Chapter 20

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a few days after the incident in Diagon alley Rigel returned home to his Aunt Andromeda and Uncle Teds. he was so happy to be home while he liked the Weasleys there was nothing better than being back in your own bed. He spent the rest of the summer at home sketching sewing, reading, and of course writing to Ron it was the day before his second term and his cousin Tonks entered his room. "so Rigel boy how are things going with that boy you told me about the one you kissed you rascal" Tonks said before giggling. "great" Rigel said grinning. "oooo do tell" Tonks said matching his grin. "lets just say we are no longer friends" Rigel said. "you now have a boy friend" Tonks said grinning. "oh yeah" Rigel said.

"Tell me I GOTS TO KNOW" she cried while shaking Rigel by the shoulders. "S-stop and I w-will" he said between shakes. Tonks stopped immediately and prepared to hear who her cousin was dating. "He's not completely comfortable coming out yet and I want to respect that" Rigel said.

"Is it that boy you ignored for a few weeks during your first year" she guessed. "Not telling cousin" Rigel said smirking. Tonks pouted. "Your no fun" she said before leaving the room.

When the time came for Rigel to head back to Hogwarts his aunt and uncle dropped him off at the train stations be hugged him good bye. "Goodbye Rigel enjoy you second year" Andromeda said to Rigel. He hugged them both one last time and headed on to the train. he went and tried to find a compartment. he saw that most of them were already filled with fellow students. "oh cousin" said a familiar annoying voice. he turned and saw his cousin Draco smirking against a compartment door. "What Draco" Rigel said. "me and a couple of friends saw you wondering around like a lost puppy do you want to join us we have the space" Draco asked. Rigel was confused this was probably the first time Draco had done or said anything nice to him. "uh Thank Draco but i think im going to sit with my friends " Rigel said. "im afraid i insist" Draco said before pulling Rigel into the compartment.

"hey get off me" Rigel said shaking his wrist free from Draco's grip. Rigel saw the other occupants of the compartment. Pansy Parkingson who basically clinged to Draco last year. Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle who were basically Draco's body guards. and Blaise Zabini the only intelligent and charming one out of Draco's friends. "whats he doing here" Pansy asked. "Lestrange is going to be sitting with us" Draco said. "but dont worry i hate it just as much as you all" Rigel said sitting in between Pansy an Blaise. "i dont hate it" Blaise said. "i do" Crabbe said, with Pansy, and Goyle nodding in agreement. "relax guys Rigel is like us one of the members of the sacred eight a descendant of the Lestrange and Black families" Draco said. "expect hes a Gryffindor and friends with a poor as dirt Weasley" Pansy said glaring at Rigel. "want to say that again pug face i dare you" Rigel aid glaring at pansy.

well well whats this" said a voice. the group of second years turned to the door and saw Marcus flint from last year standing at the open door. "what are you doing here flint didn't you graduate last year" Rigel asked. "i have to repeat it this year" he said. "shocking" Rigel said. "So why are you all hanging out with a dirty blood traitor" Marcus said looking at Riguel. "hes not a blood traitor hes just confused." Draco said. "oh Malfoy so naive if it looks like a blood traitor and speaks like a blood traitor its probably a blood traitor" he said. "and want to know what i do blood traitors" Marcus said. he grabbed Rigels wrist tight. he made him stand up. "i teach them their place" he said before dragging Rigel out of the compartment. Rigel caught a glimpse and Blaise and Draco looked like the only ones who were concerned about what was about to happen.


Rigel was staggering across the train trying to find one of his friends. eventually he found Hermione and knocked on the door hard. Hermione went and opened it and the minute she did She went wide eyed at the sight of Rigel. he had what looked like a black eye forming a bloody lip and a few bruises on his arms and he seemed to be staggering. "h-help"he said softly before he passed out and fell on the compartment floor.

when Rigel woke up he saw he was in the hospital wing of Hogwarts. "honestly Mr Lestrange the school term hasn't even started and you've already injured yourself" the old witch said to him. it was at that moment Professor McGonagall Head of Gryffindor House, Teacher of Transfiguration and Rigels head had entered along. "good evening Mr Lestrange" she said to him. "hi Professor he said weakly. "you gave us all a right scar thankfully Miss Granger alerted someone on the train of the state you were in"she said to him. "oh" he said. "now Mr Lestrange what happened" she asked. "i feel" he said. "Madam Pomfrey does his injuries sustain that" she asked. Madam Pomfrey turned to them. "absolutely not someone does not get a cut lip and the amount of bruises Mr Lestrange has from simply falling" she said."uh i bruise easily" he said hoping they would believe it.

"Mr Lestrange who did this to you" his head of house asked. "no one" he said sternly. the old which looked at him sadly. she then turned to Madam pomfrey. "how long will he stay here" she asked. "he is free to go now if hes up to it but i strongly he does not stress him self to much" the old witch said. "well then Mr Lestrange go up to your common room im sure your friends are looking forward to see you" she said. "Whats the password" he asked. "wattlebird" she replied. Rigel nodded and left the hospital wing as best he could. when he got their he said the password to the portrait and went in he carefully went up to his dormitory and saw everyone fast asleep.

he slowly got into bed. he heard someone groaning. he saw Ron fast asleep. "R-Rigel" he said sleepy. "where have you been" Ron asked. "i was in the hospital wing" Rigel said. at the mention of that. Ron jumped out of his bed and went over to Rigel. "what happened" Ron asked worried. "nothing i just hurt my self on the train thats all" Ron said. "are you sure" Ron asked. "of course im sure now im going to bed now so goodnight" Rigel said. "well goodnight" Ron said. they both smiled and kissed each other. they hugged each other and went into their separate beds. just as he was about to fall asleep he turned to Ron's sleeping body and whispered "goodnight Ron" he said and welcomed the warm embrace of sleep looking forward for tomorrow.

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