Some Simultaneous Bowels

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A/N: you guys are getting REALLY close to something super exciting! Votes and comments are always appreciated!

Shouto POV:

Time always seemed to move much slower when Lani was away.

It wasn't a nice kind of slow either, like...the sense of peace or bliss. It was....well, it was kind of like watching a really boring movie that you're hoping will end soon, but it never does.

And I also think it's moving even slower than usual due to the circumstances of the night...

"You look distracted, Shouto. Are you looking for something?" Momo asked from next to me.

I remained in my seat at the dinner table, looking towards the hallways every few seconds because that's where the bathrooms were located.

While our table held seven people, Momo and I were currently the only ones here as we waited for the others to arrive. We didn't say much to each other. Actually, in the long minutes we've sat here together, her question just now was the first thing that's been said. was something I didn't really have an answer for, so I didn't say anything. But...

"It's Midoriya, isn't it?" Momo continued after the silence, looking around the venue with me. "He and Bakugo, and Bakugo's publicist are supposed to be sitting at the table with us. The event will be starting in four minutes. I'm not sure why they haven't arrived to their seats yet."

And I guess that might be something to think about, but it wasn't what was currently on my mind. I was thinking about Lani, and how she left for the restroom ages ago. I...I don't think it should be taking this long. The reason I'm really concerned is because The Ex is also gone. I was too distracted to realize what he said when he excused himself just a few seconds after we all sat down, but I realize he said he had to use the restroom as well.

And...doesn't that seem...I don't know, like a coincidence? I suppose it shouldn't be weird if two people's bowels work simultaneously...

But, what if he runs into Lani? What if he's done something to her? Lani did say something about being forced to be here with him—but, then she said she invited him at the same time, which confused me. That doesn't really make sense. Regardless, I just want to make sure she's okay.

I excused myself from the table and from Momo—or, at least, I did the second part in my head, quickly standing up to go towards the bathroom. But, I felt a tight grip to my wrist before I could leave, and the touch felt uncomfortable, causing me to look down at Momo in question.

"Shouto, now that we're settled, there's something I want to ask you." She said, and my mouth moved faster than my brain because I was in a hurry.

"Oh—but....I'm not, 'settled' anymore. I—well, we were sitting here for approximately seventeen minutes, and you didn't say anything. Can we talk about it another time?" I asked, feeling her grip on my wrist get tighter.

"No. It can't wait." She said, and I couldn't read the look on her face.

But, I assume that if it 'can't wait' it is something that classifies as important. So, I sighed and looked towards the hallway that led to the bathrooms one more time before sitting back down reluctantly. Once again, Momo was silent, and that only confused me more. I opened my mouth to ask her if she had a problem speaking before she finally said something.

"Why were you fighting with Lani's date earlier?" She asked. "It''s unlike you to ever get so physical."

The truth was, I didn't really know myself. It's been a long time since I'd really gotten angry about anything. The last time I got angry was when I was fifteen years old, when I first arrived at UA. But, that was back before Midoriya and I became friends.

Aside from dad, it's also been a long time since I haven't liked anyone. Even before Bakugo and I became friends—which he still denies, but his argument isn't plausible—I never disliked him. I thought he yelled a lot, and mostly wondered how all the donkey screaming didn't strain his throat. But, I never thought badly of him.

But, I my opinion, I just really don't like....The Ex.

I can't understand him, and while I usually can't understand most people, I don't like that I can't understand him specifically, if that makes sense. Because my stomach has this feeling of...I don't know, alarm when he's around? It's the same feeling I get when I detain villains at work. It just feels like he's someone I should be watching out for, and how can I do that when I can't understand him?

But, mostly, I don't like the way he looks at Lani.

He always looks at her body before her eyes, and he talks about her in disrespecting ways that make my veins feel hot. He also makes her uncomfortable. She hasn't said so, but I can see it in her body language that she doesn't like him. She always pushes him away when he touches her, and she tries to avoid his attention whenever she can. And...when he made that comment earlier, in the hallway—about..getting intimate with her....the idea of what he said....combined with how I feel about just made me...react in a way I never do.

But, um...I can't really tell Momo all of that. I mean, I can—I'm perfectly capable of doing so. But....I just...don't want to.

"I'm sorry I embarrassed you." I simply said, trying to relate the apology back to the only thing I knew she cared for.

Her image.

I checked out from the conversation with Momo before it even started, and that was all I could manage to get out. To be honest, I was never really checked 'in' with Momo to begin with. Not from the moment we met in high school, and definitely not at the banquet with her as my date.

