Ch.9:Sally's true face

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Sally was attending her public press conference. Several other reporters and numerous citizens were attending.

Sally:Is everything in order?

Simon:Down to the last detail, mam.

Sally:Good. Lets get this show on the road.

She started the conference.

Sally:Thank you everyone for turning up to this event. Now, I know things have been quite scary lately, but I assure you, thanks to the Daily Rat, things will soon be quite safer.

The crowd cheered. The group snuck behind the stage.

Hyena:Kid, give me your phone. Webs, with me.

Julie handed Hyena her phone. Webs began hacking the PA system and the broadcast.

Sally:Now, I've recently received an anonymous tip that a new villain has arrived. I don't know what they're plan is yet, but it is certain that it won't be good.

Snake:Anytime now, Webs.

Tarantula finally managed to hack the PA System and the footage.

Shark:All good to go.

Wolf:Hit it, Webs.

She then played the footage of Sally's meeting with the villains. Sally and Simon were panicking.

Sally:What's going on?!

Cameraman:Someone hijacked the feed.

Wolf turned on the mic

Wolf:Yes ladies and gentlemen, you are seeing this correctly. Ms.Rasmussen and Mr.Squealer hired these villains and paid them to create chaos so they could cover the story, while dragging our names through the mud!

Julie:And here's the kicker, a big reason she did so was to get back at us for refusing her offer to do the interview today. Pathetic, isn't it.

Sally tried to save face.

Sally:Wait! Don't listen to them! That footage has been edited! I-

The crowd began booing Sally, throwing garbage at her. Sally saw the group and got angry.

Sally:How dare you! This was my big moment! And you just ruined it!

Julie:You know, maybe you should throw an even louder tantrum. Then the audience can here you better.

Sally:This doesn't matter! I'll prove to everyone that I'm better than you, Stilton!

Geronimo:Like that's gonna-

Sally:I am talking!

At that point, Geronimo had had enough of Sally.


Sally was taken aback by this. Geronimo had rarely shown this level of anger.

Geronimo:You've lied, manipulated, framed, and caused my family so much trouble. How we let you off after so many times, I'll never know. And on top of that, you hired villains, caused destruction, and drugged my nephew, just so you could get a good story? You know my company is more successful than yours despite being smaller? It's because we tell the truth, we help people. You know what you are, Sally? You are a spoiled, attention hungry brat who thinks that she can get away with anything.

Diane:Has he ever gotten this mad?

Thea:Guess he hit his breaking point with Sally.

Sally grinned

Sally:You think what you did will make a difference? When you have money like me, anything can practically disappear.

Simon:Boss, maybe we should still run for now?

Sally:I suppose so.

Sally and Simon tried to escape, but they were blocked by Carmelita Fox and Arnold Wolf.

Wolf:We also called my father and Ms.Fox. They work at Interpol, and they've had their eyes on you for quite some time now.

Sally:Wha-j-bu-for what?!

Arnold:With how much you've try sweeping under the rug, you should have guessed a higher authority would've caught up to you.

Carmelita:Sally Rasmussen and Simon Squealer, you are under arrest for conspiring with criminals, endangerment of the public, and destruction of property.

The two were cuffed.

Sally:What?! You can't do this! I'm the head of The Daily Rat!

Arnold:And that makes what you did legal, why?

Geronimo:You know, I eagerly awaited the day where Sally got what was coming to her, and here we are

They were loaded into the police van.

Simon:Wait! It was all her idea, I had nothing to do with-

He was cut off by Arnold slamming the door in his face.

Arnold:Tell it to the judge.

Thea:Won't she just bail herself out?

Diane:Knowing Carm, she's probably going to make sure she never sees the outside of the cell.

Geronimo sighed in relief.

Geronimo:You know, after all this time of Sally giving my family grief, I'm so happy to see her finally get her comeuppance...

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