Life Of Luxury

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Shouto POV:

"Hah? Prada? No way! That was so last season, and you're talking about a celebrity hero here, lady. Listen, by the time my client and I arrive at your store, you better bring out nothing less than Dior. Shouto deserves to be dressed in the best. Got it?" Lani nagged on the phone.

She sat next to me in the Uber and I couldn't stop watching the way her crossed leg continued to tap lazily next to mine. be honest, I really couldn't stop looking. She was wearing another tight skirt, and her legs were bare, and....her high heels looked nice on her. And...

I really couldn't stop looking at her in general. Because, just watching her now while she works, I was...surprised at how different she acted in public. I mean, it shouldn't be that surprising. After the first few times I met her, I realized she had a lot of different sides to her that she used for different situations.

And, um...well, I still don't completely understand the concept. Maybe she has a disorder I don't know about. Like the one where people forget who they are. That's......well, I think that's a disorder, right? If so, I think that would explain a lot about Lani.

But, I guess I'm surprised because these differences within her personality become so much more noticeable with each day we spend together. Her and I, we spend a lot of time alone. And...she treats me a lot different than how she treats other people.

She didn't even give me the time of day as she continued arguing with the woman on the phone—um, the woman who owns the store I believe we're going to now. At the same time, she had her laptop on her lap, and it was satisfying how quickly her black painted nails danced along the keys. I wasn't sure what she was even typing, but I could watch it for a long time.

She had her big black sunglasses on—the same ones she wore the day I first met her, and also the red lipstick that compliments the silvery piercing on her mouth so well. Her lips pursed and she blew a big bubble with the gum in her mouth, quirking a brow of annoyance to the woman on the phone.

The bubble immediately popped and Lani slouched in her chair now, snapping at the Uber driver to...I don't know? Drive faster? Is she unable to speak properly? Maybe she does have a disorder. She should see a doctor about that.

She scoffed at the chatter on the phone, immediately cutting the woman off, "Nuh-uh, uh. You can stop right there. This is the hero commission you're talking to, sweetheart. Make time for this. My client and I will be there in five." She said, immediately tapping the 'end call' button on her phone.

I raised my brows and watched as she tossed her phone to the side, typing faster on her laptop now. Aside from the keyboard tapping, the car was silent. And, while I usually like silence from other people, I find myself feeling....I don't know....impatient (?) that Lani's attention was elsewhere.

I leaned in and watched her more closely now as she continued to type, hoping that she'd look over and see me so close, but she still didn't.

"Can I ask you a question?" I finally found my words, watching her jump a bit when she registered my voice directly next to her face.

She looked at me with quick surprise before snorting in amusement, turning back to her laptop and typing again as she uttered a small, "Shoot."

"Shoot...who?" I asked a bit bewildered.

"Yes, you can ask me a question." She rephrased her sentence casually, continuing to work intensely.

"Do you have a disorder?" The words translated directly from my brain, and now I'm wondering if Midoriya would think that was 'rude.'

But, it seems that was the thing to finally catch Lani's attention because her typing froze, and she looked at me with a chuckle, "Shouto, what?"

"Why are you so mean to people?" I followed up, satisfied when she closed her computer now.

She leaned over my lap to get to her work bag, and....I swallowed too quickly when I felt her...breasts...squishing into my knees as she wrestled to get her computer put away.

"Heh, sweetheart, you can't work in this business and be nice." She said. "Especially not in the hero commission. Being a bitch is part of the job title."

I raised my brows, surprised something so unprofessional was considered a job title. "Really?"

She laughed and straightened out her outfit. Her dress shirt looked...tighter than usual today, hugging around her chest and her waist as she tucked it in cleaner. Her skirt was riding up her thighs, and...oh—now she just caught me looking there. And then, in that moment....she decided not to pull it down.

Instead, her fingers came under my chin and dragged my wandering gaze up to hers, lightly gripping my cheeks between her hand.

"Listen here, handsome." She drawled out, and the name immediately made me feel hot. "It's your job to look pretty, and my job to do the ugly work and fight your battles. So, you just bring in that ladykiller charm of yours and make it worth it. Yeah?"

