Ch.5:Snooping Around

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The Bad Guys and the Stilton Family decided to look around the city to see if they could find anything. They had split up into groups. Wolf was with Geronimo, Thea was with Diane and Tarantula, Trap was with Piranha, Shark, and Snake, and Pandora and Ben were with Hyena and Julie.

Wolf:Anyone find anything?

Hyena:Nothing yet.

Trap:Hey, maybe we could try luring them out.


Trap took a deep breath


Everyone overheard him over the coms.

Wolf:Are his plans always this stupid?

Geronimo:You have no idea.

Julie:Someone mind hitting his off button?

Trap was cut off by Snake wrapping himself around his mouth.

Snake:Do you really think our enemies would be stupid enough to fall for this?

Trap:...Maybe? got someone's attention...

People on the street were staring at them.

Snake:And, everyone's staring...great.

Shark:Eyes at the ground, and pretend like nothings wrong.

Meanwhile, Geronimo was talking to Wolf.

Geronimo:I still don't get why your foes would come all the way out here.

Wolf:If I had to guess, someone may have told them and brought them here. But for what purpose?

???:Yes, quite the mystery, isn't it?

Geronimo and Wolf turned to the direction of the voice, which belonged to a certain guinea pig.


Marmalade:Wolf, just the person I was looking for.

Just then, several police officers showed up


They drew their guns and began fire on Marmalade, though due to suit, it did little to harm him. Marmalade directed one of the suit's arms backwards, switched it to cannon mode, and fired, blowing one of the police cars up. Marmalade then turned to Geronimo.

Marmalade:And you must be Mr.Stilton.

Geronimo:Um...this seems more like your territory, so I'll just be...

He ran and hid behind a car.

Wolf:What's someone like you doing in New Mouse City?

Marmalade:Oh you know. Take in the sights, sample some of the local food, cause some mayhem and destruction. Speaking of which-

He grabbed a nearby motorcycle and threw it at Wolf, with Wolf dodging the motorcycle.

Wolf:Guys, we got trouble on the west side.

Piranha:We're on our way, boss.

Wolf did managed to put up a good fight, it was difficult to keep up with Marmalade's suit.

Marmalade:I love this suit! Kinda wish I had it during the whole meteorite thing.

Wolf:Doubt it would have made a difference.

Marmalade grumbled.


Ben:Uncle G!

The others had finally reached the two. Marmalade grinned.

Marmalade:Finally, the rest of the playmates have arrived. Oh boys (and gals), why don't we don't we get our little play date started?

He whistled, and several villains emerged. Several drones appeared, with BB shooters. They were being operated by Damian Larson.

Julie:Ugh, Damian, I'm kinda surprised you tagged along.

Damian:The others thought this little trip could show me the ropes. Plus, I'd take up any opportunity to get back at you.

Julie:Well, at least now I have an excuse to punch your teeth in!

But before she could, Damian used his phone to control the drones, firing BBs at her.

Julie:Uh, guys, little help?

Shark:Oh please, they can't hurt that bad?

Damian:Care to prove that, goldfish?


That really made him mad, as he powered through the BBs and destroyed several drones.

Damian:Well that's several hundred dollars down the tube.

Shark growled and began chasing Damian around.  Ben and Pandora came face to face with Spike and Divebomb. Snake and Hyena came to their aid.

Snake:You take the tin can, I'll take the overgrown turkey.

They did so. However, behind the two mice, was Cackletta.

Julie:Look out!

She swung around a street light and kicked Cackletta, knocking her into a wall.

Julie:They have nothing to do with this Cackletta!

Cackletta:They're more involved in our plan than you think.

They continued to fight until Ben tried to intervene, resulting Cackletta turning her attention. She kicked him into the wall.


However, before she can intervene, Divebomb distracted her. Spike soon joined Cackletta.

Cackletta:Hey tinman, why don't you soften him up?

Spike:Music to my ears.

He picked up Ben and slammed him against the wall.

Cackletta:Make sure that uncle of his is watching.

Geronimo was horrified to see his nephew getting attacked. He wanted to help him, but his legs wouldn't let him. Thankfully Julie managed to come to his aid. She took out her knife and stabbed Spike in the back of his leg, causing him to drop to his knee.

Spike:You little-

Hyena kicked Spike out of the way. Julie helped Ben up.

Julie:You alright?

Ben blushed a bit, but he composed himself.

Ben:Uh, yeah...I think so.

Wolf was continuing to fight Marmalade, until someone suddenly kicked him out of the way. When he looked up, he was greeted by The Shadow.

Thea:The Shadow?

Snake:Friend of yours?

Shadow:We've had our squabbles.

She then noticed Diane.

Shadow:The great Crimson Paw. I've had a few people compare you me to you. Let's see if you live up to that

The two began fighting.  Unfortunately, due to Diane helping deal with the other villains, she was a little exhausted. As a result Shadow landed several good hits. Julie immediately rushed to he Mom.

Shadow:If you're really so great, how did I beat you?

Diane growled. However before the villains could do anything else, more police arrived.

Damian:Well, looks like that's our exit cue.

Spike, Cackletta, and Damian held on to Marmalade's suit.

Wolf:What's your endgame, Marmalade.

Marmalade:Wolfy, while a good villain always tells their plans, I'm afraid we can't do that.

Spike:Our partner would like things on the hush hush.

Marmalade:For now, ta!

He and the other villains took off, leaving the Bad Guys and the Stilton family bruised and humiliated.

Tarantula:This just isn't our day.

Trap:This really couldn't get any worse.

Just then, several news station vans and reporters came out. They began bombarding the two groups with questions.

Julie:If we weren't in the view of several cameras, I'd punch you.

The reporters were asking questions, such as if the Bad Guys were working with the villains, and why the villains weren't captured yet.

Thea:Anyone know a way out of this?

Hyena:I got you covered on that.

She pulled out a small smoke bomb and threw it on the ground. The group rushed out during the commotion.

Hyena:And you guys said the smoke bomb was unnecessary.

Wolf:We got to figure out whats going on...

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