Ch.6:Bayou Blitz

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The Edwings aimed their weapons at the group and were about to fire, when...

Carol:Get out of my restaurant!

She threw a broom at one of their faces, knocking them on their back. Then, chaos erupted. The group was dodging and weaving, there was gunshots firing everywhere. Carol and Randell were helping out. Randell was fighting with his bare hands, while his wife was whacking everyone with a broom.

Randell:And people wonder why I married you.

The group was having a difficult time dodging both the bullets and the rockets from Lucas's bazooka. Eventually one of the female Edwings had Aki cornered against the railing. Behind her in the swamp were several hungry gators. The Edwing girl had a shotgun pointed at Aki's head.

Edwing girl:Nighty night, girly.

Before she fired...


They turned to see Dwayne charging at them. The Edwing tried to fire, but Dwayne yanked the gun out of her hand and whacked her in the face with it. Aki almost fell into the swamp, but Dwayne managed to catch her and pulled her toward him. The two blushed, though they quickly rushed in to help.

Lucas:Another one? Grrr! I'm really getting sick of all these stinkin brats!

He began firing, but Dwayne managed to dodge the rockets. He then stomped on Lucas's foot, making him drop the rocket launcher. Dwayne than picked up the rocket launcher and shoved it on Lucas's head. He then kicked Lucas into the swamp.

Derek:Oddly, not the most humiliating thing that's happened to him.

They then began to throw the other Edwings into the swamp. Pa Edwing was cornered.

Pa Edwing:Grr! How did this happen?!

Julie:You clearly have never seen us in action.

Wolf clocked Pa Edwing into the water with the rest of the family.

Pa beyond humiliating.

Derek:It's called defeat, Dad. You get used to it.

Then, several gators surrounded the family.

Pa Edwing:Wait, why is the water suddenly warm? Lucas!

Derek:Actually, that was me.

They then swam to a nearby tree and climbed up it.

Randell:Don't worry. The cops will find a nice dry cell for ya.

As he was calling the police, Dwayne was talking to the group.

Julie:That was pretty impressive, country boy.

Spencer:Yeah man. You're cool with us.

He fist bumped the gator boy. Aki and Dwayne looked at each other.

Dwayne:Uh...Aki...I may not know what my future holds. But it would be amazing if you were in it. What do you say?

Aki then kissed him.

Spencer:Guess that's a yes...

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