15. the rescue operation

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[three hours ago]

"I SWEAR I DIDN'T KILL any of you-" another punch was introduced to my face. Their hands grabbed me from my hair and I was pulled up against the black interior of the shady van.

"He's their pet," the boy with grey eyes sneered. "You do their bidding, right?" His face was levelled with mine. I knew if I nodded, I'd get punched again. No matter what, I would be the prey so I nodded. Wait, I didn't mean to do anything. Shit.

Another punch. The pain was so much, I had to take a double take. How could he pack so much in his punch? This is barbaric.

Everything became dark when I felt a punch lighting up a switch in my mind. I could feel more blood oozing out and covering the surface of my face that was already covered in dried blood. A hiccup escaped me as I grimaced through the pain; bruises decorated my entire face. "G-guys," I croaked.

"Those sluts killed his little brother. His brother was all he had," the grey eyed person hissed, his eyes glaring daggers at me. "We know now the bombshell Natalie Burns isn't the one to work this whole out, its somebody else who doesn't show their face to anyone but you've seen that certain someone, haven't you? You know it's a her. Who is she?"


The last that I saw of her, she was too vulnerable. In this state, she didn't deserve what they wanted to do with her. She should be at rest, not out there doing whatever that she did in her free time. Killing bunnies and kicking puppies. The usual.

In pain and in blood, I tried to shake my head. Gritting my teeth, I shook my head again. "I-I don't...know.."

Alec pushed forward, rubbing a hand over his stubble as he walked towards me. There was a frown on his face. "Whoever she is she killed...him, Sebastion. You can't protect people who are monsters. She's a murderer and even if you feel some kind of weird with her, it's not real."

I closed my eyes briefly. I don't.

When he felt my reluctance, the corner of his lips lifted to reveal his displeasure. Then he moved his left hand to signal for an order to his boys. Due to the disappearance of my glasses, I couldn't see or figure out what he ordered to them.

"End it," he retorted calmly before pulling open the doors of his van. I struggled with my injuries to straighten myself up, buckling my knees so I don't put too much pressure on the ankles. "Smoker dude, my sister...she's with the Coopers. Please get her. T-They--" I coughed up blood or maybe the blood got mixed with my saliva. "--when I'm late, they place her outside on the porch. You've got to listen." I breathed out roughly. Maybe, one of their hard blows punctured my lungs. Is that possible?

He froze. Yes.

"Look, I know...I know you care for Al. Help."

Alec growled slowly under his breath. "I don't fucking care about anyone." He turned around and stormed towards my trembling form. "Because when I do, they all get hurt. All of them."

He fisted his hands and his muscles did that weird shift that made them bulge out. Rage travelled through his limbs and he wrapped his hands around my forearms. "Get the fuck out," he snarled, slamming my entire self on one wall. "You're only allowed to leave because of Al. Now fuck off."

Then he pulled back his arm and released it on my chest. I was met with eternal darkness and an agonizing pain. My back hit the cemented road and I was a goner.

Wake up, Sebastion. A sweet voice lulled me awake.

I put my hand infront of my vision and grinned. Savannah's long black tresses webbed around my face as she leaned forward on me. Her long fingers fondled with my raven strands as she pressed her lips to my forehead. A soft breeze begin to flow, playing with her hair. Her lips were forming more words.

"Call me," she sang, her eyes smiling too. Impossible.

I smiled, too blissful. "Call me."

"I'll call you.."

Savannah. I need to call her. Of course, only the Underworld could help me now. I need to call her so I could inform them about Al. Surely, they won't refuse it. Snaking a hand along my pants, I felt my phone's bulge. Gently pulling the phone out, I moved my fingers across the screen trying to find a number that could connect me to the Underworld. My fingers trembled as I brought it nearer to my face.

"C-Cora, I need your help. Al's with the Coopers. Please take care of her....parents...in jail. It hurts, hurts so much. They threw me in the Wisconsin park. Help--"

"SLOW DOWN, will ya!" Debbie's one hand was shading her phone screen from the sun and the other was holding onto the passenger seat's head.