I was hoping that my apology would be enough, and that I'd be allowed to leave now. But, she didn't say she was satisfied, and she didn't smile. She simply fiddled with the cutlery on her side of the table, swallowing like there was a lump in her throat—she might want to get that checked out.

"I appreciate that. still doesn't answer the question of why." Her voice wavered, and she looked at me closely now.

It was too close, and I found myself instinctively backing up a bit in my seat, furrowing my brows in confusion as to why she was so interested.

"Um, I don't think it's your business." I said genuinely. "It wasn't anything that concerned you, so you don't have to worry."

Her jaw dropped a bit and she scoffed a breath. Now I'm wondering if I offended her. I really don't know why I would have. Who wants to hear about things that don't concern them? I certainly don't.

"Since when do you keep secrets, too?" She uttered, and it was so quiet, I almost wonder if I was supposed to hear it.

But, I responded anyways, because why would she say it if I wasn't supposed to hear it, "Huh? Oh, well it's not a secret. It's just....not related to you." I tried to explain in even simpler terms. "So...I don't think I should share for that reason."

I don't know a lot about Momo, but one thing I know for certain is that, in this moment, she is unhappy. With me. And I feel the same way.

'Why are we doing this?' Is what I wanted to ask her.

We aren't dating anymore, so I'm not even sure what 'this' is supposed to be. But, it feels like this whole thing with Momo isn't over like I want it to be. She still contacts me, and we're here together at the banquet, and her presence is what keeps Lani at such a far distance from me. So...I think...based on all of's a valid question to ask.

But, I didn't get a chance to say it out loud...

"Oi, this red leather's riding up my ass, you bitch!" Bakugo's voice made Momo jump before the two of us looked over.

"That's just the thong. I'd rather be caught dead than have you caught with underwear lines on camera!" A pink haired girl with curls said, looking at Bakugo's backside before giving it a really intense smack.

Oh. He doesn't like it when people touch his backside.

He turned around to face the pink haired girl, curling his teeth like a beaver, "Then get ready to die."

He's not really going to kill her. I learned that with Bakugo very early on. Midoriya always compares him to a dog that always barks but never bites. But, you can't call animal control on Bakugo. I mean, you can, but they won't show up. I know from experience.

"Kacchan!" Midoriya exclaimed, pulling him back as he tried to walk towards the pink haired girl.

I don't think he would have made it very far on his own anyways. Bakugo looks to be having a difficult time walking in those leather pants.

They are very tight.

My dad once sent me an article about how skinny jeans can cut off the circulation to your legs and therefore your brain as well. I didn't believe it at the time because it came from my dad, but seeing Bakugo now, I might have to rethink it. It could hold some credibility.

"Midoriya. Bakugo." Momo suddenly put on a smile, wiping her eyes quickly for some reason. "You're here. Right on time as well."

"Oh, yeah. Sorry we're late!" Midoriya smiled, holding Bakugo back by the arm as he continued to stomp in place. "Well, you know I like to show up punctually early, but Kacchan changed his suit three times!"

"Huh!?" Bakugo turned around—and now I noticed his shirt was unbuttoned all the way past his chest...with a bunch of gold chains hung around his neck—and he was also wearing a cowboy hat? "You think it's funny to tell lies?! You can blame this pinky bitch for that! She dressed me in this bullshit!"

The pink haired girl waved him off as she approached our group, "Red leather brings out the color of your eyes, Katsuki. It's giving Ken from Barbie, okay. You can thank me later when you win hero season."

"Who wears a red suit made of leather!? And did I say you could call me by my first name!?" Bakugo continued to complain.

But, the pink haired girl was looking at me now, and I sat up straighter in confusion, trying to remember if I've seen her before.

"Ahhh, Mr. Shouto Todoroki! We meet again, you charming devil." She said, holding her hand out in front of my lips like I was supposed to, I don't it?

"Devil?" I furrowed my brows, looking at her hand in confusion until she retracted it.

"So, any idea on where my colleague, Lani, is?" The pink haired woman asked, looking around the venue curiously. "Hiding in the bathroom because of her dress? Not everyone can afford designer. She has no reason to be embarrassed."

It was now that Momo joined the conversation, and once again, I'd forgotten she was here, "U-Um, why would Shouto know where Lani is? She's....she's just his publicist." She said.

And, now the pink haired woman's jaw dropped like she knew something I didn't, letting her head fall forward slightly until she was looking at Momo over the rim of her sunglasses.

