Chapter 16

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Rigels summer was definitely different. He spent most of his summer at Malfoy manor ancestral home to the Malfoy Family.

He spent most of his time either in the library, talking with his aunt Narcissa who was surprisingly pleasant or sketching and sewing in his room. he also tried to avoid Draco which was hard considering they were in the same house and their rooms were directly next to each other. he had to listen to Draco and his friends making jokes about his friends. "i cant believe that Granger beat me shes not even a real witch" Draco said to Theodore Nott and Blaise Zabini. "she is a real witch and maybe you should spend more time studying then insulting people" Rigel said to him. that was only one thing on the list of why Rigel hated Draco. Draco made it his mission to make his stay at Malfoy Manor as miserable as possible by doing things like hiding his wand and his clothes. every time he tried to complain to Lucius he simply said. "you probably misplaced them now get out of my sight"

but eventually it was Draco's birthday meaning it was also his but it didn't seem that way. the banner that was put up in the lounge said Happy Birthday Draco. the balloons were all grey green and black. everything about today was about Draco not both Draco and Rigel it was only about Draco. Rigel went up to his room that was big enough to fit both his and Tonks room inside it and saw he had some letters and a couple of parcels.

he opened the first one.

Dear Rigel

Happy Birthday im sorry i cant be there to celebrate it with you but i hope you in joy my present

Love Hermione

Rigel opened the present Hermione sent and saw a book titled Alice Through the looking glass. he had told Hermione that Alice in Wonderland was his favourite book but could never find the sequel book to it. he took another present that seemed to be wrapped badly. he took the note and began to read it.

Dear Rigel

Uh hi its me Ron i just wanted to wish you  happy birthday and i really wish i could spend it with you but at least we will see each other soon and i hope you like my present

Love Ron


Rigel couldn't help but blush at Ron's letter even in writing he was still awkward and cute. he opened the present and saw a picture pf him and Ron from last year. Rigel smiled as he held it in his arms. he heard a knock on the door and quickly hid the picture under his bed. he went and opened it and saw his aunt Narcissa standing their in a pale gold gown. "is something wrong aunt cissy" he asked. "the guests are arriving for the party come down now" she said before leaving. Rigel rolled his eyes. "lets get this over with" he muttered before leaving and heading downstairs.

Rigel was standing by the refreshments drinking watching everyone having a good time his aunt and uncle talking to Draco's friends parents and Draco being followed around by his friends. he was just about ready to head back upstairs and wait till he could go to Ron's until he saw a regal looking elderly couple who looked who were in their early 60s. they began to walk over to him. "hello" the man said. "um hello" Rigel said to them. "you look so much like her" aid the woman who looked on the verge of tears. "do i know you" Rigel asked putting his drink down. "mother father," his aunt Narcissa called. she walked over to them. "when did you two arrive" she asked placing a hand on Rigels shoulder. "you really didnt expect us to miss are grandchildren's birthday did you" the woman replied. "Rigel this is your grandfather and grandmother Cygnus and Druella Black" Narcissa said. Rigel went wide eyed. his aunt Andromeda had told him all sorts of stories about her childhood most of it bad. "its so nice to met you Rigel" Druella said smiling.

"we have waited for this day for a long time" Cygnus said smiling as well. they handed him a  big present. "thank you" he said placing it down beside him. ""im so glad you took him in for the Summer Narcissa we cant have the heir to the house of Black living with a mud blood, a blood traitor and a half blood now can we" Cygnus said. "no of course not father" Narcissa said. "so Rigel how are you enjoying Slytherin" Druella asked. "mother Rigel is in Gryffindor house" Narcissa said. "shame" Cygnus said looking him up and down. "but that just means he has Bellatrixs bravery and loyalty" Narcissa said. "I suppose your right dear" he said to her

"And Rigel has the highest scores on his first year exams and was put into the third years charm class a few weeks into his first year" Narcissa said. "My that is impressive" Druella said smiling. "Yes both your parents would be so proud of you Rigel my boy your already shaping up to be a true credit to both the Black and Lestrange lines" Cygnus said.

"Thank you Grandmother and Grandfather" he said to them with a smile.

As the party continued more people focused on Draco and just as it was time to cut Dracos birthday cake Rigel went back upstairs to his room and looked out his window. I swear I can't wait to leave this place and see aunt Meda,uncle Ted and Tonks again he thought.

He walked over to his bed and took out the picture Ron sent him and I really can't wait to see you again he thought with a smile and hugged the picture to his chest

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