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*somewhere else*

Diana is seen arriving at her home, Themyscira. After the encounter with some female warriors trying to kidnap Michael, a young man who has nothing to do with her, other than being friendly and kind to her, she wants to know who's behind this.

After greeting several Amazon warriors, she arrives at the palace where someone is expecting her.

?: Diana. This is an unexpected visit.

It's her mother, Queen of the Amazons, Hippolyta.

Diana: Yes, mother. But, it's very important.

Hippolyta: I know. Come. Tell me as we enter the palace.

Diana nods as she follows her mother inside the palace.

Hippolyta: How is your time as a hero going? I am sure the Outside World is treating you well.

Diana: Yes. But, recently, something came up that I need answers to.

Hippolyta: I'll answer the best I can, my dear.

Diana: So, I was going around, being a hero, when I met this young man.

Hippolyta: Young man?

Diana: Yes. He was kind and gentle, but I can tell he's strong-willed. We met a couple of times and learned about each other. He doesn't know my true identity, though.

Hippolyta: I see. However, what does this young man have to do with you coming here?

Diana: Recently, three female warriors arrived and attempted to abduct him by force. He evaded them but was caught until I saved him. They were strong and fast but were no match for me.

Hippolyta: I see. Did they tell you the reason?

Diana: Yes. One confessed, with the help of the Lasso of Truth, that they were after him to use him against me. As retribution for me killing Ares a century ago.

Hippolyta: What? Retribution for Ares? But... that can't be. Not many of his followers survived after his death.

Diana: I know. But she told me someone of a higher power was after me and was planning to use the young man to take me down. A mistress she means.

Hippolyta: A mistress? Now... when would Ares have someone that would... *realizes* Oh no. Diana. This a serious threat.

Diana: What? What is it, mother?

Hippolyta: You see. Long ago, Ares, unbeknownst to the other Olympians, wanted to destroy Olympus. But, he needed allies, other than his minions. Soon, he sought aid from the Primordials... the Furies.

Diana: *shocked* The Furies? Alecto, Mageara, and Tisiphone?

Hippolyta: Yes. I learned this after Athena told me about his plans after his demise. He agreed with the Goddesses that they would overthrow Zeus together. He even attempted to create a perfect warrior with one of them, but it ended a failure.

Diana: So, the Furies are after me, now?

Hippolyta: Yes. Many believe the influence of the God of War caused their original position of punishing those who sin to be twisted into desiring harm. But, now, after you killed Ares, over a century ago... they want revenge and are looking for ways to do so.

Diana: But... why would they take this long to want to take vengeance on me?

Hippolyta: Seeing how they're most likely targeting that boy you mentioned... I have no doubt they want to use him to lure you in and hurt you.

Diana: No...

Diana was in so much shock by this information.

Diana: He has nothing to do with this.

Hippolyta: He may not, but they wouldn't care as they want him to get vengeance on you.

Diana: ... I need to go back. Michael's in danger.

*back in Connecticut*

Michael is seen in his home, working on updates on updates for his wrestling attire. However, his mind was still thinking about what just happened yesterday: the three female warriors attacking him, Wonder Woman coming to his rescue, and getting a ride back thanks to her.

While he smiled at the thought of Wonder Woman, he was still wondering why those warriors tried to kidnap him. For him, he's a stranger to WW, so why would they target him? He tries to not get too deep into it, but his gut is telling him something will come up.

Soon, he hears the door knocking. He was confused. He doesn't have plans with his friends and sisters right now. So he walks and opens the door. Soon, his eyes widen as he sees someone he recognizes.

Michael: Diana?

Diana smiles as she looks at Michael.

Diana: Hello, Michael. You seemed to be in good shape.

Michael: Uh... thanks? I'm sorry but why are you here? I don't mind, but weren't you going back to London after we saw each other recently?

Diana: Yes. But, I was kinda fond of you so, I wanted to see you again.

