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Julie was standing outside her school, ready for her first day.

Julie:Well this is one place I wasn't expecting to see again.

While she was a little nervous, she told herself that she'll be fine. When she walked in, a handful of people gave her cold stares, but she was used to it. She went to her locker to unload her things, when a familiar face came up to her and lightly shoved her. It was one of her old bullies, Grace Nathens.

Grace:Well if it isn't the little thief herself.

Julie:Seriously, I just got back an you're already picking on me? Are you really that board?

Grace was actually one of the kids who kept stealing things and blamed Julie for it. Julie was not looking forward to meeting her principal again. However, to her surprise, she saw a different man sitting at his desk.

Man:Ah, you must be Ms.Raccoon. I'm Mr.Wilkonson.

Julie:What happened Mr.Marren?

Wilkonson:Oh yes. We did a little background checking on him. Turns out he had some SERIOUS racial bias problems. Why do you think he expelled you for being a thief without looking into weather you were guilty or not?

Julie:Surprised that never crossed my mind.

During Julie's continuing days at school, she managed to make a handful of friends. Some animals, some human. Grace continued to harass Julie. Thankfully, Julie managed to brush off, much to Grace's annoyance. This continued for a few weeks, until...

Julie was having lunch with her friends when she smelled something burning. She at first thought it was something in the kitchen, however, she saw a few kids point at her and freaking out. She saw that her shirt had been lit on fire. She panicked and rolled on the ground, which thankfully put it out. She then noticed Grace holding a lighter in her hands laughing. Julie decided to teach her a lesson...

Wolf was called in by the principal. When he came in and saw Julie with part of her shirt burned, and Grace having a black eye, he got a pretty good idea what happened.

Wolf:Even though I have a good idea as to what's going on, I think I'll ask anyway. What happened?

Wilkonson:Ms.Grace escalated her bullying and resorted to using a lighter on Julie.

Ms.Nathens:She was just giving that brat what she deserved. (To Wolf) I want that little thief of yours to apologize to my daughter now!

Wolf's eye twitched.

Wolf:Ringtail, can you step outside for a minute?

Julie did so. Wolf growled slightly and glared at Ms.Nathens.

Wolf:Your psycho of a brat HARASSES my daughter since day one, and lights her on fire, which could have killed her or at the least maimed her, and my daughter is the one the wrong? Were you dropped on your head or something?

Wilksonson:My thoughts exactly. Ms.Nathens, your daughter will be suspended for two months.

Ms.Nathens did not take this news well. She started screaming her head off that the principal should be fired and that criminals do not belong in the school. She grabbed Wilkonson and screamed in his face. Wolf sighed and pressure pointed her in the shoulder, knocking her out. Wilkonson called the police and Ms.Nathens was arrested for assault. Wolf drove Julie home.

Wolf:Unbelievable. Her daughter lights you on fire as a joke, and you're the one in the wrong? Entitled pieces of crap.

Julie:Sorry I had to resort to violence, Dad.

Wolf:It was her choice to pick on you and resort to such a stunt. You did that when she took it too far. You were doing well up to that point.

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