"Well, this story just got a whole 'lot juicer." She said, quickly sliding into the open space next to Momo and slamming her handbag down on the table hard enough to rattle the cutlery. "I'm Mai Abiko—publicist of Mr. Bakugo and winner of hero season—and, yes, my pink curls are natural!"

"Um, since hero season hasn't ended yet, I don't believe you can make that assumption-" I tried before she continued speaking like I wasn't here.

"And, of course I do my homework!" The woman named Mai exclaimed, grabbing Momo's hand and shaking it for the duration of her next words. "Momo Yaoyorozu, the beautiful hero, model, activist, and newest spokeswoman for Activia Yogurt! It seems you're evidently here at the banquet with Shouto Todoroki as your date? I must say, I'm shocked."

Momo's growing smile at the flattery immediately halted at the last words, glancing between Mai and I with a look I couldn't decipher. "Y-You are? How come?" She asked, sounding....concerned?

The pink haired girl looked right at me now, and I had no idea why, "I don't have enough evidence to tell you why yet." She sounded overly happy. "But, when I do, I'll be sure to let you know. So, anyways, are you two dating?"

I responded with Momo at the same time...


The table stopped talking now, and everyone looked at me, including Momo.

And, now suddenly, I'd forgotten my role for the night. Because I'm distracted by Lani and where she is—and if The Ex was with her. Was...was I supposed to say Momo and I were dating? might ring a bell, but....I didn't care to remember it, because I was too distracted by the fact that I didn't want to come here with Momo in the first place.

Usually, Lani is here in these moments to 'smooth things over' as she calls it. But, she's not here right now, so I guess that makes it rough—and I'm confused, and now I'm worried my answer just got her in trouble somehow with her job.

"I...I mean.....I-I don't know." I tried to correct before the girl with the pink curls laughed.

"Hah! You don't know if you're dating this woman?" She said loud enough for the nearby tables to look at us. "My goodness, Mr. Todoroki. Maybe you do have a sense of humor after all."

"Shouto..." Momo croaked out, attempting to grab my hand before I couldn't take any more.

The chatter in the banquet hall slowly turned to white noise in my ears as I looked towards the hallway once more, still not seeing Lani reappear. I was starting to feel my pulse in my eardrums again, and even the simplest touch of the tablecloth on my knuckles became too overbearing for my senses. I...I....

I need to find Lani.

I abruptly stood up and ignored Momo's pleas this time, immediately scooting out from the table and turning around to walk towards the hallway like I originally planned. But, I ran directly into someone the moment I turned around, seeing Lani's pink irises meet mine in surprise.

And suddenly, my quickening heartbeat began to return to a normal rate, and the chatter in the room didn't seem so daunting. And touching her arms grounded my senses back to reality, not wanting to ever let them go.

"Oh—where were you?" I asked her quietly, quickly assessing her for any damage.

And after seeing a specific person come up behind her, I suppose I should also check her for any violations...

"Don't worry about it, bud." The Ex laughed in a way that seemed so fake. "She's not your date."

He gave me a pat on the shoulder and returned to the table, taking a seat next to Bakugo.

Lani's face scrunched up in same way it does when she gets annoyed as she directed her glare at The Ex. But, then she turned her eyes back on me, and instantly, her features softened.

"Shouto, I'm sorry." She practically whispered, and I could see that she looked troubled.

I looked at her in confusion, only now noticing she was holding a big wad of money in her hand tight enough to make sure people didn't see. I...I'm not even sure I was meant to see. But, I did. And...I don't know why she chose to bring so much money to an event—especially with her fridge so empty. She should be saving that money for groceries.

"Why are you apologizing?" I asked quietly enough so the others wouldn't hear. "You didn't do anything wrong. I was just...worried. Are you hurt?"

"No. Eiichi wasn't even with me, so you don't need to worry about that. We just came back from the bathroom at the same time." She said, unable to look me in the eyes as she cleared her throat. "Let's sit down, it looks like dinner's already started."

She quickly brushed past me and sat in the empty chair at my other side, causing me to sigh and follow her.

The night has only just begun, but I'm already tired.


A/N: you can always read 10+ chaps ahead on patreon. Also letting you know, I included a free preview on patreon of my Lani/shouto bonus smut series if you want to see some spice. Patrons voted on pegging and bondage this month for chap 3, so that's what's coming in June if ur into that. Chaps 1 and 2 are already up and posted on there as well.

See yall soon! <3

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