She gave my cheek a little 'plop' with her hand, and I remember one time Mina did something similar to Eijirou Kirishima and called it tap. So....was that a love tap just now? Or was it an actual smack? But, it was gentle, and it didn't hurt, and I....well...I did...kind it.

I rubbed my cheek gingerly, feeling my stomach fluttering with something weird. "I can send you to prison for that." I uttered of the love tap.

But, I didn't really mean it. I just didn't know what else to say, and—and she laughed. Right now, she just laughed. Oh. Was that funny? It must have been. And I wasn't even trying.

She bit down on her bottom lip and scooted closer to me, wearing a look that made my stomach flutter again as she murmured, "I'll let you put me in handcuffs any day."

"That's a weird thing to allow on a daily basis."


Lani POV:

It wasn't the first time I'd been in such an expensive designer store in the middle of Tokyo, and it certainly wouldn't be the last. It's funny, I know everything there is to know about this place, but the gag of it all? I don't own a single item from here.

This place is where all the young heroes come to get their outfits before big events—and, yeah, I might have totally procrastinated getting an appointment for Shouto to get his tux. Sue me, alright. But, I'm not about to let that be the deal breaker of my promotion.

Shouto followed behind me as we walked into the designer store on Tokyo, and I couldn't help but smirk victoriously at the group of teenage girls we brushed by, hearing them gasp

"Oh my god—is that the hero Shouto?" One of them gawked quietly, repeatedly tapping her friend on the shoulder.

Shouto walked past the group on cue, and even if he was incredibly clueless to the attention, he sure didn't look it. He looked hot as hell, wearing some nice casual clothes and dark sunglasses that made him look like a movie star. And that wind was a paid actor as it ruffled through his hair, making him look even more swoon worthy than usual.

"I think it might be. I follow him on instagram." One of the girls squealed quietly before another one fawned over him.

"He looks just like his pictures!"

Eh, I'd do them one better and say Shouto looks even better in person than he does in his pictures. But, hey, as the photographer? I'm flattered.

Regardless, this was the first time Shouto had been recognized in public. Clearly, what we've been doing is working. And if the hero banquet goes as Yuna planned? Then Shouto will be a household name in no time. He'll surpass me and everyone else.

Just like he's supposed to.

I let out a heavier breath than I meant to as I pulled open the door to the luxury shop, jumping when I felt Shouto's hand come to my waist.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

God, he was so perceptive of me. I felt like I couldn't even blink without him noticing. It was unnerving, but at the same time, it brought stupid butterflies to my stomach that he cared enough to look.

I swallowed down the sickly sweet thoughts and nodded, trying to get back into my hero commission charm as we entered the building. My cutthroat business persona has certainly taken some hits since Shouto came into my life. It's time to get heartless again. For everyone's sake.

The owner of the store—the woman I spoke to on the phone, came out from the back room expectantly, giving Shouto and I a stiff smile as she approached. It's obvious she's still pissed about our phone conversation a few moments ago.

Excuse me for not shedding a few tears for yelling at a pretentious millionaire. I'll be sure to take that one to heart.

Shouto said I was mean, and he's right. He doesn't understand this side of the business and how people get penalized for being nice. It's unfortunate that being a bitch is the only way to get seen, but that's how it is. Considering how soft spoken he is, if one of us isn't assertive, people will take advantage and walk all over him.

"Chinatsu." I greeted the crotchety woman with a fake smile. "So nice of you to make time for Shouto and I on such short notice today."

"Mm." She hummed passive aggressively, crossing her jewelry clad arms. "A shame you came all the way here. We're out of the Dior you requested. Looks like you'll have to try another store."

Shouto formed a small 'oh' from his lips, naively accepting the news with a small bow. He turned around to head for the door before I grabbed his arm and kept him grounded, continuing to burn a smile into the woman.

"That is such a shame." I clicked my tongue with sweet sarcasm. "I guess he'll have to wear something else to the Fresh Heroes Banquet tomorrow—and thank another designer during his speech in front of millions."

