Chapter 3

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After a teary eyed good from his aunt and uncle Rigel boarded the Hogwarts Express the train that would take him and everyone else on board to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry where he will spend the next seven years learning and studying about magic and how to control his magic.

Rigel went into a compartment and waved goodbye to his aunt and uncle from the window. He heard a whistle blow and the train took off. He let out a sigh of relaxation and took out one of his books. He heard the door open and turned and saw a boy with pale skin and grey eyes and two fat ugly looking boys. "Can I help you" Rigel asked. "Out this belongs to us" The blonde boy said. "Actually I think the compartment belongs to the train not you" Rigel said. "Clearly you don't know who I am I'm Malfoy Draco Malfoy" the boy said. "And who are the fat apes?" Rigel asked.

"The two boys cracked their knuckles and turned red with anger. "And just who are you" Draco asked. "Lestrange Rigel Lestrange as in Bellatrix and Rodulphus Lestrange" Rigel said. Draco went wide eyed and went paler as did the two other boys expect they looked scared Draco just looked surprised.

"Fine I'll go but I'd close your mouths in case a pixie flys in" Rigel said picking up his bag and leaving. Rigel left the compartment and turned a corner where he bumped into a ginger haired boy. "Oww" both boys said as they fell to the ground. "Mind watching were your going" the ginger haired boy said to him. "Excuse me but you bumped into me" Rigel said. "Whatever" the boy said standing up. He offered Rigel his hand. Rigel took it and the boy helped him up. "I'm Ron by the way Ron Weasley" The ginger boy said. "Hi I'm Rigel Lestrange" Rigel said.

Ron went wide eyed. "That's got to be a new record another person scared of me" Rigel said. "I'm I'm not scared of you" Ron said. "Oh yeah then why are you wide eyed" Rigel asked crossing his arms. "Um just surprised they had a kid" Ron said. "Uh you know your a terrrible liar but got to admit that's a nice break" Rigel said smiling. Ron giggled a little bit.

"That wasn't a joke I was being serious" Rigel said. "I know" Ron said smiling. "So lestrange What are you doing out here" Ron asked. " I got kicked out of my compartment by a Malfoy and his monkey sidekicks" Rigel said. Ron started laughing. "I'm sorry I'm sorry" Ron said wiping away a tear.

Rigel giggled at the Weasley boy. "So uh want to find a compartment with me" Ron said. "Maybe later I have to go get changed" Rigel said. "See yeah Ronny boy" Rigel said leaving to get changed. "Bye" Ron said waving with a slight blush in his cheeks.


After Rigel got changed he decided to try and look for that Ron boy.

He went into a compartment and saw three boys. Two of them were obviously identical twins and the other one had dark skin and hair. Rigel went in. "Hey have you guys seen a boy called Ron Weasley" Rigel asked. The twin boys turned to him. "Why what did he do" One asked. "Nothing I was just wondering where he was" Rigel asked. "Well sorry we don't know where our wittle brother is" the other one said. "Ron's your brothers" he said. "yep I'm George" one said. "And I'm fred" the other one said. "And I'm Lee" the other boy said. "Ok well I guess I better keep looking for him see ya" Rigel said. Just as he was about to leave George stopped him. "A A A you know who we are little boy tell us who you are" George said.

Rigel smirked. "Even if it scares you" Rigel said. "Especially if it scares us" Fred said. "My name is Rigel Lestrange" he said. The three boys went wide eyed. "Told ya" Rigel said smirking as he left. He kept looking for Ron and finally found him in a compartment with that boy Harry he met at Diagon ally.

Rigel knocked on the door drawing their attention. Riguel opened the door and went in. "Hey Ronny miss me" Riguel asked. "You two know each other" Harry asked. "Sort if we just met" Rigel said. "But we met right at Diagon Alley" Harry asked. "Yep I'm Rigel Lestrange" Riguel said. "I'm Harry Potter" Harry said.

Rigel went wide eyed. "Oh as in the boy who lived" Rigel asked."Yeah I guess Harry said. "What's wrong" Harry asked. "Oh um it just so happens my parents and my uncle were some of you know who's most loyal followers and because of that they are currently locked up for the rest of their life's" Rigel said laughing nervously. "It's true the Lestranges were some of the worst of his followers in fact when it was their trial Bellatrix Lestrange didn't even deny it my dad said she sounded proud of what she had done" Ron said.

"It's true they were and because of the dark lord I've had to grow up without them" Rigel said looking down. "Oh I'm sorry" Harry said. "Oh it's fine really I know my parents are where they belong" Rigel said getting up. "You know I got to go I'll see you two at hogwarts" Rigel said before leaving.

Harry noticed Ron had a slight blush."Why are you blushing" Harry asked. "I'm im not blushing" Ron said. "Uh huh sure you weren't" Harry said smirking at the ginger haired boy.

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