Chapter 8

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the next day Harry and Ron told Rigel about what they saw last night, a giant three headed dog, a mysterious trap door. "i told you it was a trick" Rigel said as they entered the great hall. "ill take my money now ron" he said holding his hand towards Ron. Ron pouted and handed him the money. Riguel smirked and saw Draco's surprised face at the sight of Ron and Harry. Rigel stuck his tongue out towards him.

"oooo Rigel" said a teasing voice. Rigel turned and saw Fred and Weasley. "we heard the news" George said. "your now in our charm class" Fred said. "yeah thats right" Rigel said. "and no im not letting you two copy off me" Rigel said to the twins. "how did he know what we were going to ask" George asked. Fred shrugged.

Riguel smirked slightly at the twins expression. Rigel sat down and took out his sketch book. "whats that" Ron asked.m "oh nothing" Rigel said. "can i take a look" Ron asked. "if you still want to be considered male no" Rigel said grinning at a pouting Ron. Rigel began drawing he zoned everything out. thats how it usually went when he was drawing.

Ron looked over and saw a image of woman of wavy curly hair that reminded him of Rigel. in fact everything about the image of the woman reminded him of Rigel.

"is that your mother" Ron asked . "not going to say Ron" Rigel said as he finished the picture. he put the book away and stood up. "where are you going" Ron said. "i suddenly lost my appetite" Rigel said leaving the great hall. "what was that about" Harry asked Ron. Ron shrugged. "i dont know" Ron said.m "its coming up" said Neville who had watched the whole scene. "whats coming up" Harry asked. "the anniversary of his parents trial" Neville said. "oh" Ron said looking down. "how do you know the date of Rigels parents trial" Harry asked. "uh no reason" Neville said. "well im sure Rigel will be back to normal tomorrow" Harry said. "i sure hope so" Ron said looking at the doors of the great hall.

but he didn't as the week progressed Rigel got worse and worse. he barely talked to anyone or answered questions in class. he spent most of his time studying in the gryffindor common room. he began to concern everyone even Hermione became concerned when he stopped attending meals. it was like the Rigel everyone had known was gone. finally it was Halloween and Rigel was still as depressed and moody as ever.

He was walking from his charms class when Draco stopped him. "What" Rigel asked annoyed. "What is going on with you" Draco asked. "Nothing I'm fine" Rigel said as he began to walk away. "Is it because of what today is" Draco called.

Rigel went wide eyed and walked back to the blonde haired boy. "What do you think not all of us had the pleasure of having parents that weren't obsessed enough with the Dark Lord to stay out of Azkaban" he said angrily to his cousin and marched away angry.

He went into the Gryffindor common room and collapsed on the couch and began to cry. Not caring if anyone saw him in this moment.

Rigel reached into his pocket and pulled out the picture of his mother he drew. " I miss you mummy" he whispered. he put the picture near his chest and hugged it tight.

Later that Night Rigel was (reluctantly) sitting in the Great Hall for the Halloween feast. Ron basically had to force him to leave Gryffindor Tower. "Come on Rigel cheer up there's spaghetti and meatballs your favorite" Ron said filling Rigels plate. Ron put the plate in front of Rigel and he slowly started to eat.

"There happy" Rigel said as he ate a tiny spoonful of pasta. "I'm not happy but I'll take this as a win tonight" Ron said smugly. Rigel looked around the table and noticed the absence of Hermione . no matter where he looked he couldn't find the bushy haired girl. "uh wheres Hermione" he asked Harry and Ron. both looked away from him. "i i sort of made her cry and shes currently crying in the girls bathroom" Ron sad looking away. "of course you did" Rigel said standing up. "where are you going" Ron asked. "To try and get Hermione out of the girls toilets . Rigel left the great hall and went to the girls toilets he was about to enter the toilets when he smelt something.

it smelt horrible like expired meat and smelly feet mixed together.  he turned around and went wide eyed and pale. eh saw a fully grown mountain troll. he screamed and ran inside locking the door and leaned against it. "R-Rigel what are you doing here" Hermione asked. "we have a problem" Rigel said scared. "what" Hermione asked. suddenly the door exploded sending Riguel flying to the wall. he hit it with a loud thud and fell to the ground covered in wood pieces. the mountain troll entered. "t-that" Riguel said in pain. the last thing Rigel remembered seeing was harry and Ron entering the bathroom before everything went black.


when Rigel woke up he saw that he was on a bed in the hospital wing. he saw that he had bandages wrapped around his wast. "your awake" said Madam Pomfrey . Rigel tried to get up but ended up hissing in pain. "dont get up Mr Lestrange you broke most of your ribs" the old witch said. "h how did i get here" Rigel asked. "Mr Weasley carried you here" she said. Rigel went wide eyed and felt touched. "im afraid your going to have spend a few nights here" Madam Pomfrey said to him. 

"but after that you'll be right as rain again" she said leaving the boy alone. Ron took me here i cant believe it . he thought. it took a while but he began to fall asleep smiling thinking of how Ron Weasley helped save him

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