Her attitude immediately wiped off her face now before she did a double take at Shouto, doing a full 180 switch at the news. "What—Y-You didn't say he was going to the Fresh Heroes Banquet on the phone. Silly Lani." She laughed nervously now, quickly gripping onto Shouto's arm to keep him here.

See? How quickly these people switch when you've got something to give them. Ugh, they remind me of my mother. Maybe that's why I don't like 'em.

"So silly, right? I guess that part slipped my mind." I chuckled fakely, instantly dropping my smile. "So about that Dior?"

"Right away." The owner bowed deeply, quickly taking off into the back room.

"Oh, and bring out the bottle of champagne, too. With some raspberries." I called out, watching her nod so enthusiastically, I was sure her head might fall off.

Shouto's eyes blinked a bit before he glanced around the store, catching sight of one of the price tags on the mannequin nearby. He didn't seem to bat an eye to such an outrageous price. If anything, he looked pretty desensitized to it. I'm not surprised considering he grew up with Endeavor for a father. He was born into money.

"I'll cover the clothes and alcohol on my card, so don't worry about that." He nodded.

I hummed sweetly, reaching into my wallet with a devious grin. "That's nice of you. But, no need." I pulled out the black and gold card. "Everything we buy here today is all on the hero commission's tab. They cover all the necessities."

Shouto raised a suspicious brow as one of the workers set down champagne in an ice bucket, two golden wine glasses, and a delicate bowl of raspberries and pastries. "Um. Since when is champagne a necessity?" He asked.

I clicked my tongue and popped open the champagne bottle, quickly putting it to my mouth when it began to overflow.

"Mmmm." I hummed, pouring two glasses and topping them with raspberries. "Customer satisfaction is part of necessity. And as a counterpart to the customer, I'm also entitled to that right."

I handed Shouto one of the glasses and he took it, catching sight of the smirk on my face. He mirrored my actions when I took a sip, and I caught sight of his ghosted smile over the rim.

"What?" I chuckled, secretly pleased I was able to amuse him—it's not an easy task.

"You just....well, you just always have an answer for everything." He uttered, taking another sip of the champagne. "And sometimes, I think you don't even believe what you say."

I hummed and snickered as we sipped our champagne together, giving him a little nudge in the shoulder. "You're onto me."

The store owner came back shortly after with a clothes rack filled with expensive suits, placing them in front of Shouto with a grand gesture, "Here's our Dior and Gucci suits. Only the best for our favorite hero." She ass kissed.

I sized up the suits with limited interest on the outside, but truthfully, those solid gold buttons on the one in the front had me salivating from their worth. I could probably buy my entire apartment complex by selling just one of those.

But, this isn't about me, and I gave Shouto a small pat to get moving, pulling the first suit off the rack and handing it to him.

"Alright, go try 'em on, princess. I'll be waiting right here." I nodded, downing the rest of my champagne contently.


The shop owner and I sat in the comfy embroidered chairs as Shouto went to go try on, yet another countless suit of the day, both of us each puffing from our respected cigarettes.

"Your boyfriend's incredibly handsome, Lani." The crotchety woman smirked, lazily dabbing her cigarette in the glass ashtray between us.

I snorted in annoyance at her obvious game. She's fishing for a scandal, and selling one about Japan's upcoming top hero and his publicist would probably earn her more money than what Shouto's suit is probably worth today.

Well, she's shit out of luck. There's nothing to say about Shouto and I. Not a thing...

"Oh, please. I'm not a rookie in this business." I scoffed, blowing the smoke from my mouth in her direction. "I know what you're doing, and he's not my boyfriend."

As if she'd been waiting for that, the shop owner chuckled and rose from her chair, smoothing out her skirt suggestively, "Is that so? Glad to get confirmation. I, on the other hand, am not afraid of a scandal." She grabbed two more suits off the rack and started walking towards the dressing room. "I'll take him these personally."

"Mm. Don't forget to take your walker along the way." I hummed carelessly, watching her seethe. "It'd be a shame for a senior citizen like you to take a tumble."

"You little-" She started before the dressing room door abruptly swung open. "Oh—Shouto! My, my. That suit looks absolutely chic on you! You look incredibly handsome."

