26. the preparation

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"OH, BRODY MY itty bitty baby is going on his first mission with the girls. I'm so proud of this," she gushed at me, her short dark bob bouncing with her head movements. I stopped in my tracks and turned around before placing my two arms on each either side of her form.

"Mom, please stop following me around." I tried, leaning down to her 5'2 form and hypnotize her to move 3 feet away from me. She pinched my cheeks in between her forefinger and middle finger and then lightly gave my face a slap.

"You used to follow me around when you were three, I ain't forget."


"Mom, go change Al's diaper or something," I excused myself before running upstairs to my room. Before I could cross the distance between the last stair and my room, mom had clung to my form. Her nails were furiously clutching to my back. Shit, I lost. Again.

An evil cackle escaped from my mom as she attached herself to me like a bug. An annoying, little, motherly bug.

"You change her diapers," she hissed in my ears before getting off me. Rubbing her hands together, she held her head high before calmly strutting down the stairs. I gulped and nodded. She terrifies me.

Hey, I'm Sebastion Meyer. I'm the son of those parents who never learnt maturity.

The penthouse was darkened but I was too overdressed to care because I had my training gears on. My workout outfit was a mix and match between tight fitting black bottoms underneath my knee length black shorts. My favorite T-shirt was covered by the zipped hoodie, the hood propped up on my head. In my hands, I was holding my bronze water bottle.

I was ready for my training.

The light switched on and I was met with Holly who was eyeing me strangely. "Sebastion, why are you dressed in your gym clothes?" She was puckering up her lips in confusion.

"Cora told me that Savannah was going to train us-"

She smiled, her eyes still hiding her sadness under the curtain of happiness. "Oh, that's right. Savannah and Anton are going to train us."

My smile faltered. Why was Anton going to train us? Why him of all people? Couldn't he return to his dark alleys and smuggle drugs or whatever that he did to survive on the streets? It was as if I had tasted something sour or borderline disgusting? How could they stand that burgundy haired criminal?

"Everyone's in the basement. Savannah's already training the others but she won't train you. I think Anton will, do you think Anton will train you?"

I half heartedly shrugged before following Holland down the stairs to the basement. They liked Anton.

"WORTHLESS PIECE OF motherfucking trashcan!" Cora was quick to remove herself from the protective stance by bending forward to touch her hurt stomach. "AARGH," she growled in pain, fisting her hands tightly.

Throwing my hair to another side, I cussed under my breathe before stepping between her and Anton. Anton stepped away from me when he felt the anger radiating from my form. Cora was still crouched on the ground, her eyes closed in pain.

Dropping the cigarette to the floor, I knelt down next to her. "You'll lose everything if you're like this," I whispered in her ears. With that being out of the way, I softly felt her stomach. My fingers caressed the purple bruises on her stomach. She was shivering slightly, sweat decorating her toned stomach.

"I'm trying, Savannah. That burgundy bitch was a little too hard on me." She was struggling.

Gritting my teeth, I rested my palm on top of her bruise and then...pressed down on it with full force. "Try harder," I hissed, her loud screams droning out my whisper. Getting up, I shook my head. "Go harder on her, Anton. No mercy. Put an ice pack on it after the training, Cora."

"Fuck you, SJ. Bitchass-"

I put a hand up to stop her from saying anything further and turned around only to come face to face with Sebastion Meyers. I sucked in a lot of breath at his sight. He was dressed in all black.


He looked behind me to observe Cora and then at my frozen form, his eyes too wide with fear. "Am I in the right room?" He timidly quizzed, a bulge in his throat. I looked down at his hands which were shaking with fear or cold, I didn't care. Stepping forward, I invaded his personal bubble before patting his chest.

"Lose all of this. This isn't your gym time," I said and I meant it. He didn't know shit about punching or defense which was a bummer because he had accompanied me in the drug deal  and he was as useless as the spare button located on the underside of my leather jacket. He had to train.

"Right now? Shouldn't we eat something first?" No smile was present on his perfect, stupid boyish face. "P-Protein shake?" he suggested stupidly.

I scowled.

My hand fisted his collars tightly and I dragged him out into the middle before turning to my girl on the floors. "Over for you, Cora. Go get an ice pack, I think he'll need it too."

Anton was quick to help her upright. I noticed Sebastion making a face at that.

With shaky hands, he concentrated on taking off his hoodie. I motioned my head to sideways, indicating that he could toss it anywhere. He complied and threw his hoodie in the dark. "Lose the shirt as well. Skin."

His hands grabbed the front of his shirt before pulling it off. Sebastion Meyers was built, just as he claimed, of skin and bones. The chest was broad but he could still work more on his biceps and the legs.

"Now loosen up and focus," I ordered. "Do what I say."

His stiff shoulders only slightly gave away to relaxation but the legs were still awkwardly positioned. They were so out of motion, it hurt my eyes. "Get into a fighting position. Non dominant foot in the front and the dominant foot behind. Keep the feet under the shoulders and focus on the opponent like your pathetic little life depends on it."

He began to struggle with his feet. Finally, he was able to decide which foot of his was more dominant. He was so submissive, even his body had no dominant hands or foot. When he had gotten into a frighting stance, he looked up expectantly as if he was looking for some kind of appreciation.

"Wait, I know how they make a fist in the movies. I've read in an article that you have to tuck your thumb over your middle finger to make a proper fist." He did that. I gave him an annoyed look before proceeding to the next stage of my training. He reads too much.

"Tuck the dominant hand under your chain and raise the free hand. This is your first line of defence, Sebastion. Now bend the knees. Yes, that's...exactly how it's done."

Sebastion was a quick learner but he saught for appreciation too much. Almost like a child learning math. Why did his parents raise him like that?