"I can't understand the Google directions, C."

Natalie rolled her eyes. "Neanderthal, "she mumbled.

"Shut the fuck up, Nats." This was Cora, ready to strike at Natalie.  Natalie flipped her off, her fingers tangled in her light brown hair. Pushing down her shades onto her eyes, she laid her head on the post behind her. "Wake me up when we see the Coopers house."

I was on the passenger seat next to Cora when determination and self proclaimed confidence birthed in her limbs because the next thing she did was to turn sharply around a corner making us all hit each other. The joint in my hand misplaced, falling into my lap. God darn. The pad of my thumb met with the hot side of the tube and I gritted my teeth in sudden annoyance.

"Drive slow," I ordered, unsparingly.

That was all she needed because the speed decreased considerably. Natalie wore a complacent look on her face as she slept away. Turning my gaze back to the window, I knew my left leg was constantly in motion. It was persistently moving but I couldn't stop it. Why was I so anxious? Or even terrified for something or...someone? Why? What is happening to my stupid self?

"Found the Addington Street. It's where the famous Coopers live in their humble abode," Dellie mumbled, gently tipping the glasses towards. Debbie laughed, smacking her twin in the process. "Who's going to get little Al from there?"

"I'll do it," Natalie chimed in, slyly taking off her dark shades and revealing her smoky hazel eyes. "Make way for your queen now," she sang as she unlocked the car's door and gave it a firm push. At first her stilettos had probably come into the view then her long legs before she had arrogantly sashayed out with her branded bag hanging from her arms. She was followed by her girls: Debby and Dellie. There was a fierce look in her eyes as she placed her fist on the door and double tapped it before backing off the first step and standing on the last step.

The house belonging to the Coopers was small, so small that it made me wonder if his house was small too. "Are all the houses this small on Addington Street?" I asked Cora who displayed indifference by shrugging. "Probably."

The door opened allowing a small old lady to step out. She was holding a pink bundle, her one eye severely closed. Natalie couldn't hide her displeasure well because she did her usual lifting of the corner of her lip. This was a sign of strict opposition from her side.

"Are you Mrs. Cooper?" Folding her arms against her chest, her heels tapped the ground. She had one hip jutted out. The old lady wasn't too keen on hiding her displeasure too because she shook her head silently when she took in the length of her cheerleading miniskirt. "Who are you and where's the nice young lad?" The lady had finally asked the question which had intrigued her for so long.

"He's...busy and he wants his baby sister back. Give me Alayna," Natalie softly spoke before thrusting her hands out. She waved her fingers to indicate the lady to place the bundle in her arms. The lady spat at Natalie before pushing the baby in Dellie's hands. "I'll give the lad's sister to the most sane in the group," she affirmed  before shutting the door in their faces.

"How does he deal with this witch on daily basis?" Natalie complained as she sashayed back to the car.

"Maybe she's bad to him too. His parents are in jail so he can't really help it." Dellie was the one to retort because her finger was already nestled in the bundle. She was cooing Al.

When they had gotten into the car, Cora restarted the car. "Shall we go get our boy?" They all nodded but I simply ignored their banter. I did preferred it when my girls interacted like this but I was too destroyed to enjoy with my girls. Their company won't darken because of my presence. Never.

"Mission Rescue Operation: Sebastion Myers!" Natalie suddenly got excited. "I can't wait to save--" She stopped.

"What is that horrible smell? Cora?" They all rounded on her. Cora slammed her fist on the steering wheel. "Fuck off. I didn't."

Everyone begin to look around, trying to find the source of the smell. I eyed Natalie from the back mirror. "Its the baby," I mumbled, jerking my head in the pink bundle's direction.

"OH FUCK! HOLY MOTHER OF LOUISE VUITTON! I think my lap is wet." Natalie begin to whine.

"Sebastion..." Natalie whispered softly as she lowered herself onto the ground. Although I could only see her back, I knew something must have been wrong with his passed out body. Cora and the twins got out of the car too. Delilah gasped, her arm going around Deborah's forearm. Cora was the only one who clenched her fists, a tick in her jaw indicating that she was ready to finish whoever had the audacity to hurt him.