Shouto ignored and brushed past the shop owner, gripping the jacket opening at both sides as he came over to me. "Um. What do you think?" He asked.

Taking another hit of my cigarette, I eyed him up and down, raising my brows in lazy admiration. He really does look good. It takes a certain person to pull off a maroon suit, and Shouto seems to pull off every color. But, I think he can do better.

"I don't like it." I shrugged honestly, giving a disapproving scrunch of my nose.

The shop owner made a sound of protest, quickly appearing at Shouto's side, "Her opinion doesn't matter, Shouto. You're the one wearing it-"

"I'd like a different suit." He said immediately, turning towards the woman now.

I had to hold in a laugh as her mouth opened and closed wordlessly, clearly sweating at Shouto's bluntness. "B-But-"

"A different suit, please." He repeated a second time.

And I knew him well enough to know he was just asking normally. But, to any stranger, his tone came off incredibly cold, and borderline rude. Ahhh, yep, I remember those days. I really thought he was quite the asshole before I figured him out.

The shop owner sighed in annoyance and began checking the price tags on the suits, smirking and finding the second most expensive one in her arsenal. "How about this bright red-"

"I kinda like the black." I chimed in with a purse of my lips.

Shouto nodded, turning back to the shop owner with certainty. "I'll take the black one then."

Her jaw dropped in offense, trying to form a comeback before coming up blank. With a groan, she caved and handed Shouto the black suit, face palming tiredly.

Without another word, Shouto was already walking back towards the dressing room, and the shop owner walked the opposite direction towards me—wearing the look of utter defeat. I raised my champagne glass at her in a chastising toast, "That was smooth. I see you two are a happy couple already. Quite the 'scandal' is right, huh?"

She quickly swiped the glass out of my hands and swigged the remaining contents, sulking back in her seat, "No more refills on the champagne for you."

I pursed my lips, attempting to push her buttons more before my phone rang. Furrowing my brows, I pulled it out of my pocket, feeling my heart sink at the caller I.D.


"Excuse me." I uttered, quickly dabbing my cigarette in the ashtray before walking off.

Inhaling a deep breath, I walked towards the back of the store, as far away from the dressing room as I could get, reluctantly answering the phone.

"What?" I retorted rudely.

The person on the other line clicked their tongue, and I could practically hear their smirk as they knew I was already irritated. " "Ouch. Not the greeting I was expecting from my date." Eiichi emphasized the last word. "No fun, you better lighten up tomorrow night."

I practically vomited at the word, crossing my arms in annoyance, "You must be delusional if you think I'd ever be your date to anything ever again."

He huffed through his teeth, finally dropping the pretend nice guy act for his true colors, "Please. You'd be so lucky. I'm the one taking the hit to my social status here by taking you. I think of it like charity work."

"And I think of it like a prison sentence." I bit back sarcastically. "I'm glad we cleared that up. Don't call me again unless it's something useful."

With that, I intended to hang up. But, Eiichi spoke quickly with a way to keep my attention.

"Hold up. I want you to use that cute little brain of yours and think for a moment. We're walking into a building full of heroes—many who are on high alert for sellers of the drug we're gonna be pushing tomorrow night. You think they're not gonna be watching all non-heroes for suspicious behavior?" He asked knowingly.

And my blood froze, because deep down, I knew he had a point. He took my silence as his cue to victory.

"That's what I thought. You and me, we're a team, Lani." He said, causing me to close my eyes in agitation. "It's gonna look weird that I keep going to your side and whispering in your ear if people think we aren't together. You wanna draw more eyes on us? Huh? You wanna get caught?"

At this point, I'd do anything to not get caught. Even if it means reliving the past with this jackass.

"I'm meeting you at the event, and the closest you'll get to being my date is a seat next to me at the dinner table." I grit through my teeth, with Eiichi's chuckle grating in my ears.

"Mmm, I'm getting hot and bothered already. See you there, baby." He mused before I quickly hung up the phone.

Great. It looks like Shouto isn't the only one with a date for tomorrow night. Jesus, what a mess.

