01. the underworld

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C H A P T E R  O N E | The First Day

'You don't need

a reason to

save people'

"IT'S HIS FIRST DAY, BRODY. My little wittle honey bunch going off to his new high school. Your mommy is so proud of you, honey bunch." Mom cooed at me, cacooning my head under her hold, delicately rubbing at my raven black tufts. "Who's a good boy?" She asked the obvious question. "Me," I mumbled, giving her a miniscule goofy smile.

Dad cleared his throat. "He's getting late, Brit. Let the boy go." He was sprawled on the new couch, his legs over the arm rest slightly swinging by the air. There was a laptop on his chest, glasses perched on top of his wide nose.

"Don't forget to grab your lunch, baby." She trotted inside our tiny kitchen and appeared with a light brown coloured paper bag filled with mom's special chicken and cheese grilled sandwiches and cookies from last night.

Grabbing it from her soft hands, I leaned down and pressed a kiss on her forehead. "Bye, mom. Love you." My gaze wandered to dad. "Bye dad."

"Don't miss us so much!" Dad yelled from his favourite couch, eyes set on the laptop's screen.

Giving him a crooked smile, I shifted my bag onto my shoulders and began to shuffle my way out of the living room and out the door. Nervousness bubbled through me as I brought my hand to my other hand and rubbed them against each other, trying to produce as much heat as possible to ward off cold. The paper bag was neatly tucked inside my school bag. It would probably be cold by the time the lunch is allowed.

Soon, I was on the main road. My feet stopped right near the long pole indicating that it was a bus stop. Sighing in relief, I leaned my weight onto it and just waited for the bus which would take me to my new school. Rubbing both of my hands together, I decided to listen to music. Imagine dragons was my go-to playlist when I was out somewhere I didn't wanted to be.

The song shifted to Thunder and I found myself looking up. My gaze swept past the whole bustling street until it swiftly landed on the red flashy car, containing a gang of six girls. Curiosity and amusement simmered in me as I froze, entranced by the rowdy girls.

...feel the thunder, lightning and the thunder. thunder.

My heart hammered against my chest as I focused on the gang entirely. I couldn't see their faces clearly but there was something odd about them. Their expressions were quite indifferent and...weird. Something was not right. They appeared to be younger but the way that they carried themselves indicated that they were far too mature. I was about to offer all my thoughts to the girls when the bus came to stand right in front of me, blocking my view of the car and the girls.

What would have happened if boys got catcalled? I suppose, nothing. My parents have always given me this lesson of always respecting other people. You can only get happiness when you give respect and get love as a response- another method of being happy. Love.

Although, I haven't got any girlfriend and I'm still a virgin, I am still able to love. You could address me as a good boy. I stay away from alcohol and drugs and I'm too much of a loser to get invited to a simple highschool party. Now I wasn't here to redeem my image. I was starting a new school because I had accidentally started up a fire in the chemistry laboratory with three students inside, including me and got expelled by the so called authorities. I'm prone to accidents. I'm a bit clumsy and girls treat me like I have STDs or what (I do not, by the way).

Badass, right?

Keyword: accident. It was a freaking accident.

"Hey, excuse me. Do you--" I was about to ask where the office was when the particular person rolled his eyes and walked away, shaking his head, clearly not interested in helping out a person who is clearly asking for help. Sometimes, I wonder what went wrong with the humanity and than I look at this. Hmph.


I ran a hand through my head and stared at the long hallways, my hope deflating and the bubble of confidence bursting. Gnawing at my lower lip, I cocked my head to the other direction only to see an amazing scene playing out right in front of me.

A guy twice the size of me was holding back a fist, his whole face bursting with fury. Oh, will you look at that...

His attention was on this tiny, a little more tinier than usual girl on the floors, wearing a baggy sweatshirt and hipster glasses and had bangs covering her eyes. I didn't wanted to involve myself in the whole scenario so I calmly walked by them until I was right behind the huge jock.

"Excuse me?" I asked. The guy breathed like a grizzly bear and growled, turning to me. "What?" He spat, bellowing with rage. Tilting my head slightly, I stared at the girl who was staring back at me like I was some sort of savior. Trust me girls, I'm not your savior. I can't even save my grades from falling.

"Go," I mouthed and than flipped my attention back to the neanderthal breathing down my face. He was dumb enough to not notice.

I cleared my throat. "Office. Do you know where the office is?"

The grizzly bear scratched the back of his head. "Yeah. Its in the second block, round the stairs. E-7." His anger had seemed to vaporize.

"Thanks. See you around." I begin to walk away, coming to a conclusion that I would never see this guy again. I licked my lips and looked at the time: five minutes until the beginning of the first class.

"Wouldn't you like to introduce yourself? Please let us know where you came from and what are you like?" The teacher used the century old tactic to annoy the new students.

The fear of speaking in front of many new faces did scared me but I ignored the feeling and continued. I cleared my throat which resulted in a few chuckles from the monsters that sat in front of me. I never got the memo of laughing with an intention of making fun of others.

"I'm Sebastion Myers and I'm seventeen."

I kept it formal to the point that it became just a small greeting. The teacher nodded and finally let go of me. As I looked around, I noticed that their were no empty seats.

I'm one lucky guy.

"Hey cutie," I heard a girl randomly whisper to me, the chewing gum in her mouth creating smacking noises. She was wearing a snapback hat on her head full of dark hair. Fuck. She thinks I'm cute.

"Mr. Myers, you don't need to walk the whole ramp. You can just sit with Ms. Wilkins."

I grimaced slightly and gave him a brief nod. The chewing gum girl scooted onto the next seat and dramatically patted the empty seat right next to her seat. Dropping my bag right next to her, I offered her a stiff and awkward smile. Girls freaked me out. Seeing the name To Kill a Mockingbird, I puckered my lips up when I realized that I've already read this darn book over the summer.

Whipping out the book and my reading glasses, I produced my favourite gel pen and placed it in front of my book. "Words tend to get blurry when I read," I explained when I saw her eyes narrowing at my glasses. She scrunched up her nose but said nothing. I think I said too much.

"I'm Sebastion," I told her.

What the hell, mate? You just told your full name in front of everyone.

Although her gaze was on the book, she silently nodded. Without sparing me a glance, she turned to the next page of the book we were supposed to read in the class. "And I'm Wilkins. Cora Wilkins." It was after giving me her name, did she looked up.

She had stopping chewing her gum and was eyeing me now. There was a sharp glint in her dark eyes as she raked her gaze all over my deteriorating confidence. The contentment had evaporated and I was left with an edgy feeling taking birth inside of me. I gulped, my hand slightly shaking as I slowly grabbed the thin gel pen. There was something off about the way she was looking at me right now. Its how predators look at their prey.

My eyes were drawn to her huge pointy nails, painted all black. Those nails. She brought those freaky looking nails close to my face and I slightly veered away from her wandering hands. I felt her nail poking into my jaws, her eyes cat-like.

"The underworld welcomes you," she whispered.

My mind went silent as I let myself loose in her dark gaze, focused entirely on me.

A.N: Hey! Welcome to my new book. This idea is parallel to the cliche of Wattpad but with more twists and turns. The roles are switched and I promise, I have got wonderful things planned for this book. Although the first chapter us such a filler, do leave your opinions in the comments. If you found it interesting enough, you can vote too. I love you.
- f.q.

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