Special:Halloween Havoc

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Julie was just getting ready for Halloween with her friends. She was dressed up as a vampire, albeit a male vampire costume.

Julie:I'll be back later, I'm going trick or treating with my friends.

Wolf:Alright. Later, my little blood sucker.

Julie grabbed her pillowcase and waited at the meet up spot with her friends. Aki eventually joined her, in a witch costume.

Julie:Lovely witch costume. Suits you.

Aki:Thanks. Love the cape.

Julie:What can I say, capes are awesome.

Ethan and Isaac soon met up with the two girls. Ethan was dressed up as a werewolf and Isaac was a mad doctor.

Julie:You guys ready for some candy?

Aki, Ethan, and Isaac:YEAH!

Julie:Though before we begin, Isaac, why do you have that stuff?

She was referring to the bag full of smoke bombs, stink bombs, and other pranks.

Isaac:Oh, just in case someone decides to give us a TRICK, instead of a treat.

Julie:Fair point

They went door to door, piling up their massive candy amounts.

Aki:Best. Holiday. EVER!

However, he then noticed someone in a Frankenstein costume, trying to steal another kid's candy!

Isaac:Hey! Drop the candy!

The Frankenstein man didn't listen and continued to try and steal the candy. Julie jumped on his back, managing to get him to drop the candy. The Frankenstein man threw her off, but her friends caught her. She ripped the Frankenstein mask off, and they were quite surprised by who was under it.

Julie:A robo-hooligan?

The robot then ran off. Ethan went to talk to the kid.

Ethan:Why was he trying to take your candy?

Kid:I'm not sure. But I've been seeing several people in costumes like that. They've stolen candy from almost every kid in town.

That made Julie angry.

Julie:When I get my hands on Gigabyte, I am going to make sure he chokes on a lollypop!

Ethan:Even if we do confront him, there's gonna be tons of robots.

Julie:That won't be a problem. We just need some reinforcements...

The four friends made their way to the junkyard. They peaked into the warehouse, and they saw several huge mountains of candy! The robots were dumping the candy they stole onto the piles.

Gigabyte:Ha, like taking candy from babies. Quite literally in this case.

Julie:This. Means. War.

She kicked the door open, startling Gigabyte.

Gigabyte:Oh, you four. Should have figured.

Julie:Really Gigabyte, this is a new low for you. Stealing Halloween candy? Seriously. What are planning on eating all of it.

Gigabyte:Well not all of it. The rest I'm planning to burn. Nothing like making kids cry.

Ethan:You're sick, you know that?

Gigabyte:And I'm assuming you four are here to stop me? Good luck with that.

He snapped his fingers, and a whole swarm of Robo-Hoolagins in Halloween costumes surrounded the four kids.

Julie:We kinda figured that. So we brought a few reinforcements of our own.

She whistled, and a bunch of Halloween kids came in with eggs, toilet paper, and gas grenades. It was mostly a elementary school kids, but there was even a few middle school kids as well.

Gigabyte:Oh...an army of kids...should have guessed.

The kids were armed with paintball guns, eggs, toilet paper, and various gas bombs. Julie gave the signal for the other kids to attack, and soon she and her friends joined in. They robots were being tripped up by toilet paper, shot with paint balls, shoved around. When the dust settled, Only Gigabyte and Spike remained.

Spike:Uh, boss, please tell me you have a plan B.

Gigabyte:Of course I do. I'm not some amature.

He walked over to the side of the warehouse.

Gigabyte:See, there's a project I've been working on. And I can't think of a better day to test him out.

He pulled a lever, and behind a hidden door was a bizarre, Frankenstein-esque monster, with mechanical and animal parts.

Gigabyte:Meet Krakenstein! Heh, you wouldn't believe how much of a pain it was to get the parts for hom

He flipped a switch, and two tesla coils shot electricity into the creature, bringing it to life. The creature growled as it lumbered off its stage.

Gigabyte:IT'S ALIVE!

Julie:We're dead.

Everyone ran out.

Isaac:Whats the plan?

Julie looked around for anything they could use. She then noticed a car shredder.

Julie:I got an idea.

She grabbed a  stink bomb.

Julie:Hey, freakshow!

Krakenstein turned to her.

Julie:Trick or treat!

The bomb exploded right in the monster's face. When it's vision cleared up, it was mad. It roared at her

Julie:You want me, come get me.

She ran towards the shredder, with the large monster following her. Eventually, it had her cornered. It was about to launch one of it's arms at her.

Julie:I wouldn't do that.

The monster shot it's one of its arms at her. But she dodged it, with the arm getting stuck in a car shredder, which began pulling Krakenstein in.

Julie:Told ya. Happy Halloween, freakshow.

Krakenstein:Uh oh.

He was pulled right in and mulched.

The kids turned their attention to Gigabyte and Spike.

Spike:Uh oh.

The army of children mobbed up and pummeled the two villains. Issac walked over to the candy pile and held up a 3 Musketeers

Isaac:Victory, and nougaty goodness ARE OURS!

The children cheered. The police were soon called and Gigabyte and Spike were arrested.

Gigabyte:Remind me to never do this again.


Julie was walking home with her friends when Wolf called her.

Wolf:Hey kiddo, whats this on the news about you guys raiding Gigabyte's lair?

Julie:Let's just say for now, he had a very unhappy Halloween...

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