I cursed and quickly pocketed my phone, turning around and intending to make the trek all the way back to the dressing room. But, instead, I came face to face with Shouto, immediately panicking and letting my exterior slip.

"Oh—o-oh my god—how much of that did you hear?!" I exclaimed, quickly searching his face for a reaction.

Truly, I had no idea how long he was standing there, but-

"Huh? Hear what?" He furrowed his brows in confusion.

Ah. Thank goodness...

I breathed in relief and hunched over slightly from the rapid beating of my heart, forcing myself to gain composure quickly. I can't look suspicious.

"Nothing. Forget about it." I quickly dismissed before I registered his appearance.

He was wearing the traditional suit I'd picked out for him, and I'd be lying if I said the sight of him didn't take my breath away. He looked so handsome. So mature.

"Wow." I breathed out, speechless for anything else.

He studied my face closely before looking down at his suit, then back up to me, "Um. I can't tell if that means you like it or not."

"I love this one on you." I uttered, instinctively reaching my hands out.

They ran along the expensive material of his suit jacket, before trailing up his chest, and Shouto let me, hovering closer. "You do?" He asked, before my lips became too loose.

"Mhm, you look so hot."


I smiled a bit emptily, carefully straightening out his tie even though it was already fine. "Yeah. If you were my date..." I stopped myself before I said too much.

But, Shouto heard me, and he's never had the sense to leave things unsaid. "If I was your date...?" He prompted a little quieter, clearly wanting me to continue.

But, there's no reason to. It's pointless, and Shouto and I will never be together. We're walking different paths of life, and we even have different dates to the banquet. I need to stop playing games with him. It's not fair.

After pretending to fix his tie, I gave his chest a small pat before reluctantly removing my hands from him, smiling through my weary sigh, "It...doesn't matter. Let's just say that Momo is a lucky woman."

And, for once, Shouto didn't push, simply nodding and looking down towards the ground. Perhaps, he's getting the hint. That only makes it hurt more.

" are you going to be wearing tomorrow?" He asked after a few moments, sounding just a little heavier than usual.

Wait until he finds out I have a date—wait until he finds out who my date is. That's a fight I don't want to deal with right now, we'll cross that bridge tomorrow.

"Not sure. I'll probably fish something out of my closet." I shrugged, looking around the luxury store with a chuckle. "I can't afford anything here."

"Oh." Shouto's eyes immediately lit up, even if the rest of his face remained stoic. "But, is there something you like here? I can buy it for you."

Stress crept up the back of my neck as that sounded like another favor. One I most definitely would not be able to pay back. "Hey, no. I don't want that. Seriously, I'd feel bad, Shouto. Save your money and don't worry about it. Let's get you changed and ring this up." I said, brushing past him to find the shop owner.

But, I was surprised when I felt a grip on my wrist pull me back, looking at Shouto in question.

I could see in his eyes that he was thinking something, waiting patiently as he found his words. "Um. Well then....I think we should...put it on the hero commission's card. If you want to buy something." He suggested, causing my face to seize in shock.

"Do you?" I chuckled musingly, not believing what I was hearing.

"Yes because—you said it's about customer satisfaction...and I wouldn't the customer....if you didn't show up to the event in something you liked." He said.

A slightly devious smirk crossed my face before I walked back over to him, crossing my arms as I asked smugly, "Shouto Todoroki—are you suggesting that we bend the rules right now?"

"Well, I think the rules are still pretty...straight." He reasoned.

I hummed and looked him up and down, simultaneously enjoying his idea and also concerned for it. "Careful, hero. Don't let me become a bad influence on you now."

My words came off teasing, but deep down, I meant them. Even if it's supposed to be my job, I don't want to change Shouto. No, that's the last thing I want to do, and I'd never want him to hit rock bottom with me.

I'd never forgive myself if I ruined him.

And I could see in his eyes that he didn't even register my words, too naive...too trusting as he immediately shook his head and looked at me with all his attention. "You''re not." He said, forcing his gaze not to trail below my nose.

I nodded and turned back towards the shop, holding the black card in my hand with a grin, "Chinatsu, bring out your best dresses."

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