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Julie noticed there were several kids at her school seeming frustrated.

Julie:Hey what's going on?

Girl:There's been some troll going around hacking people out of their various accounts.

Julie:Oh that. My family has been looking into it.

When Julie got home, she noticed that the rest of her family had also been hacked.

Julie:You guys are having trouble too, huh?

Hyena:You bet.

Julie:Webs, can you do anything about it?

Tarantula:I'm trying to. Whoever we're dealing with is good, I'll give them that.

Julie and Tarantula were downtown trying to figure out what to do.

Julie:Come on, Webs. You're the best hacker I know. You got have some way to track who's doing this.

Tarantula:I don't know, honestly. I look like an armature compared to this guy.

Just then, the alarm for a nearby video game store sounded off.

Julie:We can't catch a break, can we?

They got quite a surprise when they saw who was robbing the store.

Tarantula:Are those...robots?

Indeed. Several dozen robots in various clothing came out.

Out of the group of robots stepped out what look to be human, wearing green and black clothes. He also had high tech goggles.

???:Ms.Raccoon. Talk about timing. And that little pest must be Tarantula.

Tarantula:You're new around these parts.

???:Oh, where are my manners? You can call me Gigabyte.

Julie:I'm gonna take a stab and say you've been behind the recent hackings?

Gigabyte:Bingo. I see you've met my Robo-Hooligans.


Gigabyte:I wanted to stand out, you know? I mean, how many villains have hench-bots like these?

Julie:Fair enough.

The robots pulled out various weapons, such as brass knuckles, metal bats, crowbars, and butterfly knives.

Julie:Oh man...

Gigabyte snapped his fingers and the robots began chasing the two.

Tarantula:Why are you running?

Julie:Webs, there's a difference between bravery, and being stupid!

Julie hid behind a wall, thankfully none of the robots saw her. They later met back up with Gigabyte.

Gigabyte:Has she been dealt with?

Robot:She gave us the slip, but I doubt she'll try again.

Gigabyte:Good enough for me.

He and the robots hopped into the van and drove off.

Julie:You're not getting away that easily.

She contacted the others.

Wolf:Try to follow him without being seen.

Julie managed to do just that. Eventually, they came across an abandoned junkyard.

Julie:Now, we just have to stay out of sight until the others get here.

Tarantula:Uh, Ringtail...

Julie:There's a robot right behind me, isn't there?


Julie turned to see a robot with red clothes and blonde artificial hair.

Robot:'Ello, loves.

He grabbed Julie by the back of her shirt collar and brought the two to Gigabyte.

Gigabyte:Ah, you two again. Allow me to introduce my right hand bot. Unit SP1K3, or Spike as I call him.

Tarantula:Why is he British?

Gigabyte:Eh. I thought it'd make him more intimidating.

Spike:What do you want me to do with our guests, boss?

Gigabyte:Show them to them to fun house.

Julie:That better not mean what I think it means.

Spike brought them to a car crusher.

Spike:You want to know why boss picked an old Junkyard for his hideout?

Julie:It was cheap.

Spike:Well that, and the equipment here could be very useful. Such as getting rid of nosy pests like you two.

He tossed the two in, but Julie held on to the edge.

Spike:Aw. Ain't that cute, you think you can still win. Let's see how well you grip with broken fingers.

He raised his foot, but just as he was about to stomp, an oil drum came out of nowhere and hit him in the face.

Spike:What the duce?!

The other members showed up. Shark helped Julie and Tarantula out of the pit.

Shark:You two alright?

Julie:We're good.

Tarantula:Keep the bots distracted. I have an idea.


Gigabyte:Get them, boys!

The Robo-Hoolagins pulled their weapons and the group began fighting them. Some managing to grab a hold of the weapons and using it against the robots. Tarantula began typing away on her laptop.

Hyena:There's too many!

Piranha:Chica, if you're gonna do something, do it now.

Tarantula:Almost there...Boom!

The robots began shorting out and they then shut off. But a few seconds later, they powered back on.

Julie:Webs, that didn't do anything.

Tarantula:Wait for it...

Within a few seconds, the robots turned to each other and began ripping each other apart.

Gigabyte:Wh-what did you do?!

Tarantula:Oh, I just uploaded a virus which makes your bots rip each other to pieces.

Gigabyte:Grrrr! Spike, rip them apart!

Spike:With pleasure, boss.

Wolf:You guys get Gigabyte. The bucket head is mine.

The other members did so and Wolf began to fight. Though Wolf fought as hard as he could, Spike was harder than he thought. Wolf managed to cause some damage to Spike's arm, but he barely flinched. He snickered at Wolf.

Spike:See, that's one of the benefits about being a machine. When I get damaged, it's just a simple repair job. But when you get damaged, you BLEED.

Wolf had to think of something. He tripped Spike into the car cube crusher. As Spike got up and dusted himself off, he realized he was in the crusher.

Spike:Oh bugger...

The walls and ceiling began closing in. He tried stopping them, but eventually he was crushed. He came out of the crusher in a cube, though he was still functional. Wolf chuckled.

Spike:And I suppose you find this funny.


The others came back with Shark carrying Gigabyte.

Wolf:Releasing everyone of your hacks, NOW!

Gigabyte:Make me!

Piranha pounded his fist on an old truck, leaving a huge dent.

Gigabyte:Okay, okay.

He did so, though he was still angry.

Gigabyte:I don't get it. I'm one of the top hackers in the country, how did you beat me?!

Tarantula:If you were a pro, then how did I upload that virus so easily?

Gigabyte growled. Soon, he and Spike were handed over to the police.

Julie:Looks like you're not such an armature after all, Webs.

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