Michael: Okay. You don't have to, but I appreciate it.

Diana: Thank you. May I come in?

Michael was calm, but his mind was full of suspicion. He looks around before letting her in. Diana enters and looks around at the neatly done room Michael has.

Diana: This is a nice place. You surely like keeping this clean.

Michael: *closes the door* Yep. I mean, I have to keep this presentable, right?

Diana: Indeed.

Michael was looking at her, making some notes in his mind about her. Not to be a pervert, but he was very suspicious.

Soon, he approaches her and she looks at her with a smirk. He knows that kind of smirk. It reads, "I'll make you mine" and he was familiar with it. His mind was yelling "Red Flag!" with his parents' voices.

Michael: You need anything? A drink? A snack?

Diana: No, but thank you. I just want to see you.

Michael: Oh. Well... I don't know why, but I appreciate it.

Diana: Well... I figured I get to know you more. *approaches him slyly* Seeing as you are quite well known. And very attractive.

Michael raises his brow as he grabs something. Soon, Diana is seen inches away from him, looking at him with a smile. Suddenly, Michael pushes her away and pulls out a Metal Bat.

Michael: You're not Diana.

Diana: What? Michael, this is not-

Michael: I can see the eye color. Diana has some brownish eyes. You're is completely Black.

"Diana" looked shocked as Michael aimed his bat at her.

Michael: Now, I don't threaten women, unless it's Wrestling. But, who are you and why do you look like my friend? Trust me, I just got through with some weird shit yesterday, and I'm not standing here and not fighting.

"Diana" soon began to glare at him as Michael readies his bat.

"Diana": For a mortal, you are quite cunning and Deceptive... but yet you are still a mortal.

Suddenly, she dashes forward and Michael manages to hit a strike with his bat, but it barely makes her flinch. She turned to glare at him as he went for another strike, but she caught him by the throat. She then slams against the wall as Michael tries to break free, but she is too strong.

Suddenly, her body shifts, revealing a different woman Michael had never seen before.

Michael: Who are you?

"Diana": I am Alecto. One of the Furies. A Primordial.

Michael: Alecto? A Goddess? *eyes widen* You're the one that those Bitches after- Argh! *gets choked*

Alecto: Yes, I did. Yet, you are so stubborn to comply and it brought that damn Amazon out to save you. But now, I am taking things into my own hands. You will be a good little mortal and-

Michael: Do you ever shut up?! *sprays Pepper Spray at her*

Alecto yells out as she lets go as Michael quickly runs out through the backyard and he heads to the woods. He wasn't trying to get away, but to make her follow him to prevent anyone from getting hurt. Soon, Michael stops as he takes a breather.

As he goes to run again, something hits his foot, making him stop. He looks down and sees it was some black substance, sticking him on the ground. he tries to pull his foot out but then a much bigger substance flies and hits him, sticking his body on the ground.

Michael grunts as he tries to break free. Suddenly, a foot steps on his hand, making him yell as Alecto stood over him, glaring down at him.

Alecto: I was right. You're cunning and Deceptive. But, this little game ends now.

Michael: *grunts* Like Hell I would be a lap dog for you, Slut!

Alecto growls as she kicks Michael's face, busting him open.

Alecto: I do not need your consent.

(Warning: Nonconsensual)

Alecto goes down and sits on top of Michael. She sits on his lap as Michael looks at her in shock, anger, and fear. Michael tries to push her away, but she grabs his wrists and presses them down.

Michael: Get off me...

Alecto: I said you will be mine. You should feel honored a Goddess will be your first.

Michael struggles as she grabs his face, making him face her as she slowly lowers her face at him. Michael can't move, can't fight back, and is defenseless. He closes his eyes as he shuts his lips, even if it's inevitable.


Alecto was sent flying as Michael gasped for air, relieved she was away from him. Suddenly, he felt someone pulling the substance off him as he looked up and saw his savior.

