Chapter 4

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"I was just saying you deserve a reward." Gabriel repeated, "You answered the questions without my help and got a few, that's something to be happy about."

I nodded slowly, mentally slapping myself for thinking so dirty. Just because a guy does that doesn't mean he wants to kiss you. I told myself as I packed my books and stuffed them in my bag.

"So where do you want to go?" Gabriel questioned, standing up and placing his bag over his shoulder. "There's this new pizza place that I've wanted to try in a while."

Heat crept up to the apples of my cheeks at the thought of eating out with him. I smiled widely before reality dawned on me.

I let out a sigh, "I'm sorry Gabriel, I can't. I mean, it's getting pretty late and my grandmother must be worried by now."

It's not like I didn't want to go out with him. I honestly did! But I might do something super embarrassing and he will definitely regret taking me out in the first place.

"That's alright. Maybe some other time." Gabriel said, walking out of the library with me closely behind him. We both strolled towards his car in silence. He got in his car while I stood there with a smile. He had a confused expression on his face, "Aren't you gonna get in?"

"I don't think there is any need for that. My house is just around the corner. Not less than a five minute walk." I replied.

Gabriel shook his head stubbornly , "Let me drop you off, I insist. It's not any sort of stress to me."

"No really, there's no need. I don't want to be a burden."

And that is how it was a back and forth about if he should drop me or not. I honestly didn't want him to drop me off because I didn't want to burden him in any way. Even though he was insisting and telling me I wasn't a burden, I still won.

"Alright, fine!" Gabriel smiled, "You win. I'll see you tomorrow."

He waved goodbye and I did the same. I didn't even realize I was still waving and smiling even when his car was far from sight. Some people walked passed me and stared as if I was crazy.

I began my journey to my house as I walked down the street. I hummed a little tune to myself as I continued my journey, "Don't keep my love on a low low..." I said as I bopped my head. My mind still drifted back to Gabriel and his beautiful smile. The way he speaks with me, it could kill me a million times if I wasn't careful. How I wish every girl could have their perfect someone just like I wish to have mine.

Deep in my thoughts, I felt my phone beep in my pocket. I dug my phone out of my back pocket and stared at the text message my grandma sent me.

Don't forget to get the
groceries on your way back.

"That's what I was forgetting." I whispered to myself as I looked around. I was honestly amazed when I found out that I was standing next to a grocery store. I rummaged through my bag to find the shopping list which she had given me earlier in the day. "The heavens are finally smiling down on me." I smiled to myself as I stepped into the store.

My smile soon turned to a frown as my eyes landed on a certain blue haired cashier, who didn't seem to notice my presence. I spoke too soon. I thought internally as I scurried behind one of the shelves.

I pouted as I grabbed one of the baskets and began to grab all that was on the list. "Lemons, apples, parsley, potatoes, chicken, flour, butter..." I muttered to myself as I grabbed the items off the shelves.

After grabbing all the items on the list, I took a glimpse of the check out and he was still there. I hesitated at first but I gave myself a pep talk.

"He can't kill you because you are in a public place. He can't kill you because you are in a public place." I kept on repeating those words, shuffling to the male before me.

When I reached the check out station, he said in a deep voice, "I'll just check the pri..." His deep brown eyes suddenly met mine as a scowl formed on his lips, "You!" I gave him a nervous smile, "What are you doing here?"

I narrowed my eyes at him as I realized I actually have the upper hand here because I am the customer. And the customer is always right. "Just in case you can't see, I came here to do what any normal person will do in a grocery store." I stated in a matter of fact tone.

His eyes widened a bit at my statement before he smirked, "I see your still running that little mouth of yours."

I scoffed, "You don't know what this little mouth could possibly do to you."

After I said those words, his smirk grew wider. He rested his arms out on the table and leaned towards me and whispered in a low voice, "Then why don't you show me?"

I was really confused at first because I didn't understand what he was insinuating. Not until I looked at it through his own point of view. He is so dirty. A dust of red colored my dark skin as I looked everywhere but him. He bursted out laughing as he began to calculate all that I had in the basket.

I studied his features a bit closer as he did his work. Of course, there was the noticeable electric blue hair and the nose ring he also had. But he also had big beautiful brown eyes, a straight nose, and uneven pink lips. He had a strong and definite jawline and his body had a natural strong build. Then there was the noticeable tattoo which was on his arm.

"Let me know when you are done checking me out so I can tell you the price." I heard his deep voice say, which kinda snapped me out of it.

There was heat in my cheeks cause I was embarrassed about being caught but I quickly covered it up by saying, "You wish."

He chuckled as I handed him the money while he brought out my change. I snatched my bag from him and glared before walking out. "Have a nice day!" I heard him say.

It was just so tempting. I had to reply. "It's evening time, nitwit." I remarked as I sauntered out of the grocery store.

When I arrived at my home, I took out the spare key from my backpack and unlocked the door. "I'm home!" I yelled making my presence known to my grandmother as I strolled into the living room, where I saw her dancing. She turned around to face me, her expression carrying that of joy.

"Brianna! Where is your boyfriend?" She questioned, pausing the video playing on the TV.

I sighed, "Did you hit your head, grandma? You know I've never had a boyfriend." I strolled into the kitchen and placed all the items on the counter.

"But you told me that Gabriel was tutoring you." She rubbed her chin with a confused expression.

"Yes, he was but he isn't my boyfriend."

