ten: smashed glass

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this chapter is heavily edited and a huge scene has been taken out and replaced by a more logical scene

I sat on my bed, watching The Walking Dead, pushing my thoughts of Ace and the girl away when I heard Ace opening back up his window. Even though it was winter slash autumn, I had my window slightly opened for some air. I could've opened the other window on the other side of the room but it wouldn't budge, and may I add I hadn't cleaned the handle in a while, which was probably why it was rusty and wouldn't move at all.

Seeing Ace's leg climbing into my bedroom, I paused the episode of The Walking Dead and sat up, pushing my laptop backwards and kicking my covers up, shuffling off my bed with a confused frown. I staggered towards the window where Ace had managed to step on. Before he could fall back, I widened my window open bigger and let him tumble inside my bedroom. My eyes narrowed down when I saw the same blonde girl, standing inside his bedroom with a small, lopsided smile.

My mind raced with questions when she lifted her foot up and jumped inside my bedroom, with a thud. She gurgled something and staggered towards Ace, bundling towards his chest. He caught her and rolled his eyes playfully. It seemed like she was drunk.

What in the world? What the hell? How dare he?

"What is she doing here?" I asked, not believing my eyes. The girl giggled and flopped onto my bed, seeing my laptop. She shifted herself so that she was under my covers, the same position that I was in when I was watching in bed. My jaw dropped open in disgust.

Ace shrugged and sat down on the window sill. I couldn't believe my eyes.

"What are you doing?!" I cried to the girl. She looked at me innocently and smirked at Ace and played the episode. Oh, I had had enough. I marched to my bed and yanked her out of it. She squealed in surprise and tumbled down on the ground.

"What the fuck, Vick?" Ace muttered, sprinting over to the girl who lay sprawled on my carpet of my room. I reached over and paused the teen wolf episode, just in time to see some scary zombie scene.

I placed a hand on my heart.

Ace looked at me strangely. I knew right then that he didn't watch The Walking Dead. He helped the girl off the floor and carried her to the window in attempts to bring her back to her room but she pushed him away and went to my spinning chair.

"She's drunk," Ace mumbled. I looked at him with my eyebrows raised.


"For what?" he asked, furrowing his eyebrows. I bit my lip because I just couldn't resist his perfect face, especially when he was furrowing his eyebrows, it was just too cute-- even when he just brought a drunk girl into my freaking bedroom.

"For stating the obvious," I muttered annoyed, instantly thinking back to the time where Holly mentioned about the permanent paint and I said the same thing I had said to Ace to her.

"Who the fuck is she?" I pointed at her.

Ace sighed deeply. "She's her. Christina," he said, watching as she found some entertainment by spinning herself on the chair. Oh, so her was Christina? I didn't expect that.

"Did you just do it in your room?" I asked him casually, as Christina spun around on the chair drunkly. "I bet you did, I heard every second of it." Then I made a face of disgust and gagged at the memory that would never leave my mind.

Ace bit his lip.

I just rolled my eyes and muttered some curse words at him under my breath. I hardly noticed when Christina wobbled out of my bedroom and wondered the house.

Ace and I sat in a silence. His eyes trailed the furniture in my room, which I didn't have much. My bedroom was quite big, and echoey. A moment later I heard the loud, splittering crash of glass.

I jumped to my feet, looking around frantically. Was there a robbery?

Oh god. I grabbed my hair brush from my vanity that was a mess and ran down the stairs. I looked back and Ace was following, looking confused. My heart raced ten times faster when more glass was breaking.

And this time it sounded like a bigger object and more objects. What the hell could be going on? Thank God Bob, my little brother was at my aunties like he usually was. These sounds were deafening, and I could hear them all they upstairs -- and my house was very big.

And also, thank the Lord that my mum was gone to grab something from London, which was two hours away.

If this was Christina doing something-- I swear to God I would kill Ace.

I ran to the kitchen where the horrifying sounds were coming from and I halted in my tracks when I saw the brown kitchen cupboards wide open and all of the precious glass cups and plates smashed into tiny pieces on the kitchen floor. And let's not forget Christina. She was leaning against the counter, holding her foot, that looked like it was bleeding.

My jaw fell open and I was ready to attack her. I was ready to charge at her and grab her hair and pull.

But Ace grabbed my arm and pulled me back so I wouldn't cut myself. I raged. All of the dishes were smashed and my mum was going to be so mad. This was all Ace's fault! She let the son of a bitch come in here.

"Victoria, breathe," he said to me. I pushed him away.

"Don't tell me what to do! Look what you've caused. My mum's going to kill me!" I cried.

Christina looked at us and her face dropped. She looked confused and then she reached for the glass china that was sitting on the shelf. That was given by my grandma to my mum.

"Don't!" I screamed, running forward and stopping her. I managed to push her away and the china wobbled but didn't fall.

That's when the pain kicked in. The soles of my feet felt like they stepped on hot coal.

I screamed.


I sat on my bed, picking at the bandages on my foot that Ace helped me with-- even though I refused his help ten billion times. Ace sat on the window sill, biting his lip awkwardly as the sky was a dark black behind him.

"I hate you," I muttered under my breath at him. I really did hate him. But I hated that Christina even more.

"Okay, I'm sorry for the millionth time. But at least we replaced all the valuables, right? And we already had professional help from your maid you rang and your mum's not even back."

"I'm still mad at you."

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