on the words I heard. They were going to trash Holly Hills house.

My heart raced. Were they stupid? Ace could be put in for life--- heck, those guys with the guns could hear them.

I closed my eyes for a while, thinking. Then I opened them and closed the door, backing up before anyone saw me.

I bit my lip, feeling uneasy.

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