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Julie was walking with her friends to school, when they noticed a few kids in a small crowd. They saw what was a boy in fancy attire, picking on a smaller girl.

???:You know who my dad is. You know what will happen.

Ethan:What's going on?

Boy:It's Damian Larson.


Girl:Some rich kid. He's been pushing everyone around for ages.

Aki:Why doesn't anyone stand up to him?

Girl:'Cause his Dad, Brock is the head of Al-Bright.

Ethan:That electronics company?

Girl:Yeah. We're terrified that if anybody stand up to him, he'll have his dad ruin our lives. Even the teachers are scared because they don't want to lose their jobs.

Boy:Just try to ignore him.

The trio continued the walk to their classes.

Julie:I really despise kids who use their heritage as shield so they can get away with tormenting people.

Aki:I know right. I mean, look who you guys are related to, I don't see you guys doing things like that.

Ethan:Exactly. Because we're not arrogant jerks who would do that kind of thing.

Damian began bugging the trio, however, none of his usual tricks were penetrating them.

Ethan:If there's anything that puts a smile on my face, its seeing jerks like Damian react to their tactics being ineffective.


Aki's phone soon went off.

Aki:Sorry guys, my Dad wants me to meet him in the parking lot. I got an eye appointment.

She soon left the two.

Ethan:Hey, ever notice that Orca never shows up in person to pick Aki up.

Julie:Do you think he's afraid that she might face harassment if people found out who he was?

Ethan:Wouldn't surprise me.

However, one day, as the two were leaving, they saw Damian cornering Aki. They hid as they overheard what they said

Damian:Now you know what will happen if you say anything. With almost a flick of a wrist, your daddy dearest will be behind bars, where he belongs

He then smugly walked away.

Ethan:What was that about?

Aki:His bullying is starting to get to me. But he said if I told anyone, he'd have his Dad put mine in jail!

Julie growled.

Julie:What are we going to do?

Later on, Hogwild picked Julie up on her bike. She told her what was going on with Damian.

Hogwild:What a brat.

Julie:Tell me about it. How the heck are we going to take him down? For all I know, his Dad's just a big of a butt as he is.

Hogwild:I wouldn't be so sure. I looked this kid up. Apparently, this is the THIRD school he's gone to because he got expelled from the others. From what it says, his father was NOT happy.

Julie:That gives me an idea.

The next day, Damian was picking on yet another kid.

Damian:You're poor little life would be ruined-

He was interrupted by Julie throwing trash at him.

Damian:Who...did that?

Julie:Me! Everyone around here is sick of your attitude, buddy!

Damian:You know who my dad is, right?

Julie:Yeah, and that doesn't mean you can treat people around here like garbage!

???:I could not agree more.

Everyone was surprised to see Orca, who looked furious.

Boy:Is Ralph Orca?

Girl:The Killer Whale?

Boy 2: I haven't heard anything about him in years

Julie:Yes everybody, that is Aki's Dad.

The surrounding students were even more surprised. Aki hugged her father.

Julie:Even though they aren't related, Ralph sees Aki as his daughter.

Ethan:And you have no right to threaten Aki by saying if she tells anybody about what you've been doing, you'd have her Dad arrested.

Julie:It really friggen pushes my buttons that jerks like you, who have their head far up their own butts, think their status means they can get away with this sort of stuff.

Damian started turning red.

Damian:You know what you are, trash panda? You're a joke! A huge joke!

Julie:It's must be tougher for you then. At least plenty of people like jokes!

Everyone started laughing. Damian was really getting annoyed.

Julie:What's wrong Damian? Can't handle someone actually having a spine? Not used to having people talk back to you?

Damian snapped and slapped Julie. Everyone went silent.

Julie:Okay. I wanted to resort this as cleanly as I could, but you asked for it.

Julie picked Damian up and lifted him above her.

Damian:Hey! Hey! What are you doing?!

Julie:Putting you where you belong.

She brought him to an open trash can and threw him in. The other students cheered.

Boy:About time Mr.High and Mighty was taken down a peg.

Wolf was watching from the parking lot.

Wolf:That's my girl.

Damian was really mad now.

Damian:My Dad will ruin all of you! I just have to make a few calls and-


Damian turned as pale as a ghost when heard that voice, he turned to see his father, Brock, who looked furious.

Brock:Son, what is this I've been hearing about you blackmailing a poor girl?


Brock:Damian. How many times have I told you using our family name as an excuse to push others around is wrong? Your status does not mean you can treat others like garbage. This is the last straw. You are going to a strict boarding school, and you are not coming back until you learn how to behave yourself!


Brock began pulling Damian by his ear.

Damian:I'll get you three for this! Mark my words!

Julie:If your going to threaten us, be original at least!

Everyone laughed. Julie joined Wolf in the parking lot.

Wolf:I always enjoy seeing snobs taken down a peg.

Julie:That makes two of us.

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