Part 2

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You were waiting on an answer, and your shoulders were starting to hurt. You've been pointing at Carson and his flowery blanket for at least 3 minutes now, and the burning in your muscles wasn't helped by the fact you were currently holding a bag of water bottles. 'Is it normal for girls to think so hard? I'm not sexist, I swear.'
"Well, uh, I understand if you wanna be left alone, I apologize for the intrusion, and I'll be on my way." Just as you took the first step away and before you could turn, Charlotte seemed to regain consciousness, if whatever she just was was unconscious. "I'd love to!"

"Woooah (Y/N), moving up in the world?"
"I have no idea what you're talking about."
"Come on, man; you convinced Charlotte Birkin, college baseball legend, to sit with us."
"Didn't take you for a baseball fan."
"I'm not; I'm a Charlotte fan." He said as you silently rejoiced that someone understood you before remembering that Charlotte was sitting with the both of you. She awkwardly laughed and expressed her thanks as she slowly ate her food.
"But I would prefer if we forgot about that for a bit. It's nice to talk about for a while, but I want to be treated as an average person now and then." She said, mainly looking at Carson.
"Yeah, yeah." Both of you meekly agreed.

But you couldn't keep that promise.

For about an hour you and Carson just went on and on about how much you admired Charlotte, at least, in terms of that last game in Carson's case. Charlotte tried to fight it but eventually just let the compliments flow, seemingly not caring about the broken promise you made. You struggled to keep your composure because now and then you'd say something that wasn't entirely baseball-related and try to cover it with "In a platonic way" or something to that effect.

A loud chiptune ringtone broke the onslaught of positivity focused on Charlotte. "I should take this." The only female you've hung out with in years stood up and said. She walked off as she answered, out of earshot.
"Damn. My social life is kinda sad." You told yourself.
"What's that?" Carson asked
"Just a realization."

"I have to go guys." Charlotte came back to the group announcing as she grabbed her things.
"Awww really?" Carson whined.
"Yep, I have practice."
"Ooooh, can we go watch?" You asked as she froze for a bit
"It's between me and a couple of friends, not official and I think a couple of guys would ruin the Feng shui, no offense."
"None taken." You said sitting back down. In reality, you were offended. That's sexist. But not like you were gonna complain, especially not in front of Charlotte. You both waved her off as you and Carson conversed, the topic seemingly not requiring your lost party member, as you still just, complimented Charlotte.

Seemingly running out of topics or things to compliment, you and Carson packed up the picnic set and headed back to the dorm. There was still so much daylight it was almost a crime to just leave it all but, you were bored and needed something to do. "Carson."
"Not right now, I've got to get ready for something."
"Is my baby boy finally growing up? Does he have a date?"
"Yes actually."
"Fuck off, no way."
"Very much yes way."
You couldn't think of anything clever to say, so you just stared in disbelief. You watched him put on a nice suit that you've never seen before.
"Where'd that come from?"
"It's a rental."
"It's not a fucking jeep!"
"You can rent suits dude, maybe you'd have known that if you ever decided to gussy up a bit."
"Look at this guy, 'gussy up' it's not the fucking 19th century you know!"
"Whatever dude, why are you so worried about my love life?"
"I'm not worried about your love life, I'm worried about our friendship!"
"We live in the same bedroom."
"We haven't gamed together in weeks!"
"And that right there is why you'll never get the opportunity to gussy up."
"Fuck you."
"See you later."

And like that, you were alone. Your best friend had left you in the dorm you shared. Having nothing better to do you booted up your PC and browsed the internet. Maybe he was right. Going through your history, was unpleasant, to say the least. You had thousands of bookmarks for unsavory, or rather, very savory sites. Looking back at your electronic usage, it was kinda sad. You pondered making a change. Maybe working out or even meeting new people. You've only got two friends anyway, a few more to that list wouldn't be a terrible thing. As you pondered deeper and deeper you eventually concluded. "Eh maybe later."

Suddenly Ethan busted through your door, nearly tearing it off its hinges. "Jesus Christ!" You exclaimed as you covered the computer screen with your hands. "(Y/N)!" He shouted, seemingly unaware of the horrors sitting idly under your palms. "I NEED MONEY."

For a second you waited for him to say he was joking.

You waited.

It never came.

"Do you have any idea who you're talking to!? I splurged out today. I won't be able to eat tomorrow because I bought a couple of water bottles."
"I know you're lying, I know you have money going towards some certain sites that should not be named."
"Are you threatening me? You have no proof."
"I have all the proof I need, electronic receipts."
"H-how did you get those?"
"You see, my dirty-minded friend. I operate those sites you pay bi-weekly!" Suddenly you felt a lot less threatened, as someone who buys from an adult site seems a lot less like a loser than someone who operates them. "Get out of here dude, unless you're down to game."
"This is time sensitive!"
"What is it?"
"An eBay bid!"
"Just leave."

"For a beam katana!"

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