twenty one: everywhere

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A:N: There will be one more chapter and a epilogue.


The first thing that captured me was the fact that everything was completely silent. Well what did I expect? A loud, music pumping house? Not really. The fact that it was silent made us have to be silent too.

"Where's the living room?" Reece hissed quietly, staring at me with a worried look. I swallowed a lump in my throat and pointed forwards towards the living room. "We'll take some things first before going on and egging the house. Okay?"

Reece nodded at me and went off into that direction, tiptoeing quickly and silently, which left Ace and I alone.

"Where did you say his office was?" Ace whispered, walking up to me, his elbow grazing against my arm. "I can't find her kitchen though."

I rolled my eyes and grabbed his arm, tugging him into the direction of the office. Once we got there, I lifted up the mat outside the kitchen and was surprised when I didn't find the key to the office. Ace smirked at me, his lips tugging upwards slightly, showing off his white teeth.

"No key?"

"No, it's got to be here somewhere," I murmured, placing the mat back onto the floor. I scanned the room and my eyes landed on the small lily plant that was standing on top of the shoe shelf. I walked over to that and lifted the plant up carefully, looking under it. There was a sparkly, silver thing - which was totally the key.

Ace smirked and grabbed it before me, plunging it into the key whole to the office. He twisted the lock and the door opened. I stepped inside after him and the heat blasted off onto my skin. I felt the need to take my balaclava off because it was just too hot. It was risky if anyone woke up and saw me, but I would've died if I kept it on.

"Holy shit, it's really hot in here," Ace hissed, pulling his balaclava off, revealing his sweaty, sexy face. He let out a breath of relief and scanned the office. I bent down at looked under the desk, finding nothing but black wires, leading to his computer. Eh, I didn't feel like stealing a computer then.

"Where's his purse and shit?" Ace asked, turning to look at me with an eyebrow raised. It was hard to find things because it was so dark. However, it seemed like Ace really knew how to rob a house, since he was so calm about everything whilst it was shaking with fear. A little, I'm guessing, just a little. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Not sure hmm. Keep looking though."

Suddenly a loud crash was heard from the living room. Ace widened his eyes and I heard a groan coming from upstairs. Oh god, it was Holly's father.

"What the heck is going on down there? Holly! Are you down here?" he shouted, his voice groggy. The stairs were just opposite the office, so he could've peered down the stairs and caught us right there and then. Ace quickly closed the office door, his breathing steady. Stupid Reece, I told him to be careful when lifting the big plant with the stash of money underneath. "Please Holly, it's three am in the middle of the damn night! Get to sleep!"

There was a pause before I heard feet shuffling, getting further and further away, fading quickly. Phew, that was so close.

"Reece probably dropped that plant pot," I whispered to Ace. He sniggered, quietly. "Hey, isn't that his wallet?" I pointed to a brown pouch like wallet under neath the seat. He bent down and picked it up, looking inside. There was a lot of money inside I wouldn't have been able to count it all. His credit card and receipts were in there but I just kept hem inside.

"Sick," Ace whispered, tucking the wallet into his pocket. I looked around and saw an I phone on charge, it was the new one, the iPhone 6. I licked my lips and reached over, pulling out the charger and the phone. I shoved it quickly inside the bag and took a deep breath in. This was harder than I thought and a guilty, not-so-good feeling bubbled up inside of me.

"What was that dad?" I heard Holly scream from upstairs. "No, that wasn't me! I'm inside my bedroom!"

"No?" It was her dad. "Then who was downstairs?"

"I know exactly who's downstairs," Holly replied, more loudly. That was it, Holly took the roll of paper and read it! She knew we were coming and she was going to get us arrested! I bet she'd already called the police. "Why don't you go down and see, daddy? They're most likely going to be in your office."

I panicked. I literally panicked. My heart beat was racing and I turned to Ace for help. He had a horrified expression too and I hugged him tightly. Once I heard the footsteps on her father and nearly fainted.

"If we don't ever see each other again, then, I love you," I said, kissing him on the lips. Ace pulled away, frowning, he tucked a strand of my hair back into the dark.

"We will see each other again."

I heard his footsteps out of the door and then it all happened very fast. I kicked open the door and smashed my fist into whoever it was, pulling Ace out of the office. Ace grabbed the black bag and ran after me, panting.

"Reece, hurry up!" I screamed, I dropped my balaclava and turned around, seeing Holly's father's angry face. He stood up off the floor and started to chase after us. Never mind a stupid balaclava, I needed to get out fast. I turned back around and Reece appeared out of the window and when he saw Holly's father running towards us, he ran for his life, clutching he stash of money in his hands.

Holly appeared by his side. She had the biggest smirk on her lips I had ever seen in my entire life. I wish I could've glared when I had the chance. I ran and ran until we reached the front door. Ace desperately fumbled with the hook and when he managed to take it off, all three of us tumbled out of the house, having seen the worst fear of the night.

They were everywhere. The police.

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