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Ethan seemed on edge, and his friends took notice.

Julie:What's gotten you on edge? grandparents and my uncle are coming for a visit.

Issac:So whats the issue?

Ethan:My grandparents have let the whole thing between my parents go and my dad has grown on them. My uncle on the other hand...still hasn't exactly forgiven my dad. Like my mom, he's also a brutal cop. I'm just really hoping things don't escalate too badly.

Julie:Would you mind if we tagged along? Maybe to calm your nerves.

Ethan:Much appreciated.

Hyena accompanied Julie and her friends, along with Sly and Carmelita.

Hyena:You guys sure about this?

Julie:We're just here to help Ethan get through this.

After waiting for a while, Ethan's grandparents, came out. There was his grandpa, Alejandro,

And his Grandma, Catherine.

Ethan hugged his grandparents.

Alejandro:How's our favorite grandson?

Ethan:I'm your only grandson, abuelo.

His grandparents then hugged Carmelita tight.

Carmelita:Mama, Papa, you're crushing me again.

They let go. Catherine and Alejandro walked up to Sly, who seemed a little nervous. However, Alejandro gave Sly a pat on the back.

Alejandro:Trust you've been well, Cooper?

Sly:Yeah. Honestly, this a bit of relief.

Catherine:We've been able to move past the well, past. Which is...more than we can say for others.

Just then, Ethan's Uncle came down from the plane.

He did not look happy to see Sly, or Ethan

Ethan:Hey...Uncle have you been?

Diego just scowled. He glared at Sly.

Diego:If you trying anything funny with my sister, I will not hold back.

He then walked away.

Hyena:I take it he hasn't let the past go?

Catherine:*Sigh* We've been trying to get him to move past what Sly did, but he just won't budge.

Issac:I really hope this doesn't escalate.

However, unknown to anyone, the flight had two unpleasant stowaways...

Alejandro:I'm surprised how friendly looking LA is.


Catherine:Part of me wants to see my grandson in action. I've heard of the many foes you go up against.

Diego was a little confused, and a little angry.

Diego:You let your son fight criminals?!

Ethan:Yeah. Didn't Mom tell you that?

Diego glared at his sister.

Carmelita:Oh, like you never played Sheriff when you were a kid.

Diego rolled his eyes

Just then, the alarm in a jewelry store went off.

Julie:Duty calls.

They entered the jewelry store, though all the lights were off.

Julie:Alrighty, come out, come out, where ever you are.

Ethan:Surrender peacefully, and you won't get hurt.

No response.

Ethan:Fine, do this the hard way. We got some spectators for this fight.

Just then, they heard what sounded like slithering. Then-

Issac:Aki, behind you!

He tackled her out of the way before the figure striked. The group couldn't make out who the opponent was due to the lack of light. The most that they could make out was that they were a snake of some kind.

Issac:You're new in town

???:You could say that.

Julie:So who are you?

???:Let's just say for now...we're old friends of Diego's.

Ethan:Oh, I see. Well then, this sho...wait, did you say we?

Julie then felt something on her neck. She then felt someone whisper in her ear.


Shivers ran  up her spine.

???:If you know what's good for you, I suggest you and your friends stay out of this...


The two villains noticed her. They managed to slip away into one of the air vents. Carmelita  tried firing, but ended up missing.

Catherine:Are you four alright?

Ethan:For the most part.

Julie:I'll buzz Webs. Have her see if she has anything on our new playmates.

As she was calling, Diego began arguing with Carmelita.

Carmelita:Do not tell me how to raise my son!

Diego:I'm honestly not surprised he like this, given who his father is.

Sly butted into the conversation.

Sly:Is that supposed to mean something?

Diego:I'm really surprised my sister is letting you raise him, considering what you ditched her all those years ago!

Sly:I admit, what I did to Carm was terrible, but I'm not that kind of person. Besides, I didn't even know she was pregnant. I'm making up for it now

Diego:You didn't even know your son existed until recently!

Alejandro:Diego! That's enough!

Diego stopped.

Alejandro:There are more important things to deal with.

Diego grumbled off. Julie decided to try and talk to him.

Julie:You know, your sister is gonna hate your guts if you keep acting like that.

Diego scoffed.

Julie:Look, I get it. You care about your sister, and you want to protect her. And I get what Sly did to her was scummy. But the key word there being "did". He's regretted that for ages, and has been working endlessly to make up for it.

Diego:What do you know about that sort of thing?

Julie:Because my family went through something like this too!

Diego was a little surprised.


Julie sighed.

Julie:When I first met my uncle, my Dad's brother, he was acting the exact same way you are. Constantly dwelling on the past. Focusing on back then than the here now. From what my Mom told me, they were at each other's throats. But, they eventually talked things out, and made amends. Trust me when I say, I think you should do the same.

Her words seemed to have gotten through to Diego. Just then, Julie's phone rang. It was Tarantula.

Julie:Webs, any I.D on our new playmates?

