three: arguements

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It was five o'clock in the freaking morning when they started to scream and clog my ears with their shouts.

It was the new neighbours. They were arguing loudly but it wasn't loud and clear enough for me to understand what they were saying, but they were in the room right next to mine.

I tried to block it out by shoving my ears between two pillows but it made me feel hot and bothered and plus, it didn't even block out the sound well enough for me to ignore it and sleep. I stirred in my sleep for what seemed about ninety-six seconds until I finally kicked my covers back, and screamed as loud as I could so that they would hear me.

Don't worry, my mum wouldn't have heard that. She was probably shouldering deep in a sleep because she was pretty sick and the house was big.

The arguing stopped and I opened an eye, staring at my blank room. It had finally stopped and now I was going to get my sleep back.


I smiled and threw my head back on my pillow, letting out a big sigh before trying to get myself into the slumbering spirit. It didn't work. I tossed and turned around for about five minutes until I stopped and groaned.

Why did something smell like it was burning? It wasn't something burning actually. It smelled more dangerous than that. It was smoky and stinky. Something unpleasant.

Bloody cancer sticks.

I lifted my head off the cool pillow and my feet slowly found my rabbit slippers. I trudged along the carpet to the window and pried open the curtain to be faced with something unexpected. A tall teenage boy, around eighteen, sat on the wide open window sill opposite mine.

He was wearing a plain white top with a grey hoodie over the top. He wore ripped jeans, and in between his two fingers was a cigarette, blowing out passive smoke.

"Hey!" I hissed out at him, feeling very angry.

How dare he?

He ignored me and continued to smoke. I felt my heart race because I hadn't seen a guy who was good looking in the middle of the night before.

The polluted air seeped through into my bedroom and I so badly wanted to shut the window, but I wanted him gone first. I needed fresh air and I couldn't just close my window to block out the smell. I coughed, waving my hand around.

"Hey! Can't you hear me, are you deaf or something?" I screamed loudly.

The boy turned to look at me and stared coldly into my soul. That's when I realised how hot he really was.

His dark brown hair was tousled messily and it looked so good even though he looked extremely tired and high. His strongly defined facial features were a perfect fit for his face and I couldn't believe someone was this perfect. His jawline looked sharper than my knife that was kept all the way downstairs in that giant kitchen and those pink lips were definitely something else. Too bad he was sticking death in between them.

"Little girl, go back to sleep," he muttered, flicking his cigarette and turned his attention back to his now clean window. I watched as a few ashes fell below us.

"I'm not a little girl. I'm seventeen, you idiot," I said, climbing up onto the sill. I pulled my knees up to my chest and watched as he blew the smoke out in disgust. He barely paid attention to anything I was saying.

"What's your name, Cupcake?" he said turning to look at me barely. His mouth barely moved when he asked for my name. He was just so hot I couldn't even answer for a while.

"Victoria Leigh," I said without hesitation. He looked as harmless as a fly. I think.

"What a cute name. I'll call you Cupcake," he murmured and threw the cigarette to the ground down below us. My mouth fell open.

He looked at me fully with his tired, red eyes and they flickered down to my outfit. I remembered that I was only wearing a vest and shorts. I liked wearing minimal clothing at a cold temperature whilst being bundled up in thick duvets. It felt homely. I tightened the grip on my knees.

I frowned because I just realised that he said he would call me Cupcake. Did I look like something made of eggs, flour and milk and sugar? I didn't think so. I looked down at the ground below us and watched as the flame blew out and I looked back up to him. That hurt me.

"No thanks. I am not a food, dummy. Don't call me that, please. And don't litter harmful cigarettes down below us, please. That's part of my house's compound too, you know. What's your name?"

He made a sound, something that sounded amused. A small dimple showed up. It quickly disappeared and he stuffed his hands into his pockets, his face paling in the moonlight. He ignored my complaints and told me his name.

"Ace Will."

Knew it.


Hey! Please comment under any grammar mistakes/ spelling/ other mistakes or things that don't seem right. It helps me a lot with editing! x

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