"Pivot the back foot and turn your knee forward. Twist your chest and hips and face me. I am your opponent right now. Aim and as soon as your knuckles touch my face, allow your middle knuckle to follow through my face to inflict maximum bruising and pain. Now do as I say and aim! Aim! "

"You can't expect me to hit you, Savannah."

A creature inside me wanted to lash out at him and hurt him because he was acting just like them. The ones who scream all day that they can't disrespect or degrade girls by hitting them only to go home and watch pornography.

"Why the fuck can't you hit me?" She spat.

"It's because you don't deserve it," he softly muttered.

"Sebastion, if you don't hit me right now-"


"Girls like Sylvia deserve it and for that reason only, I have decided to train your ass. Now hit me and get it over with. You still have a lot of learning to do."

He breathed in deeply before resuming his fighting stance. At least, he had mastered that thing." Please don't hurt me back," he mumbled and then aimed. Ready to block his soulless punch, I prepared my move only to stop because Sebastion had tripped on air and was now sprawled on the ground. His groans were ringing everywhere. I mentally facepalmed.

" God, I'm fucking done with you," I glowered at his form before exiting the basement to get my daily 'fix' because this shit was getting too damn real for me.

"WOW YOU ARE a proper loser, man." Anton's barebodied burgundy form entered my vision. "No wonder she can't stand you, you'd piss me off too."

Not even Alec annoyed me this much.

"Well, I couldn't hit Savannah but I think I might hit you," I offered with a challenging half smile. Anton laughed. "You really are pussy whipped for SJ, aren't you?"

"Why are you even here?" The cockiness in his emerald eyes was annoying the living hell out of me and the way that he proudly strutted around with the girls with no fear lagging behind him was enough to ruin whatever I had planned for this evening.

"I've started to finally see your face, boy. Thank God, the bruises are healing. Cora, you're up next with him. I've got to train Natalie."

Then he walked away proudly to a distant bench. Cora came to sit next to me. "I hate him," I whispered lowly, frowning deeply.

"Oh, Savannah can't stand him too. He's...like that. You wanna be up next with me?"

"Yeah, I do not have a death wish." I pursed my lips, trying to control the smile that was fighting to appear on my lips. Cora scoffed with an amused amile.

"Oh, look at that," Natalie announced. "My my, I could just lick something sweet off your washboard abs. Ugh, you're so hot. " She dropped her hermes bag on the bench where Anton was settled and began to tie up her long hair. My jaw fell open once I saw that she wasn't tying up her hair, she was unclipping her hair extensions and setting them neatly on top of her probably expensive faux fur coat. She was also taking off her gold hoops.

I immediately stood up. "I-I challenge Anton for...for arm wrestling tournament right now."

"Sebastion, we know you're fond of taking impulsive decisions but you'll lose," Cora retorted smartly, her eyes flickering between me and the burgundy smuggler. Natalie looked towards her minions and clocked her head high. "Arrange something quick for their cute little competition, I'm so hyping up my angel."

That made me smile. Anton raised his brows. "Kid, we aren't joking around. She initiated the training for you. But if you really want to take it as a joke, then you're welcome to challenge me to an arm wrestling competition."

I pocketed my hands, turning my lips downwards to indicate puzzlement. "Fine," I assented. "I-I take back my competition."

Savannah had initiated the training for me?

"Wuss," I heard him mumble. My hands fisted in my pocket with low lying resentment for his words, struggling to maintain my level of patience.

"You're a true liability to all of them," Anton progressed further, eyes basking in contempt. "A useless member of the Sisterhood who can't even throw a punch to protect others, much less himself. No doubt, your height compensates for your defence but it makes no difference to them if you decide to, one day, leave them. They'll probably-"

I think no one expected what I did next.

My fingers had curled in a firm fist before throwing it right at his face, the middle knuckle dominating the entire hand to push through his facial muscles to inflict maximum pain.
Crimson spot appeared on his jawline, his hand going towards his face to protect his face.

Now he deserved it. I didn't know I had clamped down on my lips too tightly because I felt my lower lip swelling up.

"That's hot," Natalie hassled to get her phone out to snap some pictures of Anton's face. Cora leaned back to allow her stomach more space for muscle relaxation, ice pack laid on the bruise. She quietly wheezed but Holly looked terrified, her eyes as wide as saucers.

I put my hand up in front of my vision. My throat bulged at the sight of my shaking fingers and the reddish marks over each of knuckles. "This hurt," I claimed with a little smile.

"No shit," Cora spat with humor.

From the peripheral vision of my sight, I felt Savannah entering the basement. She was wearing low rise dark jeans and a dark grey tank top, her pale arms glimmering with sweat. There was a toothpick hanging off her lips, eyes narrowed in observation. They followed Anton's form standing in the distant, hands patting a scrunched up shirt on his lower jaw. He was grounding his teeth in annoyance.

Her gaze returned to mine and she did a quick eyebrow raise before silently nodding her head. At once, I felt Holly entangingling her tiny self to my waist. "You did it!" She screeched in my ears. My hands went around her in amusement.

"Impressive," Cora declared from her position. A strange warmth birthed in my abdomen as I found myself grinning from ear to ear.

"OH HOLY GRAIL OF GIVENCHY!" Natalie screamed, both hands managing her phone. "Daddy is saying he wants to meet all us right now. No buts, all five of you are invited to my mansion. Like, right now."

Amidst the preparation and excitement, I only felt myself observing a certain black haired girl who wasn't smiling but her eyes were relaxed and satisfied.

Relaxation was better then numbness, right?

A. N:

At least, now he can pack a lunch at his enemies 😂 he made Savannah so proud lol.

I'm so hungry rn, I need pizza :(


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