Tarantula:Yeah, and let me tell you. They have quite the resumes. They're actually a husband and wife pair of crooks named Antonio and Francesca Hernandaz. Or as they go on the streets, Behemoth and Zaina. Behemoth's the muscle, with him being a huge anaconda. And Zaina's the brains, with her being a coral snake and therefor smaller.

Julie:Quite the nasty pair, huh?

Tarantula:You have no idea. They've had quite the number of successful heists under their belts. But here's the weird thing:They've mostly stuck to Columbia, so what are they doing here in the states?

Diego:Wait, Behemoth and Zaina?

Julie:Friends of yours?

Diego:I've captured them numerous times. They've hated me for ages.

Julie:So they break out of jail, follow you, sneak onto a plane, and hitch a ride to the states, just to get you? Man, they must really hate your guts.

Diego:You have no idea.

She told her friends the situation.

Ethan:So we have two snakes with a serious vendetta against my family running around? Oh boy...

Aki:Since they hate your uncle, I think it's a safe bet they might come after you.

Ethan:If they do,

He pulled out his cane.

Ethan: I'll be ready.

They began look around for the two snakes.

Aki:Where do two snakes hide?

Ethan:Who knows. Just keep your eyes peeled.

Unknown to them, Behemoth and Zara were waiting in hiding in a trash can. When Julie took a look, Behemoth pounced. Julie thankfully jumped out of the way in time. They then got a good look at the two snakes. Behemoth was an enormous anaconda, wearing a black t-shirt and a vest

Zaina was a smaller coral snake. wearing a dark red dress shirt and a Spanish coin necklace.

Julie:Behemoth and Zaina, I presume?

Zaina:You presume correct. I though we made it clear that you should stay out of this little matter.

Julie:Sorry, we don't exactly "stay out" of matters like this.

Ethan:Besides, you mess with anyone in my family, I don't take it kindly to it. you're related to Diego. Well then, this just got interesting. Time for you to do what you do best, me amore.

Behemoth:Give those who are in our way a harsh lesson.

Zaina:You know me so well.

The two kissed. Behemoth charged at the four kids. They managed to fight off the two snakes. Carmelita fired a few shots at Behemoth, though one of the shots ended up hitting Zaina.


He rushed to his wife.

Behemoth:Are you alright?

Zaina:Don't worry, my dear. I will be fine. In the meantime, punish those brats!

Behemoth:Only for you.

They kissed again.

Julie:You know, they may be evil, but the way they care for each other is kinda cute.

Behemoth snarled at the group. He lunged at them, wrapping his tail around Aki's ankle and lifted her to his face.

Behemoth:You know, I've never tried human before. I wonder how you taste.

Aki screamed as she covered her face. Behemoth was about to eat her when Ethan used his cane and put it in Behemoth's mouth.

Ethan:Human isn't on the menu, rat-breath!

Behemoth managed to shake Ethan off and knocks him off.

Behemoth:You know what? Maybe I'll try raccoon-fox!

Ethan tried to fight Behemoth off, but Behemoth swatted his cane out of his hands. Just as he was about to be eaten...

Diego:Get away from my nephew!

Behemoth turned to Diego, who just arrived with the other adults.

Behemoth:Diego. I was wondering when you'd arrive.

Diego:I'm only going to say this once:Get away from my nephew and his friends!

Behemoth:And what if I don't?

Carmelita:We will turn you into a pretzel!

Behemoth chuckled.

Behemoth:I see making empty threats runs in your family.

The two fox siblings growled as the pulled out their stun guns and began firing at him.

Diego:Just like when we were kids, isn't it?

Carmelita:Even complete with Mom and Dad watching.

However, due to Behemoth being a snake, made it difficult. Julie got an idea. She stomped on the end of Behemoth's tail, then grabbed him by the back of his shirt to hold him still.

Behemoth:Let go of me!

Julie:Fire away!

She let go of Behemoth just before Carmelita and Diego's shots hit him.


Julie then grabbed Behemoth and threw him next to Zaina.

Julie:And that's how we do it in L.A, baby!

She and Ethan chest bumped.

Behemoth:And you wanted to move to America a few years ago.

Zaina:Yeah, it was not as nice as I thought.

The police were called, and the two serpents were arrested. Diego was talking to Sly and Carmelita.

Diego:Look...I'm sorry for being so hostile towards you two. I've given it some thought, and I see now that you aren't the same raccoon you once were.

Sly:All in the past. Now, I wouldn't mind getting to know my new brother in law.

The two began talking to each other. Meanwhile, Zaina and Behemoth were locked up with the other villains.

Behemoth:Looks like we're not the only ones to be locked up by The Bad Guys.

Zaina:At least we are among friends here. *Sigh* Things didn't really out they way I thought it would.

Behemoth:Do not worry, my dear. We will get that little brat and his friends one day. Along with anyone else in our way.

Zaina:Ah. That determination for destroying people is exactly why I fell for you.

They then kissed.

Gigabyte:Oh just screw already!

They heard Gigabyte's comment. They slithered over to him, and Gigabyte swallowed him whole.

Gigabyte:Why do I do this to myself...

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