Chapter 23

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October arrived, spreading a damp chill over the grounds and into the castle. Madam Pomfrey,the nurse, was kept busy by a sudden spate of colds among the staff and students. Her Pepper up potion worked instantly, though it left the drinker smoking at the ears for several hours afterward.Ginny Weasley, who had been looking pale, was bullied into taking some by Percy. The steam pouring from under her vivid hair gave the impression that her whole head was on fire. Raindrops the size of bullets thundered on the castle windows for days on end; the lake rose, the flower bedsturned into muddy streams, and Hagrid's pumpkins swelled to the size of garden sheds.

Rigel was in the library studying his charms work when Hermione entered and went over to him. "Can i help you Hermione" Rigel said. "i know" she said. "about what" Rigel asked turning to the next page of his book. "about you and Ron" she said. Rigel looked up from his book. "what about us" he asked. "i saw you two kissing" she said whispering the last bit. Rigel gulped. "have you told anyone" Rigel asked. "no i haven't but i want to know when and why" Hermione said. "before we started second year and as for why its just hard to explain he makes me laugh he has the most adorable smile ive ever seen plus hes sweet ans kind" Rigel said smiling. "does anyone besides me know" Hermione asked. "no Ron would go ballistic" Rigel said. "why" Hermione asked. "hes not comfortable letting people know he likes boys and i respect that so ive told no one" Rigel said. Hermione shook her head. "you dont deserve this" Rigel said. "its complicated Hermione when Ron's ready to come out ill tell people" Rigel said closing his book and leaving the library.


Later that night Rigel was on his way to the great hall. he was invited to Nearly headless nicks death day party but he decided not to go. he was almost at the great hall when he saw Ginny doing something on the wall. he went over to her. "Ginny what are you doing" he asked. she just ignored him and continued to write on the wall. he looked up and saw that she had written in blood THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS HAS BEEN OPENED.ENEMIES OF THE HEIR, BEWARE. "GINNY WHAT ARE YOU DOING" He shouted to her. Suddenly they heard hissing coming from somewhere. "Ginny whats that" Riguel asked. Ginny turned to him grabbed his head and made him look into the puddle next to him. Rigel saw a pair of big yellow eyes the next thing he knew Rigel only saw darkness


it had been a week since Rigel was petrified and Rigel was in the common room crying. "Ronald whats wrong" asked Percy as he came into the common room. Percy saw Ron holding a picture of him and Rigel. "Ronald hes not dead he,ll be unpetrifed soon" Percy said. "then you'll have your best friend back" he said. "HES NOT MY BEST FRIEND" Ron shouted before quickly covering his mouth. "what do you mean your not best friends" Percy asked. Ron looked down at his feet. "hes not my best friend hes,hes more than that Percy" Ron said. Percy went wide eyed realising what Ron was saying. "when did this start" Percy asked looking at his youngest brother in disgust. "in summer" Ron muttered trying to avoid his brothers gaze. "no no it cant be you and Lestrange" he said disgusted.

"its true" Ron said. "no this is some kind of sick twisted joke you are not" Percy said before being interrupted. "YES I AM PERCY IM GAY AND RIGEL LESTRANGE IS MY BOYFRIEND" he shouted with more tears leaving his eyes. Percy just shook his head. "you are simply confused and until you realise it you are no longer my brother queer" Percy said before leaving. as he let Ron cried more and more until he eventually fell asleep in the common room.


Ron was in the boys bath room holding a small knife in his hand debating if he should do this or not. Rigel was the one person who accepted Ron for who he was and now he was basically a statue. Percy hadn't spoken to him in weeks and avoided Ron at all costs. he was glad Percy hadn't told anyone. Ron was just about to do it when Fred and George entered laughing. he quickly hid the knife behind his back. "oh i-its you two" Ron said. "yeah Ronnikins its us your brothers" Fred said. George noticed Ron's arm shaking and he looked different like something was wrong

"whats that you got behind your back Ron" George asked. "m-nothing" he stuttered. Ron was leaving but his brothers stopped him. "show us" they said. Ron knew they wouldn't let him go until they had seen what he was hiding so he reluctantly showed them the small knife behind his back. Fred took the knife. "why do you have this" Fred asked confused. George went wide eyed in realising what Ron had intended to do;. "Ron you better not have been about to do what i think you were going to do" George said serious. Ron looked away ashamed. it took a minute but Fred had finally realised what George had figured out. "answer him Ron" Fred demanded. Ron nodded a little. George and Fred did not know how to act at this their own little brother feeling the need to cut himself. the two were about to hug him but Ron ran past them and out of the bathroom as fast as his legs could carry him.


Ron was siting at his transfiguration class desk alone looking out the window. "i miss you Rigel" he whispered as a tear left his eye. he banged on the desk out of anger. if he only insisted that Rigel had come with them to the death day party he would be alright. Ron heard something in his desk and lifted up the lid and saw a stray frog that must have been left behind from a lesson. the frog jumped out of Ron's desk and out of the class room. just as Ron was about to close the lid he noticed signatures on it signatures he never noticed before. he was particularly drawn to the one that said N + L he took out the knife he had in his pocket and carved in it two new signatures that said RW+RL as he finished carving it h put the knife back into his pocket and for the first time in a while he smiled

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