There was a sudden painful jolt that squeezed my chest. Placing a gentle hand over the jacket covering my chest, I tried to breathe but another jolt followed through. This one made my head pound. Black spots begin to dance around my vision  as I rubbed my chest frequently. I was sick, used and beaten.

The sight played out infront of me evidently. Cora pushed the twins away and tried to help Natalie up. Her palms were covering her mouth, the shoulders racking with horror. When she couldn't see this anymore, her feet made their way back to the car. It was when Cora helped Sebastion stand upright and made all the pressure of his weight fall on her, did I actually saw him.

The pain that was in my heart doubled because this was bound to happen. No matter how innocent you are or were or even how much you stayed out of things, cruel people will always find a way to violate your mind or hurt you. Even if they know that the person they are inflicting wounds upon cannot hurt them back because of their weaknesses, they will double their injuries and cause more pain because this is what cruelty does to a person. It makes the victim and the ones who are guilty cruel.

White hot ribbons of incessant rage shook the core of my being as I saw his face hidden by shiners underneath his heavily bruised eyes and dried blood caked next to his mouth that had swelled up too.

Cora was slowly moving him to the car, her hold firm and strength remarkable but still proving to be lesser due to his towering height. Debby took his other arm and put it around her neck. His head was lolling around like a rag doll as they briskly pulled up to the car. Natalie opened the back door of the car and moved away to give space. With a huff, Cora pulled his arm out from behind and gave him a slight push. Tugging his left arm out of the way, both girls shoved him to the back seat, none too gently. After returning to the driving seat, she turned around in her seat to stare at his body.

"Wake him up," her eyes were casted downwards in worry as she noticed his chest heaving up and down. His head was on Dellie's shoulders and hands in Debby's lap who was rubbing circles on his hands. Natalie was leaning forwards, fingers crossed and a gulp forming in her throat. Fear thundered down on every heart in the car. Surely, no one could have survived this much beating and survived to tell the tale...

Shoving my trembling hands underneath my lap, I begin to calm my heart beat my counting down the number of street lights  on the road. 

"Wake up, Seb." Natalie sounded like she could drop everything and start crying for real. Running a hand through my hair, I closed my eyes.

Wake up, bastard. Wake the fuck up.

Suddenly, a question was shot in the air. "Where's Al?" His mouth piped up, head shooting up in the air. Eyes were wide open as he gulped. Then he flinched. "I-It kind of really hurts...where's Al?" Placing a couple fingers on his temple, he mumbled some random gibberish.

"She's-" Dellie stopped. As if she had been electrocuted, she sat up from her seat and then put her legs around the seat's post. Getting to the third row of seat, she snatched the pink bundle from the floors of the car and happily offered it to Sebastion. "We took great care of her." They all fucking lied through their teeth, fake smiles painting their faces. I rolled my eyes.

Sebastion seemed at peace on seeing the disgusting infant.

A.N: this is the longest chapter I've written lmao 😂

Anyway, from now onwards the story will take a progressive turn and to all those who think that Savannah is sane now hahaha, she's still an insane, borderline psychotic chick driven by violence. Right now, she seems sane because she's:

a) out in public

b) without her daily fix so she's acting

c) feeling sick because of her withdrawal symptoms

d) distracted because of our boy Sebastian; her heart and mindset isn't in their respective places

How was the chapter? Please leave comments and votes 💜💜
Please tell me how the story is turning out to be because it would help me with my ever going/perpetual  writers block regarding this story 🖤  it would mean a lot.

Who feels sad for Seb?

Any comments on Alec?

Oh, and SURPRISE! I didn't wait until Sunday because trust me the next few chapters are not going to be for the faint hearted.

Warning for the next few chapters: Savannah is NOT sadistic, she's damaged and is simply projecting her emotions through vindictive actions towards Sebastion who's literally too innocent 😂

Thank you again for so much attention x
f.q. 🥀

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