Wonder Woman: Thank Athena I came in time.

Diana soon pulls the black goo off of Michael. She kneeled over, and Michael immediately sat up and hugged her.

Diana hugs him back, trying to comfort him, as she feels his body shaking against her. She didn't care when his blood got into her body, she cared about trying to calm him down.

Wonder Woman: It's okay, Michael. I'm here.

Michael nodded but kept holding onto her. Suddenly, Alecto appears and she yells out, glaring at the two.

Alecto: You wretched whore!

Wonder Woman glares at her as she holds Michael tightly.

Alecto: Fine. I'll just kill you both myself!

Alecto charges at them as Michael lets go of Diana, and drops down as Diana starts fighting Alecto. Michael looks on as Wonder Woman fights one of the Furies. To his amazement, Diana was able to against Alecto, despite Alecto being a Primordial.

Michael: Woah.

However, Alecto was quick to evade Diana's strikes with her sword, but Diana was smart enough to give several strikes. Soon, Alecto slaps Diana's sword from her hand and gives her backhand. Alecto then grabs her and slams her onto the ground before smacking Diana away.

Michael looks on with worry before he sees Diana's sword nearby. He reaches it and grabs it. He stood up and looked at the Blade, feeling the weight of it. Soon, he stares at Alecto and gets serious.

Soon, Alecto fires the black goo at Diana, sticking her against the tree. Diana struggles to break free until Alecto wraps her hand on her neck.

Alecto: Now, Amazon Harlot. You and your mortal friend will feel the wrath of a Fury. And it will be a proper revenge for what you've done to Ares.

Diana glares defiantly as Alecto goes to give a deadly blow until...

Alecto yells out in pain as Michael comes from out of nowhere and slices her arm off. Gold Blood spurts out as Michael stabs her in the gut before kicking her away. Diana looks on in shock from what she saw as Michael turns to her and starts helping her break free.

He soon uses Diana's sword and cuts through the goo, breaking her free.

Michael: You're alright?

Diana was still speechless that he came to help her and dared to injure a Goddess to save her. Soon, Michael gives her sword back, which snaps her back to reality.

Diana: Thank you, Michael.

Michael gave a smile until they turned and saw Alecto yelling as she glared absolute murder at the pair.

Alecto: Damn Mortal! You have the gull to humiliate me and hurt me like this to save Diana?! Now, I will take pleasure in killing you!

Michael's eyes widen as he turns to Wonder Woman. Soon, he realizes that the woman he considered a friend and the hero next to him are the same person.

Michael: Diana?

Diana gave him a bit of an apologetic look but remained focused on Alecto. Soon, the Fury charges at them, targeting Michael. Soon, Diana steps in front of him.

Diana: Hold onto me!

Michael does so as Diana clashes her bracelets and fires a blast with them.

Michael held onto Diana tight as the blast was very strong. Alecto was sent flying and was knocked out by the blast. It didn't help that her injuries played a part in her being weakened.

After the explosion dies down, Diana wraps her arms around Michael.

Diana: You're not safe here, Michael. I need to take you somewhere safe.

Michael nods as she flies off with Michael in her arms.

*in Themyscira*

Diana lands on a field outside of the city so no one can see she brought a man there. The island is under the watch of the Thunder God, Zeus, so hopefully, Alecto or the other Furies wouldn't find them yet. Michael steps back before immediately sitting down.

Diana quickly kneels over and wraps her hand around his hand.

Diana: Are you alright?

Michael looked at her and nodded, but Diana could tell he was shaken from what happened earlier. Soon, Michael felt drowsy as he lay down and fell unconscious. Diana sat next to him until fatigue won her over and she lay next to Michael.

Things have gone into an unexpected turn for both Diana and Michael. Michael has been brought to the reality Diana lives in. What sort of adventures would take place now that a Goddess is hunting them down?

How's the chapter?

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