"Why do I have such a senseless granddaughter? You were supposed to tell him how you feel about him." Grandma said, smacking my head lightly. I understand that she loves me and all but, damn, she is intense sometimes.

I rubbed my head lightly before replying, "I can't tell him that he has a girlfriend for Pete's sake. And I know he'll never leave her for me. Granny, I wouldn't even leave Taylor for me." I let out a sigh, my fingers playing with each other, "She's so perfect....while I'"

My grandma cooed at me before giving me a hug, which I happily accepted. Her hugs are the best. She patted my head softly, "Listen honey, everything you said was perfectly true. I couldn't have said it better myself." I pulled away from the embrace and have her a confused look.

I tsked at her, not satisfied with what she said, "I expected you to say how I am wrong and that I am perfect."

The white haired old woman rolled her brown eyes, "I'm supposed to tell you the truth, not feed you lies. And what you said is true, Taylor is perfect and you are you. The weird imperfect crazy you. And if that hot snack can't see you for who you are then...he can go suck..." I cringed at the hot snack part but my eyes widened when I heard what she wanted to say.

"Grandma!" I scolded, "Where did you hear that word from? What have you been watching?" Granny smiled sheepishly. "That's it. Your bedtime is now 8pm." She visibly pouted as I walked to my room.

My grandma doesn't act like a grandma. At least, not your typical cat loving, wrinkly, sweater knitting grandma. She is actually pretty cool. Always wanting to be young again, so she acts young. She wears skinny jeans, crop tops, short skirts and heels just like a 20 year old. And the honest truth is that, you'll expect her to look strange but she doesn't. She actually looks hot in them. She enjoys dancing and yoga, so her body is way more flexible than a bendy straw.

Later that evening, my granny and I ate dinner together. I cleared up and did the dishes as she watched a drama on TV. "Why are you so dumb?! He obviously loves you!" She yelled in annoyance at the characters who obviously couldn't hear her annoyed cries. After cleaning up the kitchen, we both retired to our bedrooms.

I laid in my bed with a smile as I imagined Gabriel smiling at me again. His canines were pretty sharp, reminding me of a vampire. Even more dreamy. I was basically drooling at this point. I plugged in my phone and rested my head on my pillow, staring at the many boy and girl group posters littered all over my wall. "Good night darlings." I hummed as I felt my eyes grow heavy.

"I want you to run." My father said calmly as the fire spread all over the house. He had pushed me outside while a piece of burning wood fell and blocked his path.

"What about you?" I asked with concern. I could not leave him behind no matter what.

"Brianna, listen to me." My father said with authority. "You have to leave and find help. I will be fine...I prom..."

Before he could finish his sentence, he began to melt as if he was a candle. His skin drooped and pooled on the floor as I let out a scream of fright.

I sat up on my bed breathing heavily. I had that stupid nightmare again. I have been having that dream for years. Sometimes it feels like it's left for good but all of a sudden it's back again. It gets me so worked up and agitated. I grabbed the water bottle beside my bed and drank water in an attempt to calm myself down.

My breathing came back to normal but as I laid still in my bed, I could not fall asleep. I glanced at the alarm clock beside my bed and found out that it was four in the morning.

Fully aware that I will not fall asleep again, I grabbed a small jacket and sneakers, threw it on and climbed out my window to visit the kids' playground nearby.

Whenever I had the nightmares as a kid, grandma always took me there. I found it as my place of solitude. My place of peace. With my hands in my jacket pockets, I strolled over to the swing set but that's when I noticed the swings were moving.

That meant someone was nearby. And it was literally four in the morning! That means no kids would be around. That means there is either a ghost or a thief....or some creepy weirdo in the kids playground at four am.

Hold up. I'm a creepy weirdo at a kids playground around four in the morning. I thought to myself before I suddenly felt someone's hand cover my mouth.

I let out a muffled scream and tried to shove the person off my body but he was too strong. I pushed with all my might when I felt his breath hit my ear as he whispered, "Calm down. It's just me." He let go of me slowly when he was sure I would not scream.

I quickly spun around and was met with beautiful blue eyes staring back at me. My legs suddenly felt like jelly as I tried to speak up. "Gabriel....I...uh..." I slurred but he only furrowed his eyebrows at me and gave me a cute smile, which made my insides melt.

"Are you okay, Brianna?" He questioned, concern lacing his voice.

He said my name. And it sounded so beautiful coming out of his mouth.

I nodded my head vigorously. He pointed at a bench at the corner, "Wanna sit?" I nodded vigorously again.

We both sat down together but I sat a little bit farther away. I kept on reminding myself that he had a girlfriend. I took in a deep breath and calmed my the butterflies in my stomach. "So," I started, "is there a specific reason you are here?"

Gabriel ran his hand through his light chestnut brown hair as I stared in admiration. I wanted to touch his hair so badly. "Same reason as you I guess." He replied with a shrug. The tone in his voice made me concentrate again. He said it nonchalantly. That's when I noticed he was also wearing his pajamas but a hoodie jacket over it. "I came here to seek solitude. To find peace." He explained a bit.

I was about to say something when another voice entered the conversation. The voice seemed authoritative, making flinch when I heard it behind us.

"What are you kids doing here at this hour?"

I have absolutely no excuse. I am really the worst sometimes...I'm so sorry for not publishing. So much has been happening in my life right now.

School and all.

But I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts. You are allowed to throw abuses at me if you want...XD.

This year is almost over so merry Christmas and happy new year in advance.

See you in the next one!💗💗💗

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