five: locked inside a storeroom (1)

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Oh, no, was the first thing I thought. I heard shuffling from beside me and I had almost forgotten that Ace was standing next to me. Or you could say his whole body was pressed up against me. Since the storeroom was basically as small as a closet or maybe smaller, it technically wasn't made for people to go camping in.

Just to store things in. You know? A storeroom. Get it?

"You're a little bitch, you know that? You know I was locked in here before you came, and you came and I suddenly thought I could get out before you slammed the door fucking shut and now we're both stuck."

Ace's voice was mean and harsh. I had never heard so many swear words in my life. His words hurt me a little but I didn't care. If he wanted to offend me in any way, then congratulations Ace Will, you have.

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest. I actually had trouble crossing my arms over my chest, without digging my elbow into the side of him. That was how small the storeroom really was.

"Why were you in here anyway?" I murmured, ignoring his last statement about me being a bitch. He sighed.

"I thought this was the toilet."

I burst out laughing and turned to look at him with an amused expression. My lips were curled up into a small, amused smile.

"Oh look, it's Cupcake. Didn't think it was you for a second. Funny, eh?" he joked. I pretended to cough and rolled my eyes once again. Something I did a lot. Bad habit, I need to stop yeah, I know.

"Funny, Ace. Very extremely," I answered, flatly. I turned back around so I wouldn't be facing his sexy face, it would be so awkward.

Now my back was pressed up against his front which made things really, really awkward for both him and I.

I shifted a little to the side, hoping that would give him a little more space.


"What?" I spat, as little harsh as I possibly could. I didn't want to really hurt his feelings. The last thing I wanted was to get into a heated argument inside a tiny storeroom. The ventilation in here was pretty bad-- or non-existent.

Hmm, poor Holly, she must be having a hard time taking that permanent paint off.

"Umm, you need to stop moving," he muttered.

"And why should I do that?"

He didn't answer which made me go crazy in my face. It made me want to get further away from him. I started to shuffle forward but it was such a tight space I couldn't. I tried to move to the side and to the other side and then forward again until Ace gripped onto my arm tightly, his fingers digging into my skin.

"Stop it."

His voice was annoyed. I could tell the nervousness in his voice which made me go crazy in my head.

"Okay," I stammered, anxiously.

Ace left go of my arm which left four fingernail marks. I rubbed on it to make the pain go away. The lights in the storeroom flickered. I had a fear that the lights would go off but then it didn't.

I turned to the door and tried pulling it, using all my strength. It didn't work so I tried pushing it with all my strength-- nothing either. I groaned and checked the locks, fiddling with it to see if there was anything to help us.

Ace started to tap his feet on the ground and I frowned. It was seriously annoying and I wanted him to stop. I had only known him for two whole days and he was already bothering me.

"Will you quit it?" I finally muttered, shifting my weight from one side to turn to face him.

Bad idea.

Now we were both squashed up against one another with our faces practically face palming each other. I could feel his warm breath tickling the side of my face and neck.

When will Holly come to the storeroom, thinking that I was taking a long time and find out we were locked in here?

I patted myself to make sure I didn't have my phone and I also screamed at the top of my lungs for help-- but no one came.

About an hour passed, I turned back the other way so I wouldn't have to face his beautiful face and stare at his long eyelashes and perfect jawline and his perfectly shaped eyebrows and I could go on forever, but I so wished I could but it would be so very awkward.

I tried to pry open the door again, shuffling as little as possible. Yeah, as if that would've worked.

Ace hissed at me. "You know how hard you are making this-- or me?" he said loudly and leaned back.

I widened my eyes a little-- pushing his inappropriate words out of my mind and the next thing I knew, the power went off and we were left in complete and utter darkness in a storeroom with no windows, no electricity and I was pressed up against him.

An unsettling feeling settled in the pit of my stomach. Boy was I glad I wasn't in here alone. That would be an utter nightmare.

"Oh my fucking God."

I sighed.

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